How to target audience on Instagram

Defining the target audience is the primary task every marketer has to take on to develop an effective Instagram growth strategy. Before you present yourself or your brand in any way, demonstrate your product or services, you need to know exactly who you do it for to cater to the audience, make it resonate with you and want to be a part of your community.

What’s their age, gender, interests? What content do they consider great? Once you answer these and determine your audience, you will need to figure out how to find it on Instagram, engage and grow it. Let’s go over all the ways you can easily find and reach the audience with Combin.

Finding Audience with Hashtags

Hashtags have been the predominant mode of user exploration on Instagram since day one. You can tag your posts with relevant hashtags to boost the discoverability and find interesting publications of others by running a hashtag search on Instagram.

Combin search module works on the same principle, user types a hashtag into the search form and receives Instagram posts tagged under it. The only difference is that with Combin you have a number of other search settings and filters, and can simultaneously target multiple hashtags.

  1. Launch Combin and open the Search tab.
  2. Type in a tag of interest into the Hashtag field. Click the plus icon to add fields for more hashtags to target.
  3. Select the time period at the Posted form to specify when the tagged posts should have been published.
  4. Set the range of Likes and Comments count that the found posts should fit in. This way you can specifically target the hottest content, mildly popular publications or overlooked posts.
  5. Enable the Advanced Filters and Analysis functionality to automatically sift irrelevant users out and specify Language, Gender and audience size (Followers and Followings count) of the accounts that published the tagged posts.
  6. Click the Find button. Once the search results are loaded, you can select some or all and attract attention to your account by liking and commenting on the posts, and following the publication’s authors.

Finding Audiences Within Specific Locations

Targeting people geographically nearby is a surefire way to attract more foot traffic and drive sales for local businesses. Combin allows performing location based targeting by one and multiple places at the same time, finding all posts tagged within the location on Instagram.

  1. Launch Combin and open the Search tab.
  2. Type in a place of interest into the Location field. Click the plus icon to add fields for more locations to target.

    Other than typing the place name, you can use Combin interactive map to define the search area radius and target specific establishments located within. Click the map icon next to the Location field and follow the instructions.

  3. Select the time period at the Posted form to specify when the tagged posts should have been published.
  4. Set the range of Likes and Comments count that the found posts should fit in. This way you can specifically target the hottest content, mildly popular publications or overlooked posts.
  5. Enable the Advanced Filters and Analysis functionality to automatically sift irrelevant users out and specify Language, Gender and audience size (Followers and Followings count) of the accounts that published the tagged posts.

Combining Hashtags and Locations

Reach niche communities and increase local awareness by targeting with hashtag + location combinations. Combin also allows combining multiple hashtags with multiple places, saving time from running the searches one by one.

In order to combine relevant hashtags with locations, open the Search tab and fill in both Hashtag and Location fields and select other search parameters as described above.

Targeting Accounts that Engaged with Specific Users

Keeping an eye on competitors’ business is one of the keys to success on any platform, Instagram included. Besides getting ideas for further brand development and engaging content from your Instagram account’s competitors, you can also find and attract their audience. Or any other Instagram account’s audience, including yours. Combin lets you target all — followings, followers, likers and commenters of any public or accessible Instagram account.

  1. Launch Combin and open the Search tab.
  2. Select the Users search type at the top of the application window.
  3. Click the Search by field and specify whether you want to find Followings, Followers, Likers or Commenters.
  4. Enter the account username into the User field.
  5. Enable the Advanced Filters and Analysis functionality to automatically sift irrelevant users out and specify the preferable Language, Gender and Followers/Followings count of the accounts that engaged with Instagram user you selected.

Targeting Accounts that Engaged with Specific Posts

Instagram accounts that already engage with your content or publications of your competitors, are likely to become the foundation of your brand’s loyal audience. They are already interested and active, all you need to do is single these accounts out and reach out to them. Here’s how to find them:

Open the Search tab.

Select the Users search type at the top of the application window.

Click the Search by field and pick either Likers or Commenters from the menu.

Paste in the link to the Instagram post into the of Post field.

Enable the Advanced Filters and Analysis functionality to automatically sift irrelevant users out and specify the preferable Language, Gender and Followers/Followings count of the accounts that engaged with the post.

Can you target specific audience on Instagram?

4. Targeting: Instagram ads uses Facebook's advertising system, which has probably the most powerful targeting ability. You can specify your target audience's location, demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. You can even target people who have bought from you or interacted with you and others like them.

What is the best target audience for Instagram?

The Instagram demographic shows that younger generations tend to use the platform more than older generations. 71% of IG users are below 35 years old and only 16% are 35-44 years old. In the United States, 75% are between ages 18 and 24 years old, and 57% of US adult users are 25 and 29 years old.