Menurut sejarah kapan pencatatan transaksi sudah dilaksanakan secara sistematis


Apa manfaat manajemen sdm bagi sebuah organisasi jelaskan dan berikan contoh

1. Jelaskan evolusi manajemen strategis pemerintahan 2. Bagaimana peranan kepemimpinan dalam implementasi strategi dalam pemerintahan? 3. Lakukan ev … aluasi kinerja pemerintahan dari berbagai perspektif (pilih salah satu perspektif yang Anda kuasai dari lima perspektif yaitu politik/ekonomi/hukum/social budaya/pertahanan keamanan).

1 Dari suatu wadah yang berisi 3 bola Merah dan 2 bola Putih. Dari wadah tersebut 2 bola diambil sekaligus. Misalkan X adalah variabel acak yang meny … atakan banyaknya bola Putih yang terambil. Pertanyaan: a) Tentukan nilai-nilai dari variabel acak X! b) Tentukan distribusi peluang X! c) Hitunglah nilai harapan atau mean dari X! 2 Dalam sampel acak sebanyak 150 mahasiswa dari salah satu universitas terbesar di Indonesia terdapat 55 perempuan. Pertanyaan: a) Tentukan penduga proporsi mahasiswi di universitas tersebut! b) Tentukan selang kepercayaan 90% bagi proporsi mahasiswi di universitas tersebut! c) Berapa ukuran (besar) sampel yang diperlukan bila ingin percaya 90% dugaan proporsi berbeda kurang dari 0,05 dari proporsi sesungguhnya?

Pada lingkup perekonomian suatu negara, diketahui bahwa besarnya konsumsi agregatif per tahun pada saat pendapatan nasional sebesar nol (tidak ada) ad … alah sebesar 20 milyar satuan uang. Apabila pada suatu saat terjadi kenaikan pada pendapatan nasional, maka dari kenaikan pendapatan tersebut sebanyak 80% habis terpakai untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi. Jika dalam lingkup perekonomian tersebut ada investasi yang bersifat otonom sebesar 5 milyar satuan uang, maka: a. Tentukan fungsi agregatif dari konsumsi (C) dan tabungan (S) ! b. Hitunglah berapa besarnya nilai dari: 1. Pendapatan nasional pada saat impas (YM). 2. Pendapatan nasional pada saat ekuilibrium (YE), juga konsumsi (C) dan tabungan (S) !

1 Kontak lintas budaya dapat berlanjut ke tahap komunikasi lintas budaya, apabila pihak-pihak yang terlibat kontak melakukan komunikasi satu sama lai … n. Komunikasi lintas budaya terjadi ketika dua orang dari budaya yang berbeda terlibat dalam sebuah proses komunikasi. Sebutkan dan jelaskan 2 (dua) tipe komunikasi lintas budaya! 2 Dalam konteks pariwisata, persepsi juga memiliki peranan dalam membantu masyarakat lokal dalam menerima wisatawan. Stereotip tertentu yang berkembang di masyarakat terhadap wisatawan dapat berpengaruh secara positif dalam membangun interaksi lintas budaya antar wisatawan-tuan rumah. Berikan contoh peranan persepsi dalam membantu masyarakat lokal (di kota anda) dalam menerima wisatawan! 3 Pada saat individu masih belum bergabung dengan masyarakatnya, kebudayaan pada dasarnya adalah sebuah entitas di luar diri individu, sehingga diperlukan sebuah upaya agar kebudayaan tersebut menjadi bagian dari dirinya. Jelaskan maksud pernyataan tersebut!

1 a. Jelaskan pengertian persediaan b. Jelaskan jenis-jenis persediaan pada perusahaan industry 2 a. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan nilai majemuk … b. Tuliskan formulasi untuk menghitung bunga majemuk dan jelaskan setiap komponennya c. Jika A menginvestasikan Rp10.000,00 dalam bentuk saham dan surat-surat berharga yang memberikan bunga 12% per tahun, hitunglah jumlah uang pada akhir tahun pertama dengan menggunakan rumus tersebut. 3 a. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan obligasi b. Jika sebuah obligasi dengan nilai nominal Rp10.000,00 mempunyai harga pasar Rp9.000,00, serta mempunyai umur 5 tahun. Bunga obligasi tersebut adalah 12% per tahun. Hitunglah rate of returnnya apabila obligasi tersebut akan dipertahankan sampai jatuh tempo. Gunakan rumus pendek untuk menghitungnya.

1. More sumo wrestlers test positive for COVID-19 as two more stables pull out of New Year Basho A ceremony is held without sumo wrestlers at Ryogo … ku Kokugikan to pray for their health and safety during the coronavirus state of emergency on Saturday, a day before the 15-day New Year Grand Sumo Tournament begins. The Japan Sumo Association said Saturday five wrestlers who tested positive for COVID-19, will miss the New Year Grand Sumo Tournament. Besides, the two stables they belong to, will not be allowed to join the tournament due to the reason. The tournament itself, will start Sunday. Four Kokonoe stable wrestlers and one from the Tomozuna stable tested positive after 878 wrestlers and stablemasters underwent polymerase chain reaction tests ahead of the 15-day meet at Tokyo’s Ryogoku Kokugikan. A total of four stables will now skip the tournament due to infections among their wrestlers. Chiyoshoma, a Mongolian No. 13 maegashira in the elite makuuchi division, and Chiyootori from the second-tier juryo ranks tested positive alongside two lower-division. Kokonoe stablemates and another lower-ranked wrestler from the Tomozuna stable. Mongolian-born yokozuna Hakuho’s Miyagino stable will also miss the meet after he tested positive on Tuesday, as will the Arashio stable, which was identified as the site of an infection cluster. Top-division referee Motoki Kimura, affiliated with the Minato stable, also tested positive and will sit out the tournament. Source;Kyodo,January 9, 2021 a. Answer the following questions! 1) What is the name of the Yokuzuna sumo wrestler who will be absent for the tournament? 2) Where will the New Year Grand Sumo tournament be held? b. How many sumo wrestlers will miss the coming tournament? c. The sentence below is based on the paragraph above. Please answer the following question! Besides, the two stables they belong to, will not be allowed to join the tournament due to the reason. The tournament itself, will start Sunday. What does the word “they” refer to? d. What is the main idea of paragraph 2? BING4102 2 dari 2 2. Banks are closely concerned with the flow of money into and out of the economy. They often cooperate with the government in efforts to stabilize economy and to prevent inflation. They are specialists in the business of providing capital and allocating funds on credit. Bank originated as places to which people took their valuable for safekeeping, but today the great banks of the world have many functions in addition to acting as guardians of valuable private possessions. Banks normally receive money from their customers in two distinct forms on current account, and on deposit account. With current account, a customer can issue personal cheques. No interest is paid by the bank on this kind of account. With a deposit account, however, the customer undertakes to leave his money in the bank for a minimum specified period of time. Interest is paid on this money. The bank in turn lends the deposited money to customers who need capital. This activity earns interest for the bank and this interest is almost always at a higher rate than any interest which the bank pays to its depositors. In this way the bank makes its main profits. We can say that the primary function of the bank today is to act as an intermediary between depositors who wish to make interest on their savings, and borrowers who wish to obtain capital. The bank is a reservoir of loanable money, with streams of money, flowing in and out. For this reason, economists and financiers often talk of money being “liquid”, or the “liquidity” of money. Many small sums which might not otherwise be used as capital are rendered useful simply because the bank acts as a reservoir. The system of banking rest upon a basis of trust. Innumerable acts of trust build up the system of which bankers, depositors, and borrowers are part. They all agree to behave in certain predictable ways in relation to each other, and in relation to the rapid fluctuation of credit and debit. Consequently, a business can be done and cheques can be written without any legal tender visibly changing hands. From A Rapid Coure in Englih For students of Economics, by Tom McArthur,OxfordUniversity Press a. The sentences below are based on the paragraph above. Please answer the following question! Banks normally receive money from their customers in two distinct forms on current account, and on deposit account. What does the word “their” refer to? They all agree to behave in certain predictable ways in relation to each other,and in relation to the rapid fluctuation of credit and debit. What does the word “they” refer to ? b. What is the main idea of paragraph two? c. What is the main idea of paragraph four? d. What is the suitable title for the text

1 Isikan soal Tugas yang akan diujikan 1. Sebutkan dan jelaskan bentuk-bentuk interaksi sosial beserta contohnya? Dan bagaimana konsep interaksi dal … am dunia kepariwisataan? 2. Mengapa didalam kelompok masyarakat, tercipta adanya startifikasi sosial? 3. Bagaimana upaya dalam mempertahankan budaya lokal dalam konsep pariwisata berkelanjutan

1 Jelaskan pengertian proses dan program! 2 Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan memori utama! 3 Jelaskan fungsi-fungsi sarana penyimpanan sekunder pada … memori! 4 Jelaskan aktivitas-aktivitas saat sistem operasi memberikan tanggapan terhadap manajemen file!