Soal tentang lagu Mother how are you today

short story start with The ball flew through the air and landed in a tree​

kk tolong bantu jawab ​

translate ke dalam bahasa Inggris saya bangun tidur jam 04.30 pagi saya sarapan jam 06.10 pagi saya berangkat ke sekolah jam 06.30 saya pulang sekolah … jam 12.00 saya sarapan siang jam 13.00 saya tidur siang jam 13.30 saya bangun tidur jam 15.15saya membantu pekerjaan rumah jam 16.10 sampai 16.30 saya mandi jam 17.15 saya makan malam jam 07.00 saya tidur jam 22.30BANTUU KAK/BANG ​

buatlah present tenseDayu was sick yesterday Dayu viiteel the doctor The doctor said dayu got stom achache The doctor Presibed Dayu some medicine Daya … drank the medicine​

tulis 5 peristiwa yang berisi tentang keberuntungan dan keberhasilan ​

tolong buatin percakapan tentang ucapan selamat kepada teman yang mendapat beasiswa dalam bahasa inggris , ada ucapan selamat doa dan harapan​

tolong buatin percakapan tentang ucapan selamat kepada teman yang mendapat beasiswa dalam bahasa inggris , ada ucapan selamat doa dan harapan​

tolong buatin percakapan tentang ucapan selamat kepada teman yang mendapat beasiswa dalam bahasa inggris , ada ucapan selamat doa dan harapan​

Daya was sick yesterday Dayu visteel the Doctor The doctor said aayu, got Stom achache The docter Preseribed Dayy some medisial medicine. Daya drank t … he medicine Stomach:n perwat achensakit Stomchache: Sakit Perut Sick, aaj sakit Sickness:n penyakit : Kata benda oaj: kata Sifat Maybe, mungkin, barangkali in order to adu agar sulaya in Fact: Odk kenyataanya So that: aav Sehingga a enyarares: adj kehilangan cairan + esson. n Pelajar core дра - cared - mempernat сказ релин gern.n kuman bibit penyakit Core Fullod) hati-hati look : V-looked: look → kelihatan, tampak actually : Im Fact: adv : Sesungguhnya TT​


Belajar bahasa Inggris melalui lirik lagu. Inilah kumpulan contoh soal lagu bahasa Inggris beserta jawabannya. Dalam kurikulum 2013, pelajaran bahasa Inggris ada perubahan muatan materi. Pada kurikulum KTSP, materi dengan porsi terbesar ada pada teks naratif. Sementara pada kurikulum 2013 ini materi song mendapatkan jatah alokasi waktu terbanyak. Setiap kelas mendapatkan materi lagu bahasa Inggris ini.

Banyak yang berusaha mendapatkan contoh soal lagu bahasa Inggris ini. Baik contoh soal lagu bahasa Inggris kelas x, atau soal song kelas xi, pun juga dengan soal pilihan ganda lagu bahasa Inggris kelas xii. Umumnya contoh soal lagu itu kita harus mencari sendiri jawabannya, tetapi kesempatan ini, disajikan kumpulan soal lagu beserta jawabannya sebagi media latihan belajara bahasa Inggris baik kelas 10, 11, atau 12

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Lagu Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawabannya

Sebagi salah satu bentuk teks fungsional bahasa Inggris, song juga diberikan dalam bentuk soal pilihan ganda. Berikut adalah contoh variassi soal pilihan ganda bahsasa Inggris.

Contoh Soal Song 1
Songs for A Dying Planet
Song by: Joe Walsh

Is anyone out there? Does anybody listen or care anymore? We are living on a dying planet, We’re killing everything that’s alive, And anyone who tries to deny it

Wears a tie

And gets paid to lie So I wrote these songs for a dying planet, I’m sorry but I’m telling the truth, And for everybody trying to save it These songs are for you, too.

Is anyone out there?

1. What kind of planet are we living now?
A. Dying Planet B. good planet C. beautiful planet D. nice planet

E. lovely planet

2. Who are people who deny that they have killed living things?
A. People who wear a tie and get paid to lie B. People who listen that song C. People who live near the singer D. people who work in the town

E. people who sell tie and T-shirt

3. “And gets paid to lie”. The word “gets paid” means….
A. Receive money for work completed B. Pay someone C. buy with money D. sell with low prices

E. promote completely

4. For whom does the singers wrote that song?
A. For the dying planet B. For people out there C. For people who work hard D. for people who study hard

E. for everything that is a live

5. Why does the singer feel sorry?
A. Because he tells the truth B. Because he does not tell the truth C. Because he lies D. Because he can not speak

E. Because he works on the planet

Contoh Soal Song 2
Demis Roussos: RAIN AND TEARS

Rain and tears all the same But in the sun you’ve to play the game When you cry in winter time You can’t pretend, it’s nothing but the rain How many times I’ve seen Tears coming from your blue eyes Rain and tears all the same But in the sun you’ve got to play the game Give an answer of love I need an answer of love Rain and tears in the sun But in your heart you feel the rain the waves Rain and tears both for shown For in my heart there’ll never be a sun Rain and tears all the same

But in the sun you’ve play the game

6. Which one of the following statements is implied in this song? A. The writer’s lover treats him well.

B. The writer’s lover often expresses her sadness

C. The writer has got his expectation from his lover D. The writer of the song feels sure with his love.

E. The writer feels that his love story will have a happy ending.

7. “Rain and tears both for shown. For in my heart there’ll never be a sun”. The phrase “my heart there’ll never be a sun” means that the writer…. A. will feel sure in his heart

B. will always feel sad

C. will have his heart be with bright life D. will feel so faithless all the time

E. will get very tired all his life

8. The word “rain” in this song refers to ….. A. autumn time B. spring time

C. winter time

D. summer time

E. rainy season time

Contoh Soal Song 3
Viva Forever
Song by: Spice Girls

Do you still remember How we used to be Felling together, believe in whatever My love has said to me Both of us were dreamers Young love in the sun Felt like my savior, my spirit I gave ya

We’d only just begun

Hasta Manana,
Always be mine

[Chorus:] Viva forever, I’ll be waiting Everlasting, like the sun Live forever, For the moment Ever searching for the one Yes I still remember, Every whispered word The touch of your skin, giving life from within Like a love song that I’d heard Slipping through out fingers, Like the sands of time Promise made, every memory saved

Has reflections in my mind

Hasta Manana,
Always be mine

[Chorus] Back where I belong now, Was it just a dream Feelings unfold, they will never be sold

And the secret’s safe with me

Hasta manana, Always be mine

[Chorus x2]

9. What is theme of the song above?
A. Viva Forever B. Dream C. Belonging D. Feeling

E. Greeting

10. What does “Hasta Manana” means?
A. See you tomorrow B. Good bye C. Good morning D. Good afternoon

E. Good luck

11. What was still remembered by the singer?
A. The words whispered to her B. The words in the writing C. The words in the letter D. The words that make the singer happy

E. The words which belong to the singer

12. Does the writer think that the feeling is a dream?
A. Yes, she does B. Yes, she does not C. No, she does not D. No, she does

E. No comments

13. What is represented by the sand of time? A. Promise that have been made >>>> B. Dream that he wants C. Goal which he want to reach D. Target which he tries to get

E. Patch where he is on the way

Contoh Soal Song 4
Song by: Jason Mraz

All day I’ve been inside And I’ve got the feeling I’m trapped between the walls And underneath the ceiling I feel a bit off track And I’m trying to get back Back in the cool, cool air where the sun is shinning Nothing’s going to stop me It’s all in the timing It’s finally again my turn It’s time to return ‘Cause I won’t stay inside no more No more I can’t wait to go Outdoors Well open up your door and be like me Open up your door and then breathe free And look at all the beauty you’ll feel Loved, loved, loved, loved Listen to the music of the wind and the brides sing We’re just one big family And all of nature deserves to be Loved, loved, loved, loved,


So, I won’t stay inside no more No more It can’t wait, I’m sure There’s need to run and hide Let’s go explore

It feels so great let’s go outdoors

(Don’t cha do) Everyone come on come on out there

where the air is fresh and clear

So, I won’t stay inside no more No more It cannot wait

Let’s go out doors

Well, open up your door and be like me
Open up your door and then breathe free

And look at all the beauty and you’ll find
The earth and the sky is yours

So please go, there’s no need, There’s no need to hide inside Let’s go explore This will, this will feel so great

Let’s go outdoors

14. What does the singer want? A. Sleep

B. Go outside

C. Play inside his house D. Live in a sedentary life

E. Live his life

15. What does the writer feel when he’s inside the house?
A. Trapped B. Angry C. Happy D. Excited

E. So so

16. Based on the song above, who sing the song?
A. Birds B. Winds C. Children D. Musicians

E. Trains

17. Who is Jason Mraz?
A. Singer B. Child C. a bird D. a listener

E. a composer

18. What is the message can be found in the text above? A. It is a wasteful time to live your life adventurous

B. It is important to life an adventurous life

C. We must always be inside home D. We must be careful with our wishes

E. We will be a superstar

19. What is the tone of the song above?
A. Happy B. Sad C. Melancholy D. Lazy

E. Melodic

Contoh Soal Song 5
SPRING: A Poetry

In the early part of spring You will hear, many birds sing They are just letting, the rest of us know

Winter is over, spring melted the snow

You will notice, a beautiful scene The trees will slowly, begin to turn green Chipmunks and bunnies will come out and play,

Bears will no longer, sleep during the day

It’s exciting, when spring finally arrives Bees will make honey, inside their hives So much to do, so much to see

Insects and animals are happy and free

20. What is the poetry about? A. School life B. Home C. Love

D. Nature

E. Politics

21. How many stanzas does the poem have? A. One B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

E. Five

22. What is ‘spring, sing, know, snow’ (stanza 3) called? A. Assonance B. Alliteration C. Diction

D. Rhyme

E. Personae

23. The animals told in the poem is, except …. A. Birds B. Bee C. Bears

D. Butterfly

E. Insects

24. What is able to melt the snow?
A. Spring B. Winter C. Trees D. Bunnies

E. Honey

Contoh Soal Song 6
Children of The Sea
Songs by: Black Sabbath

In the misty morning, on the (25)…. of time We’ve lost the (26)…. sun, a final sign As the misty morning (27)…. away to die

Reaching for the stars, we (28)…. the sky

We (29)…. across the air before we learned to fly We thought that it (30)…. never end We’d glide above the ground before we learned to run, run

Now it (31)…. our world has come undone

Oh they (32)…. that it’s over And it (33)…. had to be

We’re (34)…. children of the sea, oh

25. ….
A. Edge B. bottom C. center D. inside

E. interior

26. …. A. ascending B. growing C. increasing D. soaring

E. Rising

27. ….
A. Rolls B. cycle C. gyration D. reel

E. revolution

28. ….
A. Blind B. curtain C. blinker D. cloak

E. mask

29. ….
A. Sailed B. cross C. cruise D. drift

E. float

30. ….
A. Could B. keep C. bottle D. put up

E. may

31. ….
A. Seems B. look C. watch D. know

E. realize

32. ….
A. Say B. speak C. tell D. wish

E. narrate

33. ….
A. Just B. equitable C. aloof D. blameless

E. condign

34. ….
A. Lost B. absent C. hidden D. invisible

E. vanished

Contoh Soal Song 7
Big Yellow Taxi
(Counting Crows feat. Vanessa Carlton)
[Adam Duritz]

They (35)…. paradise and put up a parking lot With a pink hotel, a boutique, and a swingin’ hot spot Don’t it always (36)…. to go That you don’t know what you got ‘til it it’s gone

They paved paradise and put up a parking lot

[Vanessa Carlton] Ooooh, bop bop bop

Ooooh, bop bop bop

[Adam] They took all the trees, and put em (37)…. a tree museum And they (38)…. the people a dollar and a half to see them No, no, no Don’t it always seem to go That you don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone

They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot

[Vanessa Carlton] Ooooh, bop bop bop

Ooooh, bop bop bop

[Adam] Hey farmer, farmer, put away (39)…. DDT I don’t care about spots on my apples, Leave me the birds and the bees Please Don’t it always seem to go That you don’t know what you got ‘till it’s gone They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot Hey now, they paved paradise (40)…. put up a parking lot

Why not?

[Adam, Vanessa] I don’t wanna give it Why you wanna give it Why you wanna giving it all away Hey, hey, hey Now you wanna give it I should wanna give it Now you wanna giving it all away I don’t wanna give it Why you wanna give it Why you wanna giving it all away Hey, hey, hey Now you wanna give it I should wanna give it Cos you giving it all away Hey, hey, givin it all,

givin it all …. Away

(41)…. do you want me?

35. ….. A. pave B. paves

C. paved

D. paving

E. pavement

36. ….. A. See B. sees C. seen D. seeing

E. seem

37. …..
A. in B. on C. at D. under

E. as

38. ….. A. charge B. charges

C. charged

D. charging

E. chagrin

39. ….. A. their B. you

C. your

D. their

E. them

40. …..
A. to B. from C. for D. in

E. at

41. …..
A. why B. where C. When D. what

E. for

Contoh Soal Song 8
Song by: Rob Thomas

All day (42)…. at the celling Making friends with shadows on my wall All night hearing voice telling me That I should (43)…. some sleep Because tomorrow might be good for something Hold on (44)…. like I’m headed for a breakdown And I don’t know why But I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell I know right now you can’t tell But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see

A different side of me

I’m not (45)…., I’m just a little impaired I know right now you don’t care But soon enough you’re gonna (46)…. of me And how I (47)…. be….me I’m talking to myself in public Dodging glances (48)…. the train And I know, I know they’ve all been talking about me I can hear them whisper And it makes me think there must be something wrong with me Out of all the hours thinking

Somehow I’ve lost my mind

42. ….. A. started B. stare C. stares

D. staring

E. starring

43. …..
A. get B. gets C. getting D. got

E. gotten

44. ….. A. feel B. feels C. fallen

D. feelling

E. felt

45. ….. A. same

B. crazy

C. good D. bad

E. sly

56. ….. A. thinking B. thinks

C. think

D. thank

E. thought

47. ….. A. uses B. used

C. used to

D. using

E. use

48. …..
A. in B. on C. at D. under

E. above

Contoh Soal Song 9
Straight Through The Heart
Song by: Dio

Hanging (49)…. the cobwebs in your mind It looks like a long, long way to fall No one ever told me life was kind

I guess I never heard it, never heard it all

Living in a world of make believe I can hide (50)…. what’s real But wearing your emotions on your sleeve

And they all know what you (51)….

And here it comes again Straight through the heart

Straight through the heart

Oh, never (52)…. a secret with your eyes It’s the eyes that let you down Tell a little truth (53)…. many lies

It’s the only way I’ve found

Shout to the wind How can you hurt me this way Oh once it begins

It looks like it’s coming to stay

49. ….. A. from B. for

C. to

D. at

E. will

50. ….. A. beside

B. behind

C. front D. up

E. beneath

51. ….. A. see

B. hear

C. feel D. saw

E. felt

52. …..
A. mouth B. tell C. say D. say

E. hear

53. ….. A. or

B. with

C. and D. so

E. from

Contoh Soal Song 10
Down to Earth
Song by: Peter Gabriel

[Verse 1] Did you (54)…. that your feet had been bound By what gravity brings (55)…. the ground? Did you feel you were tricked By the future you picked? Well, come on down All those rules don’t apply When you’re high in the sky So, come on down

Come on down

[Chorus} We’re coming down to the ground There’s no better place to go We’ve got snow up on the mountains We’ve got rivers down below We’re coming down to the ground We hear the birds sing in the trees And the land will be looked after

We send the seed out in the breeze

[Verse 2] Did you think you’d escaped from routine By charging the script and the scene? (56)…. all you made of it You’re always afraid Of the change You’ve got a lot on your chest Well, you can come as my guest (57)…., come on down

Come on down

[Bridge} Like the fish (58)…. the ocean We felt at home in the sea We learned to live off the good land Learned to climb up a tree Then we got up on two legs But we wanted to fly

When we messed up our homeland

We set sail for the sky

[Outro] We’re coming down Coming down to Earth Like babies at birth Coming down to Earth We’re gonna find new priorities

These are extraordinary qualities

54. ….. A. say

B. think

C. hear D. feel

E. consider

55. ….. A. on

B. to

C. of D. off

E. on

56. …..
A. despite B. because C. although D. nevertheless

E. moreover

57. …… A. but B. so

C. let’s

D. and

E. or

58. ….. A. on

B. in

C. at D. under

E. beneath

Contoh Soal Song 11
We Are The Champion
By : Queen

I’ve paid my dues, time after (59)……. I’ve done my (60)……., but committed no crime And (61)…….. mistakes, I’ve made a few I’ve had my share of sand, kicked in my (62)……. But I’ve come through Reff : And I need to ….on and on and on and on We are the champions, and we’ll keep on (63)……..till the end We are the (64)……., we’re the champions

No time for losers cause we are the champions of the (65)……..

I’ve taken my bows (66)…… curtain calls I’ve bought me fame and fortune and everything That goes (67)…… (68)……..I thank you all But it’s been no bed (69)……..roses no pleasure cruise I consider it a challenge (70)……..the whole human race And I ain’t gone a lose Back to reff : We are the champions,(71)……..friends And will (72)……..on fighting till the end We are the champions, we are the champions

No time (73)……..losers, cause we are the champions

59. ….
A. Time B. Day C. Week D. Month

E. Year

60. …. A. Word

B. Sentence

C. Alphabet D. Voice

E. Sound

61. …. A. Good

B. Bad

C. Sour D. Sweet

E. Bitter

62. …. A. Hair B. Head C. Nose

D. Face

E. Ear

63. …. A. Come B. Arrive C. Take D. Keep

E. Go

64. …. A. Yelling

B. Fighting

C. Wrestling D. Jamming

E. Picking

65. …. A. Leaders

B. Champions

C. Losers D. Winners

E. Jumpers

66. …. A. Earth B. Country C. Continent D. Island

E. World

67. ….
A. And B. Of C. With D. Before

E. For

68. …. A. And B. Of

C. With

D. Before

E. For

69. …. A. And

B. Of

C. With D. Before

E. For

70. …. A. And B. Or C. With

D. Before

E. For

71. ….
A. My B. Your C. Our D. Their

E. Her

72. …. A. Come B. Arrive C. Take

D. Keep

E. Go

73. …. A. And B. Of C. With D. Before

E. For

Begitulah contoh soal song bahasa Inggris beserta jawabannya yang bisa dibuat untuk latihan mengerjakan soal pilihan ganda karena setiap tahun dari kelas 10 sampai kelas 12 ada materi dan soal song bahasa Inggris. Happy learning English!

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