Faster lite for facebook color apk

Download Faster Lite for Facebook - Color for Fb App for PC Free.

You can download Faster Lite for Facebook - Color for Fb app free and can install in your device by going to google play store. Google play suggests that you should not download android apps directly from third-party sources, as they may harm your phone.
You can download Faster Lite for Facebook - Color for Fb Official App by click the link below from Google Play Store.

Do you have Faster Lite for Facebook - Color for Fb downloading issues / problems?

If you have any issues or problems in downloading or installing, please post a comment above and someone from our community may help you to fix it quickly.

What is a APK file?

APK stands as an abbreviation for Android Package Kit. Android operating system uses its own type of installation format, as like windows softwares have .exe extension. When you download an app from Google play store, it is downloaded and installed in APK format.  

You will not see the file directly when you download it from play store. At times you may want to download APK files from other sources directly.

What are the advantages & disadvantages of downloading APK directly?


  1. You can download any version of the app directly from third-party websites. They may have app archives of most versions and you can download the one you may need.
  2. Downloading is instant unlike play store, no need to wait for the verifcation process etc.
  3. You will have a APK file in your memory card / system memory once you download. So you can uninstall and re-install as many as times without needing to download.


  1. Downloading apps from third-party sources usually are not verified by Google. So can be harmful to your phone.
  2. APK files can have viruses that will steal data from your phone or corrupt your phone.
  3. Your apps will not be updated automatically as Google play store usually don't have access to it.

Where can I download Faster Lite for Facebook - Color for Fb APK file?

You can download any android app's APK from many sources such as ApkMirror, ApkPure etc.  But we strongly recommend not to download from any third-party sources. We have added a button above to download Faster Lite for Facebook - Color for Fb official app file. Always download android from Google Play store, unless they don't have the app you're looking for.

How to install Faster Lite for Facebook - Color for Fb APK from your android phone?

  1. You can download Faster Lite for Facebook - Color for Fb APK by clicking the above button and that will initiate a download. Once the download is complete, you can find the APK in "Downloads" section in your browser.
  2. Before you can install it on your phone you will need to make sure that third-party apps are allowed on your device. To enable this, the steps are mostly similar to the below.
    Open Menu > Settings > Security > and check Unknown Sources to allow your phone to install apps from sources other than the Google Play Store.
  3. Once you complete the above step, you can go to the "Downloads" in your browser and tap the downloaded APK file once. It will start to show the installation prompt that asking for permissions and you can follow the steps to install it. 
  4. Once the installation is complete, you can start using the app as you normally do.

How to download Faster Lite for Facebook - Color for Fb android app for PC (Windows Computer / Mac)?

  1. To use android app from your computer, you will need an android emulator software that acts as a virtual phone. We have given step by step instructions below on how to install and use android apps in PC.
  2. First we need to download and install an android emulator. BlueStacks is one of the most used android emulator. It is totally free to download and use it.
  3. You can download it using the link given below, after the instructions. 
  4. Once you download the emulator software, you can install it as you install any other computer software by double clicking and following the steps.
  5. After installing the emulator, open it and drag and drop the downloaded APK file into the software screen. This will start the app installation process. 
  6. Follow the steps to complete APK installation as like you do in your phone. 
  7. Congratulations. Now you can use the android app from your computer by opening the emulator software.

What is the Faster Lite for Facebook - Color for Fb latest version & release date and initial release date?

Faster Lite for Facebook - Color for Fb's latest stable version is 1, released on Feb 19, 2020. The app download size is 10M.

How much does Faster Lite for Facebook - Color for Fb cost and how to pre-order/buy it?

It is FREE to download and you can download it from Google Play Store. As the app is already released, you can buy directly from the store.

It is completely Illegal to use an app (Faster Lite for Facebook - Color for Fb), while it is banned in your country. However, you can access for special reasons such as closing an account or getting your content / money from the app. You can use VPN of another country and access it. We strongly recommend not to use it with VPN as it may invite legal issues.

Which is the best VPN to use with Faster Lite for Facebook - Color for Fb?

If you would like to access Faster Lite for Facebook - Color for Fb using a VPN for some reasons, you may try one of a few listed VPNs below. These are top VPN services and tried and used by millions of users across the globe. Also they're easy, faster and provide complete support and security while using them.

1. ExpressVPN
2. NordVPN

Which is faster Facebook or Facebook Lite?

Scrolling through the Lite app is a bit slower than scrolling through regular Facebook. It's clear that Facebook made some cuts to allow the app to function properly on devices with low RAM, low CPU power, and a poor internet connection. Despite this, Facebook Lite is still useable.

How do you change Facebook color on Android?

Change Facebook Color.
Open Google Chrome..
Directly go to Chrome Web Store or open a new tab in chrome, click on Apps icon on the top left side and then select Web Store in order to launch Web Store to install the extension..
In the search box on the top left side, type in “Color Changer for Facebook” and press Enter..

How do I make Facebook Lite in dark?

To turn on dark mode in the Android Facebook app, follow these simple steps:.
On Facebook Home, tap the “hamburger” menu icon with three horizontal lines..
Click on “Settings & Privacy” in the main menu..
Select “Dark Mode” to open the custom options..
Select “On” to activate Dark mode..