Arti kata "robotripping" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata robotripping bahasa

Drinking a bottle of Robotussin cough syrup (containg DXM), with the intention of purposely hallucinating.


We all stole bottles of Robotussin and went Robotripping. I spent most of the night wrapped in the arms of a warm, friendly Purple Octopus.

Arti kata robotripping bahasa

To be in the dissociative state induced by ingesting excessive amounts of dextromethorphan (DXM). This chemical is most commonly abused though the consumption of cough syrup, which contain DXM for its antitussive (cough-suppresant) properties. The name is derived from the common cough syrup brand, Robotussin. The dissociative properties induce a "trippy" altered state, but should not be confused with the "trips" caused by psychedelics such as shrooms; the drug is in the same group as PCP, not LSD. Hallucinations are possible but rarer at common levels, while common experiences include a separation of mind and body, feelings of supreme balance and strength, sensory deprivation, and intense dreamlike states. People who are under the influence of DXM are also known for their distinct "robo-walk", a jerky walking movement caused by the lack of sensory control.


Chris: Did Dave really just hit Rob in the face with a baked potato? Jackie: He doesn't know his own strength man, he's robotripping. He also thinks he's in Dimension B right now and can't feel his legs. Chris: Is Rob gonna be okay? ...hello?

Arti kata robotripping bahasa

The act of getting high on cough syrup containing Dextromethorophan Hyrdobromide (DXM for short) Robitussin, a popular cough syrup abused, contains DXM, therefore, it is called a "robotrip"


Last night I robotripped my brain away. I was singing and dancing and eating cookies with Big Bird and his pal Snuffleupagus and then I talked to Edgar Allen Poe for an hour or so. Wow, what a great robotrip.

Arti kata robotripping bahasa

most fun i've had with a drug.


when you robotrip, it's likely that if you take high doses (like i like to), you will vomit and feel terrible before you feel good. but when you feel it kick in, it's amazing. it contains DXM just like triple c's, but triple c's always gave me horrible trips where as robotripping was like a trip to candyland or something. the one time i took like...25, after a bit, i had to throw up so i went to the restroom and did that. then i lay in the complete dark of the restroom because the lights kept trying to touch me. i soon crawled into the tub, finding it more comfortable than the tile floor. i started watching a movie that was playing on the ceiling (mind you, i imagined a screen on the ceiling). after the film ended, i went in the living room where my friends were, who were also tripping. i sat down on the couch and after awhile, i started to stare a my arm. i think i was staring for awhile. i don't know, time warps when you're on this stuff. could have been just a minute. anyways, i suddenly transported inside my arm. i was inside my veins surfing my blood. yes, my blood was making tidal waves and i had a surfboard. it was insanely fun. then my friend started talking to me but i couldn't pay attention because she had little gremlin looking creatures dancing on her shoulder.

Arti kata robotripping bahasa

to intentionally hallucinate by overdosing on over-the-counter cough syrup containing the active ingredient dextromethorphan


Three bottles of Robitussin later, Jason passed out and suffocated on his own vomit. Now that's a bad robotrip.

Arti kata robotripping bahasa

To become euphoric by means of intake of Robotussin, usually by chugging a bottle.


Ang was robotripping from here to next week after downing three bottles of robotussin.

Arti kata robotripping bahasa

The act of getting "high" or "buzzed" from intentional ingestion, and overdosing of cough syrup and/or gelcaps containg dextromethorphan HBr


hmmmm...your monitor floating up through the ceiling while you watch in amazement

Arti kata robotripping bahasa

drinking cough medicine or taking pills containing DXM to trip and feel amazing.


my one friend said her soul left her body and came back 15 mins later and my other friend couldnt stop walking like a penguin. I on the other hand, johnny depp was standing right in front of me but i couldnt focus on his face because it kept dancing away from me. that was my first time robotripping and i loved it.

Arti kata robotripping bahasa

over dosgae of robitussin for enjoyment


ok me and my friends robotrip all the time that shit is way crazy.last time we all robotripped i was talking in japanesse and then though i was scarface. after that i felt like my whole body was stone and i could not moved, i started to see little leperchauns running around my house so i tried to follow them to get the pot of gold. one of my friends sad he was part of swat trying to rescue the fans in my extra room upstairs and while he was doing that he got a blow job from one of the hostages. my cousin said he was a cheetea and was running around my house he also thought my standing fan was a girl and tried to make out with it. by the end of the nite my friend left the house and said everything around him turned animated. i tried to sleep but kept talking like i was a Sim character and my cousin thought spongebob was selling him girlscout cookies. ROBOTRIPPING IS DEF A GREAT TIME *just feels to intense sometimes*

Arti kata robotripping bahasa

Using the drug dextromethorphan (DXM) at high enough of a dose to induce an intoxicated state. Comes from the cough syrup brand Robotussin, which contains DXM. (robotripper, robotripping)


MC Chris's "The 'Tussin" is about robotripping, though in concert he discourages his audience from doing it.