Arti kata "narcissism" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata narcissism bahasa

A Personality Disorder where you have a abnormal disire for ones self, where you lack empathy, and unconscious inadequency of self esteem, due to regression of child development. also a delusion that you are more important than everyone else.


Narcissistic people are not self centered there is a difference.

Arti kata narcissism bahasa

1. a common affliction among professional basketball and soccer players. Symptoms include excessive bling bling and meterosexuality 2. egocentrism; absorption in oneself 3. psychological and emotional centering of erotic interest and gratification on one's own body. From the Greek myth of Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection.


Only you can stop narcissism. I'm always right and you're the one who's wrong. Why? Because I'm a narcissist.

Arti kata narcissism bahasa

1. Having excessive pride in one's self with out justification, being pig-headed or having excessive self-admeration. 2. A personality disorder charatorized by overestimation of his her own appearence and abilities and an insatiable need for admeration. 3. the element of self-directed sexual desire in the condition.


The man had such a bad case of narcissism, all he thaugh about was him self and how he looked to others.

Arti kata narcissism bahasa

1. Generally a deeply dysfunctional state of mind in which one is in love with oneself, often at a rather superficial level. From the Greek myth of Narcissus, who wasted away out of unrequited love for his own reflection in a pool. 2. More specifically described at its worst as Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or NPD. NPD is characterised by the following: Refusal to admit that one is narcissistic. The horror author Stephen King once wrote that alcoholics build defence mechanisms like the Dutch build dykes. Narcissists are kind of the same, except that compared to your average narcissist, your average alcoholic is a rank amateur. An exaggerated sense of self-importance, with the narcissist often talking about private, professional or other interpersonal relationships in which they are involved as though nobody else really existed. A preoccupation with fantasies of pure or unlimited power, beauty, "authenticity", intelligence, love and so on. Has an urgent need for praise. A tendency to read what people say out of context, or more likely without any context, and a disability to spot when they are being taken for a ride. Belief on the narcissist's part that people vastly more gifted than they are (in whatever respect) are their natural equals, and a snobbish contempt for anything less. A sense of entitlement; narcissists are typically manipulative, haughty, arrogant and generally destructive in their relationships with others. A narcissist may appear overly anxious to show respect for the property and privacy of those they cannot profitably step on. Towards those under them in any social hierarchy (employees, offspring, subservient spouses, etc.,), they are shamelessly controlling, frequently treating such other peoples' property as their own to use or discard, on a more trivial level barging intrusively into their conversations, and so on. Narcissists treat those below them, or loyal to them, as extentions of their own egos. Lack empathy and tends to treat other people like dirt, when they can get away with it. Project a sense of immense effort, as though eternally hoping that some teacher will award them an A for it; at the same time their work is frequently slipshod and they secretly delegate to social subordinates. Narcissists show no need to take any responsibility for the untoward results of their own actions, frequently going to ingenious extremes to weasel their way out of anything of the sort. After all, anything else would first require them to admit, as more than some petty platitude, that they aren't perfect. Frequently project their own shortcomings onto others, especially whose whom they can control or of whom they are envious.


Carol's narcissism inspired her first husband to leave everything to her in his will. Some say she drove him into an early grave. She enjoys the money, but now nobody with a brain cell will touch her and her kids don't want to know her.

Arti kata narcissism bahasa

The greatest kind of ism...


Narcissism? I'm no narssist, I'm just really, really, really, ridiculusly good looking... *which for all the ladies out there, I am ;)

Arti kata narcissism bahasa

Narcissim; A form of self obsession. Someone who has a case of narcissim is a excessive self admirer. A personality disorder characterized by ones obsession of his or her own appearance and has an excessive need for admiration. In some cases he or she may feel self-directed sexual desire.


A example of Narcissism is: Talking into a mirror telling oneself how sexy they are and how they have a nice figure etc. Maddona.

Arti kata narcissism bahasa

Masturbating in front of a mirror.


The perverted Emperor of Rome masturbated madly in front of the mirror, gorging his already puissant narcissism. Many were the kittens that met death under his reign.

Arti kata narcissism bahasa

1. An extreme fascination with oneself and one’s own physical appearance and/or sexual ability, to the point, wherein, one finds pleasure, in the contemplation there of. 2. One who gets off contemplating the thought of the sexual arousal or gratification that they produce in others.


Nikki loved her stripping job. The attention and adoration, from the customers was like a drug to her narcissism.

Arti kata narcissism bahasa

Being conceited, self-absorbed as f*ck.


Kanye West demonstrates narcissism by saying that if the bible was written today, he would be a character in it.

Arti kata narcissism bahasa

1. Excessive love or admiration of oneself. See Synonyms at conceit. 2. A psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem. 3. Erotic pleasure derived from contemplation or admiration of one's own body or self, especially as a fixation on or a regression to an infantile stage of development. 4. The attribute of the human psyche charactized by admiration of oneself but within normal limits. 5. Unless you are an Army Ranger. In which case it simply means you're awesome... Rangers Lead The Way


That a prime example of narcissism, that ranger is awesome!