Arti kata "melina" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata melina bahasa sexy girl with curly hair, mad smokin hot hair 2.beautiful girl with great personality 3.brings happiness to peoples lifes 4.great artist with a hot body 5.leaves you speechless

Example shes a melina 2.i wish i had a melina by me

Arti kata melina bahasa

Melina is a very pretty girl. She loves everything on this earth, except for people who lie. Melina is accepting of others and will always love you as long as you love her. She is healthy, smart, funny, and shy. Melina may come off as an outgoing person but is secretly fine with being left alone. Melina always needs a hug, so if you see a Melina, go and make her day.


Melina is such a good person, no wonder why everyone loves her. pretty smart booty funny outgoing dance shy sexy

Arti kata melina bahasa

she is the most chill girl you ll ever meet. she is just so stunning. gorgeous from the inside and from the outside. when she walks by, she turns every boys head around. she is one of those persons you could spend a night together just talking. YOu can have a lot of fun with her but you can also talk 'bout serious stuff. she will always listen to you and try to find a solution. with her you gain a real friend. in a bigger group she sometimes seems shy but its because she just dont give fuck. she just thinks it efforts to much effort starting a fight with someone she not even cares about. she doesn't wanna spend her time talking to people she barely know or wanna know so she is rather quiet. not in an impolite way, just quiet. she is quiet but nice. to everyone. she is really never bitchy, like never. people just love her. she is the oppisite of tall but has an even bigger heart. WE LOVE HER.


boy: who is this? me: oh this? this is melina do not even try, she is out of your legaue man "she is so damn kind. she is a real melina"

Arti kata melina bahasa

Melina is a very positive, athletic, kind, caring person who lights up the room as soon as she walks in. She is a very beautiful girl, and all guys are lucky to have her. She is a great person to talk to when your feeling down because she instantly makes you laugh. Melina has a stunning body shape and looks great in anything. She also has a really funny side that can brighten up you day instantly. If you ever meet a Melina never let her go because she Is a great role model and friend, that will always be right by your side If you don't have beef. After all Melina is a great person


Boy: Omg look at Melina, she is beautiful! Others: Umm hello, im over here... Boy: Look at Melina go!

Arti kata melina bahasa

Melina is a tall, beautiful girl who can get anything she wants with a simple request. However, she does not use this to her advantage, she is very fair and kind. She is bronze, like gold and she is depicted like a god. Those who fall in love with her will always be loved back, if not with more passion because she loves all of those who can care for another person besides themselves. She has a lot on her mind though, she feels like she will never be good enough, for anyone.


I envy Melina, she is the perfect person.

Arti kata melina bahasa

Melina is someone who you should never lose because if you do your life gonna suck tbh. Melina wants a long-lasting relationship don't break her heart her dad will break you in half :), Shes outgoing and playfull give her your hoodies she'll treat them with utter care. and don't let your ex get in the way of the relationship because its gonna get crazy if you it'll get kinda wild and not in a good way. Treat her like a queen not a princess.


Person 1-Wow Melina is gorgeous Person 2- Yea she's my girlfriend, she makes me really happy. Person 1- NEVER leave her do you hear me?

Arti kata melina bahasa

-she's yummy -smh she doesn't accept that she's cute -has an adorable voice -likes british boys -she has an amazing body nyaaa -she loves aiko two


grr melina's mine back off

Arti kata melina bahasa

Melina is someone you need in your life. She is quiet but once she feels comfortable with you she’s fun to be around. Melina is innocent in public but a freak when private. Love is something she seeks for but can never find, she either trusts too easily or not at all. Once she loves you she will give you the world. A lot of people are interested in her but she’s not interested in them. The mom gene is definitely in her, she is someone you want raising your kids. Melina has a nice body and looks great in anything. If she cares about you she will move heaven and earth for you. She holds in a lot of stuff because she has too much pride letting people in. She is a strong beautiful woman and you need her in your life


Melina is so bad Melina is so cool I love her

Arti kata melina bahasa

melina is a very gorgeous girl. every guy falls in love when they see melina. if you have a melina don’t let to of her. she’s the light of your life


“I’m dating Melina, I’m never gonna let go of her”

Arti kata melina bahasa

Melina is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Melina is someone who makes mistakes but admits to their mistakes, attempts to do better. Melina may fail @ it but she tried. Melina is someone you'd want in your life. Give her lots of cuddles when she's lonely, kisses when she feels unwanted.


Person 1- "Who's that?" Person 2- "Oh, her? Her name is Melina." Person 1- "Oh she's beautiful :)" Sorayna- "Well she's mine."