Arti kata "jennas" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata jennas bahasa

Originated from Danish Gods. Has the power to heal the broken with a smile or the sound of the soft genuine voice thats like your favorite song. She love adventure making music that plays to the soul. Jenna can make a normal day amazing with just a word or two.


Jenna can save a life with just a smile. Jenna is so beautiful all the stars shine bright just to get her attention. Jenna can sure make melting music with her guitar *Hank*

Arti kata jennas bahasa

Jenna is a fun-loving, beautiful girl. She can be weird and quirky, but her friends love her. She can be hard on herself and is feels down a lot. She always is kind and helpful, and very passionate about things she loves.


Person: "Wow! You're so funny, Jenna!" Jenna: *smiles*

Arti kata jennas bahasa

Jenna is the girl you look at and you drown in her color changing eyes. She is a bit shy when you don’t know her but only grows the more your around her. Jenna will blow you away with her intelligence even tho you’ll question her common sense. She makes it easy to only notice her when your in a crowd, not from her actions but from her incredible beauty. She’ll make jokes that will match your sense of humor that you thought no one else had. She has her sport where she can electrify the crowd which makes everyones eyes fall on her. She always finds her guy in an odd way. Jenna will cause him to only think about her and it’ll be like there’s no other girl in the world that can compare. She makes the ones around her happy and you can always talk to her. Jenna will always keep life interesting with her wild pranks that only make you love her even more. She can be hard on herself but that’s only because she wants the best. When you find yourself a Jenna hold on tight and never let go because she’s amazing.


Wow! You’re dating a Jenna you are so lucky.

Arti kata jennas bahasa

A person who looked their name up.


Jenna: Let me just look my name up on Urban Dictionary real quick!

Arti kata jennas bahasa

Jenna is a person who loves food


I love Jenna

Arti kata jennas bahasa

A very kind smart girl.She is always looking out for others before herself. She is a total tomboy and is a a great best friend. She can make the oddest faces that always make you laugh. You can confind in her and trust her. Now go and find a Jenna.


That girl is a total Jenna.

Arti kata jennas bahasa

Jenna is an amazing funny girl that is nerdy in the best way. She gives great hugs and is always down to snuggle. She manages to be incredibly smart and sexy at the same time. She will do any thing to protect and care for the people she loves


person 1: I love Jenna. person 2: Who doesn't?

Arti kata jennas bahasa

Jenna is the girl that everyone wants to be around. Her presence will brighten your day and she is always smiling. She gives the best hugs and is always down to cuddle. Jenna makes stupid jokes and is nerdy in the best way. Very approachable and easy to talk to. She is extremely hard on herself and is not persuaded easily. Jenna will do absolutely anything for the people or the things she loves, and doesn’t go down with out a fight!


“I stubbed my toe today and Jenna brought me donuts and coffee to the office....what a girl “

Arti kata jennas bahasa

Jenna is special kind of soul. An innocent free spirit who although kind and sweet has had to endure many things in life she did not deserve. These experiences have hardened her and keep her true self well hidden from the untrained eye. But don’t be fooled. To those she lets in and opens up to you will see a unique beauty so rare your life will be for ever changed. Jenna is passionate about the things she loves. She can be ditzy at times but her street smarts and logic are that of brilliant and wise woman. It’s all a part of her unique one of a kind charm. Jenna is hard worker and even when the masses have given up or resorted to less appealing tactics Jenna is still there not giving up and always maintaining. Jenna is a warrior with very few if any rivals. However she struggles with self confidence at times which keeps her from truly blooming.If you are not a positive in her life you will not be a part of it. If you have the chance to get close to a Jenna take it. She will not make a second chance for you easy by any means. She is a ageless beauty and while others tire and grow weary she manages to look and act as youthful as ever. Jenna’s don’t take compliments well or give them either. Don’t give up on a Jenna, sometimes she needs help but will never admitt it. Her ability to effect your heart is endless without limitations. As a friend, a lover, there is no other. A Jenna is truly a once in a lifetime soul. Her personality will compelle you to feel and be a better person.


“Damn Jenna. You look adorable in a way I’ve never witnessed.” Jenna: “ Shut up, I look hideous.”

Arti kata jennas bahasa

A bad ass chick. She’s gorgeous, kind, funny and has a dirty mind. She is always fierce and sticks to her statement. Don’t mess with her, If you ever get to be more than friends with this girl then you’re lucky. She is very picky and knows what she wants, She may hate herself sometimes (only to think she’s the shit a few mins later) She is a fun person who likes to party but is careful, A dork who cracks jokes and true, genuine person. Jenna is the kind of woman you want in your life.


Oh that’s definitely a jenna! She’s fine! Jenna is so pretty why can’t i be her I’m hanging out with jenna