Arti kata "jacob black" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata jacob black bahasa

Generally overlooked and under-appreciated character from Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series. Jacob is a Native American boy who discovers he is a werewolf in the second book of the series, New Moon. He is the best friend of Bella Swan and eventual rival for her affections. In fact, Bella falls in love with Jacob without realizing it and they would have probably been very happy together if her other love interest, Edward Cullen, had not been unnaturally saved from death decades ago. However, because his existence was prolonged via his turning into a vampire, and therefore made abnormally attractive, strong, &c. &c., he has interrupted the natural course of things (i.e. the true love of Jacob/Bella). Jacob is easy going, quick with a smile and a joke, and sensible. He understands that Bella is her own person and doesn't try to keep her from doing what she wants. He knows Bella too well for that.


1) "He's like a drug for you, Bella. I see that you can't live without him now. It's too late. But I would have been healthier for you. Not a drug; I would have been the air, the sun." -Jacob Black 2) "How can we be friends when we love each other like this?" - Bella Swan 3) "Because there was that smaller part of me - smaller, but getting louder and angrier every minute, screaming at the rest of me - that craved a different set of arms." - Bella Swan, when hugging Edward

Arti kata jacob black bahasa

Character in the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer. Jacob Black is a werewolf. Bella wants to have his babies. 'nuff said. This ship may be doomed, but we J/B shippers keep on shipping. Go figure.


Jacob Black: Does my being half naked bother you? Fandom: Yes, take the other half off.

Arti kata jacob black bahasa

Jacob Black can kick your grandmother's ass.


the Jacob ship will probably sink, but then we'll turn it into a submarine. long live Jake <333 Edward fan: LIKE OMG! I LOVE EDWARD! HE DAZZLES ME! Me: Jacob Black could kick that white boy's ass.< div>

Arti kata jacob black bahasa

The guy from the twilight series by Stephany Meyer who took bella in and unzombified her while that asshole edward was away.


jacob black: oh so il just stop by your crypt after school ed and bella: ...

Arti kata jacob black bahasa

A character in Twilight that doesn't really exist for any reason except for something for the Twitards to fight amongst each other with. The only reason he gets any attention is because he's apparently very "hot" with a goddamn six-pack or some shit. He's basically a thing to have fangirls screaming at or for in the movie. He is also a pedophile. Seriously, Edward is to, but he falls in love with a BABY. No joke. I don't care if Renesmee, the baby, ages rapidly or something she'll still be a BABY. I can picture what the twitards are saying now; "O Em GeE!!!!1 hE luvs herr liek a uncle!!!!! SHUT UP~!!" Just and uncle, huh? Haven't heard that one before.


{Jacob getting it on with Renesmee} Jacob Black: I swear to god officer, I didn't know she was three! Police officer:... :| Jacob Black: She told me it was ok telepathically! Police officer:.... >:| Jacob Black: Um.... I have abs!!

Arti kata jacob black bahasa

hott,sexy werewolf. aslo funny,caring,and all around nice guy. raising the standards for boyfriends all over the world.


me:*sigh* friend:staring at jacob black again? me:*sigh* friend:... i'll take that as a yes me:*sigh*

Arti kata jacob black bahasa

-The annoying werewolf from the Twilight series that refuses to understand that Vampires are better. - Incessantly in love with Bella Swan, (Who is in fact in love with Edward Cullen


"Do you y'know, kiss him?" " Yes" "ewww" -Jacob Black Conversation between Jacob and Bella before she "stabs" him:) GO BELLA!

Arti kata jacob black bahasa

One of the main characters in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga series, a teenage werewolf of the Native American Quileute tribe, who is the best friend or 'personal sun' of the main protagonist Bella Swan. Easygoing, laid-back and fun, Jacob (Jake) is described as a happy magnetic teenager who makes others around him happy and comfortable that even the awkward Bella finds their friendship to be as natural as breathing. Always there for her and understands her best, Jacob was the sunshine that uplifted Bella's life when she hit rock-bottom, the one whom she could completely rely on, and is truly a best friend one could ever have. However he falls in love with Bella whom is in love with Edward Cullen but realizes that she, in fact, deeply loves Jacob as well. Just a very realistic, human and awesome character that one can't help but love, even Stephenie Meyer absolutely adores him. Oh did I mention he's hot in both the books AND movie (portrayed by the fine young Taylor Lautner)?


"Does my being half-naked bother you?" - Jacob Black. "Like we were connected, the echo of his pain twisted inside me. His pain, my pain." - Bella Swan on Jacob Black "Jacob was my first experience with a character taking over—a minor character developing such roundness and life that I couldn't keep him locked inside a tiny role....From the very beginning, even when Jacob only appeared in chapter six of Twilight, he was so alive. I liked him. More than I should for such a small part." - Stephenie Meyer

Arti kata jacob black bahasa

A borderline-rapist from the book 'Twilight'. Has the ability to change into a 'pedo-wolf' at will (see 'fake-ass werewolf') and does not seem to own any shirts. Jacob 'Pedo-wolf' Black falls in love with his bland ex-girlfriend's newborn hybrid demon spawn, Renesmee and plans to raise a litter of 'pedo-wolf-human-pires' with her in the near future.


person #1: "Look, that pedo is totally checking out that baby. person #2: "You mean Jacob Black?" person #1: "That's it! Damn, he's so creepy..."

Arti kata jacob black bahasa

1) In my humble opinion a well-developed character from the Twilight series, though it's still unknown why he loves Bella so much since she treats him like crap. He's decent until he loses his balls in New Moon, but even then he's tolerable until Eclpise when Stephanie Meyers makes him an almost rapist. She almost sitcks him with Leah. After seeing that that relationship is healthy though, she makes him imprint on a baby and then have sex with a seven year old Renesmee, making him a certified pedophile. He's also not a warewolf but merely a shapeshifter since his transformations are controllable. 2) See victims of charcater assination


Just when I thought that there was a relationship worth rooting for, Jacob Black dumps Leah for...a baby? EW! Talk about character assasination!