Arti kata "feminazis" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata feminazis bahasa

A term used to undermine feminists and the basis of their goals, usually to validate antiquated views on gender issues.


Man, I didn't know I was dating a feminazi until Jenny told me she was going to work after she had the baby!

Arti kata feminazis bahasa

A word that can be used in two ways; 1. (The more common use) A term men use upon meeting average feminist with good values and fair understanding, but thinks women should have equal rights, but the man is so angry that he is being challenged that he screams at her that she is a man-hating feminazi. 2. An actual woman who hates men, likely from bad experience.


1. Feminist: You know, women are very misrepresented in the media as mere objects of pleasure for me- Sexist man: YOU GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING MAN-HATER FEMINAZI YOU CUNT DYKE BITCH WHORRRRRRRRRE D< 2. Real Feminazi: BAHHHAHAHAHAHA ALL MEN SHOULD DIE! Me: Get back in the kitchen.

Arti kata feminazis bahasa

1. A word used by ignorant idiots to describe any type of feminist or women's rights activist. Is extremely offensive to both the issue of women's rights and- here's a shocker- victims of one of the most brutal wars in human history. 2. An anti- men female. She claims to be a feminist but holds highly sexist ideals along the lines of "women are better, men are brutish animals".


1. Feminazi: because wanting to be treated like a human being is *exactly* like invanding Poland. 2. Trisha claims to be a feminist, but actually is quite the feminazi.

Arti kata feminazis bahasa

A feminazi is someone who claims to be a feminist (A person who supports Women's Rights) but actually wants women to be superior to men


Wow she's such a feminazi

Arti kata feminazis bahasa

a woman that is a complete dick to men for no reason and likes to watch buzz feed and hates man voicing there own opinion ( humungus event) and thinks all men think about is boobs


your a feminazi

Arti kata feminazis bahasa

A person who is too much of a feminist and takes shit too far. Which then turns them into an annoying fuck.


Feminazi- "men are trash" "all women are better then men" "I've got my tits out but you can't look at them even though they are out on display in public otherwise you're sexualising me" "I'm a feminist so everything I say is right"

Arti kata feminazis bahasa

Feminazis and feminist are very different. Feminist believe in equal rights for men and women, while Feminazis act extreme and violent towards men and things affiliated with men. Feminist support a noble cause of equal rights while the Feminazis live to destroy men's public social life. Feminazis believe men have way more privilege than they really do and often make up or avoid examples and proof to support their claims. Feminazis are known to accuse men of rape for no reason just to ruin their life or take their money. Feminist do not do this but they don't mention this either. Feminazis don't fight for legit problem and tend to use words like "rape" "sexually harassed" or "Assaulted" incorrectly and are often proven wrong. Feminazis are a huge disgrase to Feminist and are very often the only thing thought of when people think of Feminism. Feminazis are often rude to men and call females who don't Identify as a Feminist as a, "Traitor to their own gender." If your a male, steer clear of Feminazis or you might lose everything you own, including you social and public life. Extreme Feminist are called Feminazis because of their relation to Nazis in the sense of causing a Holocaust, but its a Holocaust for men. Feminazis think ALL men should be killed and erased from the earth, therefor, a Holocaust of men only. Feminazi is a rude name for extreme Feminist, but its a name they earned because of their lashing out towards men.


Feminist: I want equal rights for men and women Feminazi: Screw that men scum! They can die for all I care, their worthless pieces of privileged crap! Feminist: Umm.... tha- thats something Man: *looks at women* Feminazi: You piece of sexist trash, how dare you rape that women! You need to check your privilege male shit! Man: Rape? I just looked at her, are you insane? Feminazi: You raped her with your male privilege, this is why all men need to die

Arti kata feminazis bahasa

The slang term for a feminist, since feminism seeks to tackle women's issues, but refuses to admit that men have issues too - inadvertently making feminism a female supremacy/privilege movement. Some figureheads don't even believe in free speech. Hilter believed in Aryan supremacy. Feminists believe in female privilege. They are similar.


Feminazi: "Down with the patriarchy! Egalitarianism is misogynist! Men's issues don't exist!" Rational thinker: "Then what about family courts' bias towards women, women receiving shorter sentences for the same crimes, and men having to pay alimony?" Feminazi: "MISOGYNIST!" Rational thinker: "Fucking feminazis..." Feminazi: "I want to make the internet a safer place for women..." Rational thinker: "Ok..." Feminazi: "By silencing misogynistic criticisms of feminism!" Rational thinker: "So you want to remove my right to free speech? Fucking feminazi..."

Arti kata feminazis bahasa

Feminazis are feminists who act like they're all for peace and equality, but are very quick to claim that all men are hogs, and only have one desire: rape, and other such horrible things. Feminazis are also very whiny, and might as well have temper tantrums every time they DON'T get what they want.


Feminazis are not about equality, they're about making fun of every single legit person who's ever wanted equality.

Arti kata feminazis bahasa

Feminazi: a type of feminist that considers men to not be sentient, and it's therefore justified to do horrible things with them. (just like hitler considered the jews) Feminazi: Probably has corpses in their basement and forgets that she does


Feminazi: Kill all men Guy: Is there a problem with both genders being equal Feminazi: It's ok to kill non-sentient things Feminazi "tries to kill the guy" Guy: YOU'RE FUCKING INSANE! Guy: "get's shot arrested and tortured in prison for 'screaming at a woman'"