Arti kata "extremist" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata extremist bahasa

One who has beliefs which are highly disagreeable to the vast majority of the population.


People who want to abolish the government, those who want to kill all people of a specific ethnic group, and those who advocate complete laissez-faire capitalism are all extremists.

Arti kata extremist bahasa

Somebody that thinks differently than you. Anybody that has an opinion that differs from current government policy. This term allows politicians to speak of their rival's agendas without actually having to explain exactly what their rival's beliefs are.


The war on Iraq was supported by right-wing extremists. The World Trade Center was attacked by religious extremists. The anti-war protesters were leftwing extremists.

Arti kata extremist bahasa

AN EXTREMIST IS SOMEONE WHO SUPPORTS AN IDEA, CAUSE, OR SET OF VALUES SO ADAMANTLY AND WITHOUT COMPROMISE THAT SAID PERSON WILL USE THEIR IDEAS TO JUSTIFY ANYTHING THEY DO. This term can be applied to ANYONE regardless of factors as universal as;ETHNICITY(African, Caucasian, Hispanic, Arabic, Southeast Asian etc)GENDER/ORIENTATION(Male, Female, transgendered, homosexual, heterosexual,bisexual,)RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION(or lack thereof)(Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism etc)OCCUPATION!!!(Teacher, politician, musician, clergman/woman, soldier etc)...Or as regional (BECAUSE SOME OF US DON"T PRESCRIBE TO THIS) as;POLITICAL PARTY MEMBERSHIP(Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Conservative, etc)POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY(Communism, Socialism, Anarchism, Nationalism, etc)SELF-PRESCRIBED CULTURAL IDENTITY(Punk, Gangsta, Hippie, Goth, etc)all because extremism does not discriminate, although its practitioners do. Also, please note that few extreme individuals who possess a thorough understanding of the term and its implications actually CHOOSE to describe themselves as "extremists". The truth of the matter is that EXTREMISTS ARE BY DEFINITION ALMOST ENTIRELY IMMERSED IN THEIR INDIVIDUAL AND/OR SHARED SENSE OF SUPERIORITY. THEREFORE THEY TYPICALLY CONVINCE THEMSELVES THAT THEIR PARTICULAR STRAIN OF EXTREMISM IS NOT "EXTREME". IN THE WARPED MIND OF THE EXTREMIST, EXTREMISM IS THE ONLY RATIONAL COURSE!


Although these examples are commonly known, I have included them because their connotations with extremism are obvious: Adolf Hitler ( because in his mind any act that furthered his plans for world domination was justified) Osama Bin Laden ( because in his minds any act that aids the cause of Islam is justified) George W. Bush ( because in his mind any act that aids the advancement of his political agenda is justified) Listing ALL extremists is impossible, so I had better desist from doing so, lest I die of starvation at my keyboard for being EXTREMELY stubborn. Catch my drift?

Arti kata extremist bahasa

Commonly known as a terrorist or insurgent. A follower of the most adamant faiths of radical and fundamentalist Islam, of whose beliefs and actions may interfere with and occasionally threaten the lives and lifestyles of others who share opposing views on religion and lifestyle. The shared goal of Muslim Extremists are to put 'church' over 'state'. In this case to put their 'church' over everyone else's 'church',because they believe that their god can kick your god's ass. Currently the second highest threat to any Democratic society, the first being the apathetic non-voting Democratic society itself. The common profile for a muslim extremist fits that of the college age male of african, middle eastern, and caucasion descent. Often do not shave any facial nor are they ever bald because hairlessness is godlessness. If they are bald, we assume they have leukemia or are neo-nazis. Muslim Extremists frequently are associated with black listed terror cells such as Al-Qaeda, The Black Panthers, Hezbollah, and the PLO. Mainly located in very large cities, where they are inevetibly harder to track. See: groups of people most commonly killed by United States Marines.


Me: "Osama is a popular Muslim Extremist; he intends to not only seek revenge on America but he intends to eradicate all other religions and non-islamic forms of government." No shit...

Arti kata extremist bahasa

Someone who goes through extreme tactics to reach their goal. These could involve torture, attack on innocent people and over-the-top violence.


Some of the Allies during World War II were extremists.

Arti kata extremist bahasa

An individual who advocates beliefs of extreme discrimination or prejudice based on race as an entirety, discriminating each race at an equally excessive level.


I asked Brian, "Are you a redneck?" He replied, "No, im a racial extremist...I hate everyone equally"

Arti kata extremist bahasa

Someone who will go out of their way to harm others who are not Vegan for the sake of preserving peace in the order of Veganism.


"This meat eater must be hurt and dealt with! Today we become the Vegan Extremists!"

Arti kata extremist bahasa

Anyone who disagrees with Mark Zuckerberg's political agenda.


Are you concerned that someone you know is becoming and extremist? We care about preventing extremism on Facebook. Others in your situation have received confidential support.

Arti kata extremist bahasa

Someone who’s mentally underdeveloped and is extremely vegan and forces/guilt trips others into becoming vegan through fake/exaggerated news and/or propaganda. Also is against fishing/hunting for your own meat despite being highly sustainable Aka PETA


“These vegan extremists keep calling me a heartless murderer on my Instagram post of the fish I caught” “Don’t worry about them, mate, they aren’t all there in the head, what you did isn’t a bad thing”

Arti kata extremist bahasa

A person who is suppressed, routinely abused by and are not allowed to defend themselves from the fascist mob(s).


Sophie Scholl is an extremist from questioning the national socialist narrative.