Arti kata "estrella" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata estrella bahasa

Estrella is a totally cool Spanish girl that isn't afraid to say what she of the most attractive girls to pure hearted people.she is one of the most caring people you will meet if you get on her good side.She has the biggest heart but it don't show and can be shy at times.if you ever fall in love with her don't ever let go,because she may never come back.She never shares her true emotion around the ones she truly cares about the most.she isn't one to be a open book or back off easily in what she believes in.It may be hard to forget her if you ever get in a quarrel as she will be in your mind will never meet anyone like her in your life so appreciate her company as she cares even if she doesn't show it in the outside.


There gose estrella man dose she have a big heart

Arti kata estrella bahasa

A cute Hispanic chick with gorgeous eyes. Is always smiling or laughing for no reason and is great in bed. Cares a lot about others and you'll never regret meeting one.


Meeting Estrella was one of the best things in my life.

Arti kata estrella bahasa

Estrella{beautiful,smart,sweet,great friend and } is a totally cool Spanish girl that isn't afraid to say what she of the most attractive girls to pure hearted people.This girl has a great body she is one of the most caring people you will meet if you get on her good side.she isn't afraid to fight for what she knows is right till the end.She has the biggest heart but it dosen't show and can be shy at times.if you ever fall in love with her don't ever let go,because she may never come back.She never shares her true emotion around the ones she truly cares about the most.she isn't one to be a open book As she doesn't trust many people.It may be hard to forget her if you ever get in a quarrel as she will be in your mind will never meet anyone like her in your life so appreciate her company as she cares even if she doesn't show it in the outside.She is probably your best friend as she is very caring and cute.And after all she's I said estrella is one of a kind unique girl so never lose her.And finally she is very easy to fall in love with.she will even always stand up for never ever reject,or get on a Estrella's bad side


Kid:estrella this girl keeps talking smack Estrella"don't worry I'll fix it" Bully"ok fine I'll stop just please don hurt me Estrella"that's what in thought

Arti kata estrella bahasa

Noun 1. Star 2. The state of being as estrella 3. The state of being in mild confusion, but nonetheless remaining happy and loveable. Verb 1. To stare off into space while thinking about something that confuses you 2. To "awwww" after every sentence


Noun. There are lots of Estrellas out tonight! That girl is such an Estrella! I pulled an estrella yesterday during lecture. Verb I keep estrellaing during class! You keep estrellaing when I say hi... why?!

Arti kata estrella bahasa

Is the most amazing girl you can meet because of the impact she can have on your life. She can make you smile, laugh and feel loved because she's truly an amazing person. She doesnt know how special she is, which is a shame because she is one of a kind. Never forget the she is the boss, which means never get on her bad side. She is the hottest girl you can meet, but be cute at the same time. Never let her go, because she is the best thing that can happen in your life.


Person: hey, I'll beat you in 8ball 2 mins later Estrella: haha, hold this L

Arti kata estrella bahasa

Estrella{beautiful,smart,sweet,great friend and } is a totally cool Spanish girl that isn't afraid to say what she of the most attractive girls to pure hearted people.This girl has a great body she is one of the most caring people you will meet if you get on her good side.she isn't afraid to fight for what she knows is right till the end.She has the biggest heart but it don't show and can be shy at times.if you ever fall in love with her don't ever let go,because she may never come back.She never shares her true emotion around the ones she truly cares about the most.she isn't one to be a open book or back off easily in what she believes in.It may be hard to forget her if you ever get in a quarrel as she will be in your mind will never meet anyone like her in your life so appreciate her company as she cares even if she doesn't show it in the outside.She is probably your best friend as she is very caring and cute.And after all she's boss.


Kid:estrella this girl keeps talking smack Estrella"don't worry I'll fix it" Bully"ok fine I'll stop just please don hurt me Estrella"that's what in thought

Arti kata estrella bahasa

She's such a queen


Estrella you're so perfect

Arti kata estrella bahasa

Estrella is one of the best people to meet, she is loving, caring, and funny. She loves making people laugh even on the days she is having a horrible day. She is a Hispanic person. Don't get on her bad side because that's a worst side to be. Most of all she is the cutest loving person to be with and will make you smile.


Boy: "why do you hang with Estrella a lot?" Girl: "She is Estrella a perfect person to be with!"

Arti kata estrella bahasa

Estrella is a bad ass spanish lady she’s a keeper and is serious


beautiful is beautiful estrella

Arti kata estrella bahasa

estrellas are fat bums and that’s all i have to say because that’s all they are . 😩


hey look it’s estrella yea she’s a fat bum i know right ! i made this to act like it was a real definition so i could make fun of my friend 💀💀