Arti kata "catalina" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata catalina bahasa

Catalina. A girl with a heart too big for measurement. You’ll find yourself realizing how fortunate you are to have them in your life. They go out of their way and do anything to make sure you’re happy. They will share with you anything that makes them laugh for the chance to make you laugh as-well. They’re super smart and usually have plenty of talents to show, whether it’s a sport, or an instrument, etc. They’re amazing friends. They stay true to you and will defend you at any cost. They will notice instantly if you’re upset and put your happiness before theirs. Her smile is heart-melting and her laugh is super contagious. Whenever you leave their presence, you can really feel the amount of life leave with them and you’ll instantly try to make up for the lost presence by trying to call or message her. Catalina is a girl that makes you realize how amazing life is, and how every day prior to meeting her, seemed like a day wasted. Catalina is someone who makes the world a better place just by being herself, and she doesn’t even realize how lucky we are to have her.


"Why do you seem so happy and full of life all of the sudden?" A Catalina must have entered their life.

Arti kata catalina bahasa

the girl who guys want to date, and who girls want to be. she is rather shy, it takes her a while to open up but when she does shes a great person. she is intellegent and fun to be around. shes filled with love and care. shes over all the whole package


catalina is the best girl i've ever met!

Arti kata catalina bahasa

the finest mexican you will ever see in your life!


person1: dam look at catalina she's fine and thick as hell bruh im gona make her my wife. person2: shit yea right shes to good for you nigga

Arti kata catalina bahasa

On the thesaurus look up BEST And every word besides antonyms describes cat.


"catalina is every girls wet dream! because she is perfect in every way! like marry poppins."

Arti kata catalina bahasa

Catalina is one of the greatest people you will meet. She's a little shy, but great to be around when you get to know her. She is who girls want to be and guys want to date. Catalina has a radiant personality and makes people comfortable to be around. She can be hyper and a little too much at times. Overall Catalina is a great person with a big heart, and the greatest kisser ever .


"Have you seen that gorgeous girl?" "oh, you mean catalina?"

Arti kata catalina bahasa

Really sweet girl. She has a big heart and loves everything and everyone, she always sees the best in people. She’s good at following other people’s pace and for her the most important thing is to see people happy and she’ll even embarrass herself just to make you laugh. She has a blinding smile and she has multiple laughs, whenever she smiles she can’t see because she’s smiling so hard that her cheeks are covering her eyes. You’ll see her with a different group of people everyday because she likes to be friends with everyone and including others who feel left out all the time. She’s also a little hyper and has a lot of jokes she doesn’t like using offensive humor but she doesn’t mind hearing it just as long as she doesn’t have to go along with it. Everyone loves Catalina and she loves everyone back. she’ll think about all her friends everyday and try to brainstorm jokes to say to her friends whenever they meet up again. She’s very committed and she knows when to be serious, in a relationship she will love you unconditionally and make sure you’re always happy and help you when you begin to have problems. She’s very accepting and forgiving she can never get mad at people because anger is foreign to her. She’s very straightforward if she is upset with something. Overall She’s the most perfect girl and she will never stop showing you the many sides of her she has to offer while she won’t stop uncovering sides of you that you never knew you had.


“Hey do you know Catalina!” “Of course I do she talked to me earlier and helped me get closer with my other classmates

Arti kata catalina bahasa

Catalina is a girl who’s loud voice reflects her big heart. She is caring and kind and slightly insane. There will never be a dull moment with her.


Catalina, it’s midnight, quiet down. “ONE MORE WWE SMACKDOWN!!!”

Arti kata catalina bahasa

the main antagonist of gta III


catalina is a crazy women

Arti kata catalina bahasa

Catalina is someone who thinks boris is like super uber duper


Catalina sucks donkey dick

Arti kata catalina bahasa

catalina, is a amazing girl but, full with dark secrets. she is very emotional and if you hurt her a little bit, she will cry. she always is the popular but not bratty girl. just a girl that everyone knows. she’s usually very smart and is the head of the class. she loves the arts such as dancing, singing, and is very outgoing. she is usually dirty minded but loves to tell jokes, and will do anything to make you laugh. if she’s not in a relationship she is crushing, all she wants is for a boy to like her. she hates valentine’s day, and for different reasons, but she wishes each year her life will get better and wants her crush to love her. <3 < p>


“i hear someone crying!” “oh it’s probably catalina :( “