Arti kata "camper" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata camper bahasa

A term given to those in an online multiplayer game (usually FPS) who will place themselves in a strategic position and wait for an extended period of time until a target enters his field of view. The position usually allows one to surprise the target and allows the "camper" to eliminate him with ease. There are variants of this such as camping an item to repeatedly gain its benefits and defending a critical location. Camping is a perfectly legitimate strategy, but is criticized by a majority of the online community, usually because players get frustrated by being killed in such a fashion, it slows the game down and is considered an unskilful art. Idiots always resort to insulting a camper, who will most likely have a higher score than them. Incompetent admins sometimes kick them and the camper society becomes one of ridicule and resentment. It isn’t illegal to position yourself in such a way that you have an advantage, that’s smart thinking and its part of the game. Some people need to grow some balls.


*Random moron runs around like a retard and subsequently becomes a campers prey. Camper makes a kill* Random moron: OMG LAME FAG U SUXXORZ ONLY N00BS CAMP GETS SUM SKILLZ!!!!!11!!11!1111 I expect the definition to be voted down, but those of intelligence know who is right.

Arti kata camper bahasa

A title given to someone who attempts to protect vital objectives in a game while everyone else goes off to get killed individually because they have no concept of "team."


"U FUKIN CAMPER QUIT CAMPING U FAG" "I'm guarding the flag, you dumbass. Learn to play."

Arti kata camper bahasa

Any gamer who stands in place for more than 3 seconds, or (God forbid) actually croutches. Doing this in Counter-Strike will have everyone on the server hating your guts.


"OMG camper F4G!!" "OMG fukng camprs!"

Arti kata camper bahasa

In first person shooters, a cry of outrage at one who was a successful target of a stationary person, usually a sniper


"Camper!" "You expect a sniper to walk around?"

Arti kata camper bahasa

Found in online multiplayer games. A camper stays in one spot and waits for enemies to walk past him before attacking.


"You're such a lame camper!"

Arti kata camper bahasa

Camping, as defined above, is the strategy of sitting in a single stragic spot, waiting for someone to come into your vision, however, it should be noted that camping is not always a fair strategy. Some campers will camp an area where it is nearly impossible to be killed if they refuse to move. An example would be squating behind a box in an enclosed room with a single entrance. An opponent would have to position himself infront of the doorway without any cover, and try to hit the small ammount of the camper that is visible. In this way, the camper can get kill after kill, even when his position is known, and in 1 on 1 matches, this would become very frustrating and ruin the game for the opponent.


OMG LOL I R0><0RZ CAUSE I CAN SIT IN ONE SPOT ALL DAY LOL!!!!!!!!11111111< div>>

Arti kata camper bahasa

Derogatory term used for someone who can actually master the team aspect fo most games, but has no one else to use this aspect with. "Campers" generally are seen in FPS games, especially ones based on a team mindset. These campers normally defend an objective, or wait for a tactical advantage.


OMG, he shot me in the back! Camper!!! You're defending the objective? Go kill someone, camper!

Arti kata camper bahasa

A move done in Halo games and Cock of Duty "Call of Duty" games. A sack of shit who sits and waits for someone to come by and he kills them. 80% of campers masturbate while waiting and for someone to walk by. Most are eating fast food items off their belly while laying on the couch. If they aren't camping then they are standing in the open for all to see and will get killed costing their team the game. No one knows the real truth behind this standing out in the open not doing anything but some experts believe it's due to them taking a break from the game so they can use their banana fingers to dip a french fry in some ketchup, bbq sauce, or straight up jizz. It is estimated 50% of campers rock the foundations of their home whenever taking a shit. Also, it is estimated 75 to 80% wear helmets while eating breakfast fast food and while sleeping.


Wow this camper is an asshole who won't actually go around and earn his kills me actually doing something.

Arti kata camper bahasa

a word commonly used in the gaming scene to define a player that will hide in one position the length of the game. No skill is required to do this and is generally irritating to other players. The 'camper' however believes they are the best player in the game.


Deso is such a camper in the last free-for-all match on COD black ops

Arti kata camper bahasa

In the context of restaurants , campers are people who socialize at a table or group of tables as their objective, rather than ordering food. Campers will typically order coffee or other beverages and one or two of a party might order a real meal, however their stay will often be two or more hours. Typically 24-hour restaurants like Denny's will be the most common location to find campers, often a group of "regulars". Some waitstaff hate campers because they occupy a table for long periods of time, preventing other customers from being seated there - but other waitstaff recognize that a steady group of campers can represent a steady flow of business, and upon building rapport with the regulars can reap handsome gratuities, as well.


(waitress #1) "I have a bunch of campers at table 7 who have been there 3 hours" (waiter #2) "Relax, just seat these old folk who just walked in at table 6 and the problem will take care of itself"