Apa maksud dari 7d 1d

Page 2

Index of Names of Persons—Patent Rolls, Ric. III.--continued. The first column of numerals denotes the year of the reign; the second, the number of the roll or “ part " in each regnal year; the third, the modern numbering of

the membranes included between brackets; and the fourth, the number of the entry.

Edward IV., surrenders of his patents, &c.contd. 14 4 29 Empson- 4 5 33 Einpson, Richard

1121d 14 6 43

2 1 8d 2d 14 8 52 Emson, Richard

116d 1 ld 14 9 55

11 10d id 114 13 87

12 ld

Id 14 16 109

1 2 3d | 2d 14 21 128

1 2 7d 3d 14/ 24 137

22 21d ild 1 4 25 142

23 22 145
15 1 143 | Emson.— Vide Empson.
15 4 129 Enacheune ? in Hibernia, episcopus de.—Vide 14

Baret. bis 15 56 11 15

Enaghdown? in Ireland, bishop of.— Vide Baret. 15 16 53 Enderby, Walter


ld 21 5 167

bis 1130 | 1d 21 5 165

12 5d | 3d 21 8 152

2 1 3d ld 2) 13 114 England, admiral of

11 18 42 21 17 90

2 2 18d 100 1 24 23 chief butler of

11 21 58 21 24 22

(30 bis 25 18

1 2 3 31 26 5

132 22 8 72

6 49 22 11 87

53 2 2 14 106

65 2 3 6 31

15 114 2 3 7 41

8 93 23 23 148

5 23 3 23 24 15$

2 21 45 surrender in part of his patent 14 16 114

6 surrender of his patent recited

1 2 16 118

clerk of the market within the household time of peace of

and throughout 3 23

1 4 12

73 19 Edward V., the bastard, his patent of appointment

constable of

11 16 30 noticed

11 23

78 1 2 4 39 treasurer of household to

1 2 12 87 22 1 1

constable [vice] of Edward prince of Wales.-- Vide Wales, prince of.

11 24 83 earl marshal of

11 8 Edward, prince (son of Ric. 3]

2 12 1 7 2 20 150 Edward prince of Wales, keeper of (his

14 pat. conf.).

5 33 nurse of

2 2 20 150 Edward, John

foreign cloth weavers settled in. - Vide 12 ld ld

Cloth weavers. Edwards, Thomas

13 4 48 great chamberlain of

11 23 82 119 13 167 steward of.

11 14 21 Edyall, Henry.- Vide Edale.

120 subtreasurer of

23 13d 150 Egecombe

the king's solicitor

21 23 36 Egecombe, Richard

21 210 15d treasurer of

12 24 175 Eggecombe, John 11 7d ld

15 17d od Richard, alias Egcombe 15 9 86

2 1 | 2d ld Egerton

23 8d.id Egerton, Hugh 118d ld

23 150 180 1 2 3d 2d - St. John of Jerusalem in.- Vide St. John Eggerton, Hugh

11/ 3d id of Jerusalem. Eggecombe. — Vide Egecombe.

England and Wales, attorney general of

15 | 20 21 Eggerton.-Vide Egerton.

Englisshe, Thomas

13 5 56 Egremond, John, kut. 114 2 12 Erlich, John

21 | 2d ld Eland, William 11 4d ld Erlyngton, vicar of

14d 5d 1 illa ld Essex, escbeator of

11 20 55 1 2 2d | 2d

12 9d 4d 1 2 6d 3d sheriff of

111 20 55 13 Id 2d

1116d 5d 21 2d ld

1 ld ld 21/ 8d | 2d

1 2 7d 3d Elderton, James 23 6 33

12 9d 4d Elmerugge, Roger 5 10 83

21 6d 2d Elmes, Walter 118d ld

2 2 3d 4d 1 2 3d | 2d and Herts, sheriff of (temp. Ed. III.]

2 2

7 58 Elriugton

2 2 3d 3d Elrington, John, knt. .


23 8d 9d 2 1 1 Essex, Henry Burghchier, knt., earl of

13 5 55 2 2 22 1169 Henry earl of

13 5

55 Elryngton, John 1 23 73

6 51 knt.

38 late earl of .

1 3 1 2 3d2d

6 51 1517d 5d now earl of


3 15200 8d Isabel late countess of

3 sen,

1/5 200 | 8d William

16 101 Elrington, Margaret, widow of John 2 2 1 Eston, Robert, alias Richard Flecchere

3 25 170 Ely, bishop of 11|24d 22d Estynton, Richard

2 1/ 1883 21 11 128 Ethyngham-J., bishop of 1|1|1d Id Ethyngham, Thomas, knt.

1 2 5d 3d 11 3d ld Ethynham, Thomas, knt.

21 6d | 2d bis 11 5d ld Ethynham.— Vide Ethyngham. bis 11 6d | ld Ecou, Roger

22 14 112 11 7d ገd Eustace, William

13 10 106 bis 11 sd ld Evenwode, William .

12 24 177 Jolin, bishop of .

6 48 Evenyngham.- Vide Henyngham. John Morton, bishop of 23 17 109

10 Elyot, Thomas

2 3 15 u

Everard, William 70

11 Elys, John 23 20 138 Everley, Thomas

12 22 158 Thomas

Page 3

Index of Names of Persons—Patent Rolls, Ric. III.--continued. The first column of numerals denotes the year of the reign; the second, the number of the roll or “ part" in each regnal year; the third, the modern numbering of

the membranes included between brackets; and the fourth, the number of the entry.

Hereford, Th. bishop of continued
11 7d | Id Holdenby, John

1 5 23 1 pluries 1 ind

id Holgrave, John

1:1 2d id bis 1 1 13d ld

11 3d ld 2 1 5d Id

1 iud ld Hereford city, mayor of

2 2 4d

1 2 3d 20 Herefordshire, sheriff of

12 id

1 2! id 3d
12 Sd

2 1 11 133 2 1 7d 2d

2 1 6d 2d 2 2 3d 4d

2 2 9d 9d 2 3 8d 9d

2 3 &d ! Id Hermesthorp, John de 14 7 49

3 7 24 10

14 64

Holland, native of Heron, John 23

7 50

Holland in Lincolnshire, sheriff of.- Vide LincolnHerreise.- Vide Harreise.

sbire. Herry, Johu and Miles ap.— Vide Ap Herry.

Holme, John, clk.

15 22 10 Hersy


1 2 22 151 Hersy, Humphrey 2 1 6d | 2d

13 22 178 Hessy, Humphrey

1 2 70 3d Holmested.- Vide Holmsted. Hert. Johii, clk.

12 8 60 HolmstedHertley, Geoffrey 3 6 22 Holmesteld of Felsted, Richard

12 9d4d Hertlington.— Vide Hartlington.

Holmsted, Richard

11 20 55 Herts, sheriff of

1 2] 1d Id Holond. - Vide Holand.
12 7d 3d Holt, Catherine


14 138 21 21 48 Edmund

1 5 10 78 6d | 2d

Holy Trinity.— Vide Trinity. 2 2 3d 4d Honylane, William .

2 3 48 Herts and Essex, sheriff of. Vide Essex and Herts. Hoo, John

15 18 36 Hessy.- Vide Hersy.

24 Hevenyngham.- Vide Henyngham.


bis 112d Hevyngham.-Vide Henyngham.

3d ld Hewyk, Jolin 21 12 126

12d ld 2 2 1 1

11130 id Hext

12 id Hext, Thomas 1 4 172 | 7d

bis 2 2d ld 2 1 3d ld

pluries 2 2 1 7d | 2d

60 2d Hexte, Thomas 60 ld

2 24d5d 1 1 6d Id [? same as Hcerde, Hoorde, Horde: which See.]

10d ld Hoord. Vide Horde, Thomas.

12d ld Hooton,Vide Huttou. liis 1 1 13d 1d Hoperion, John

2 1

9 149 1 2 3d

2d Hopkynson, Henry

2 2

4 | 27 12 5d 3d Hopton, Dávid, cik..

1 2 12 89 Hryborn.— Vide Hayborn.


11 6d id Heydon.-Vide Haydon.

1 1 100 ld Heyward.– Vide Hayward.

1 2 4d | 2d [For names beginning with the syllable Hi, sce

12 Ed

30 the end of this letter.]

21 7d | 2d Hobard, James

2 3 100 120 Hobard, James

1 5 8d | 2d George

2 1id2d Hobart, James

14 3 19 Roger

1 2 7d 3d 15 sd


2 1 d 2d Hobbard, James 21 3

2 2 8 65 Hoberd, James

15 23d 100 Thomas

13 91 Hobert, James

1 2 50


6d2d 1 2 190 | 7d William, knt.

11 60 id 21 6d | 2d

Unid id Hubbard, James li 8d ld

12d ld 1 2 2d 2d

1113d 1 3 1 13

2 id id 13 21 1168

1 2 4d2d bis 2 1 3d ld

1411 64 Hubbert, James 1 id Id

1 517d6d Hobard, Richard

Horde, John

23100 12d Hobard, Ricbaril

13 9 85 Horde, Thomas Hoberd, Richard

21 4 Hoord, Thomas

2 1 19d lid Hobart.--Vide Hobard.'

Horde, Thomas .

116d id Hobbard.— Vide Hobard.

1 2 4d 2d Hobbys, William 1 2 3 28

1 2 8d

3d Hoberd.- Vide Hobard.

2 1 7did Hody, William


2 3 100 Tid ii 7d ld [? same as Hoo, and Heerde: which See.] 12 3d ad Horne, Richard

23 23 155 Hogan, alias Owgan, John.

13 10 104 Walter

2 3 23 155 Tbomas

1 3 10 104 Horseley.— Vide Horsley. Hogeson, Edmund

1 2 21 149

Horsle.— Vide Horsley. Hogs

Horsley- Hogg, Peter

2 3 17 118 Horseley, William

1 13 Hogyes, Peter

2 1 6d
2d Horsle, William

1518d id Hoke, Peter 2.3 9 57 Horton, Melicent

11 13 Hoygge, Henry

2' 1 2 Horton (Northumberland), Grey de.—Vide Gray de Hogges.— Vide Hogg.

Hortou. Hoghton.— Vide Hutton.

Horwood, John

2 2170 9d Hoke.- Vide Hogg.

Hossewell, John

21 2d Hokyngton, Richard 2 3 20 137 Hosyer, Jolin, late of Ludlowe (Salop)..

2 2 18 132 Holand

Hoton.-Vide Hutton. Holand, Thomas

12 7d

3d Hoton Thymbilby, or Thymylby de.- Vide ThymHolond, Thomas

Page 4

Index of Names of Persons-Patent Rolls, Ric. III.--continued. The first column of numerals denotes the year of the reign ; the second, the number of the roll or " part" in each regnal year; the third, the modern numbering of

the membranes included between brackets; and the fourth, the number of the entry.

Hutton, Johus-continued.

Isabella, mother of Edward III. .

114 749 3 Howeton, John.



Isbery.–Vide Isbury.

Isbury- Huton, John

21 18 79 Isbery, John

2 3 150 1941 2 18 80 Isbury, John

11 12d ld Hutton, Robert

1 2 70 3d Hoton, Robert 12 4 37

1 4 150 Hutton, Thomas, clk. 114 25 147

1 5 23d 100 2 3 16 106

2 2 9d 9d Hutton, William

Isebury, John

21 60

2d Hoghton, William, knt.

2 3 20 130 Isebury.- ride Isbury. Houghton, William, knt.

12 ld id || Iseley, John.-Vide Isley.
2 1 7d 2d Isley, John, alias Iseley, alias Ysley

12 13 95
23 8 51 Ismay, John

1 2 100 6d Huwys, William

U] 2 Italy, native of

2 2 13 100 Hide

merchants of

2 3 21 140 Hide, James

12 13 96 Ive, Richard

6d ld Richard 1 21 13 100

1 9d id Hyde, Richard 2 3 6 | 33

13 92 Hyet.— Vide Hyot.

1 4d ld Higgeford, John 22 7 59

2 1 70 2d Higham


13 Higham, Richard

118d Ꭲd Ivers, Jobn

2 7d 1112d id

2 1 6d

2 1 2 3d 2d William, knt.

12 6d 3d
12 7d 3d
2 1 6d 2d

2 2 9d9d Thomas

1 2 6d 3d

J. jun.

1 1 6d id
11 7d ld
1112d id Jacobi (Giacobi], Giovanni

21 24 24 1113d ld

22 24 183 Highbam, Thomas

21 7d 2d Jakesson, Robert

13 1 16 Hygham, Thomas, jun.

1 2 4d | 2d James. Vide St. James. Highham.- Vide Higham.

James, John- Hygons, John

11 5d ld James, John

13 23 184
11 id ld clk.

22 5 12 1 2 3d 2d Jamys, John

13 8 77 Hykebam, William

2 2 7d 8d clk.

13 12 123 Hykkes [i. e. Hicks]

alias Webbe

2 3 15 92 Hykkes, John

3 6

22 | James, Fitz.— Vide Fitz James. Hixe, Henry

1 3 10 98

James, king of Scotland.— Vide Scotland, king of. Hyll

Jamys. — Vide James. Hill, Richard

13 1

27 Jankyn, John ap.–Vide Ap Jankyn, John, Hill, Robert 2 1 7d 2d || Janys ?, Andrew

2 3 25 173 2 1 10d Hille, Robert

11 3d ld Jay, Richard

1 i 2did 2 3 15d 18d

il 3d ld Hyll, Robert 118d ld

illd Id 11 12d ld

210 12 Id id

12 4d 2d 1 2 3d | 2d

1 2 6d 3d 2 1 4d ld

1 4 150 od 2 2 5d6d

bis 21 3d ld 2 2 9d9d Jaye, Richard

2 1 7d2d Hylle, Robert

1 2 7d 3d | Jaye.- Vide Jay. Hyll, Thomas, knt. 2 2 9d | 9d || Jebbe, Thomas

21 22 38 Hilles, Thomas

1 4 25 145

Jenney, Edmund- 2 2 22 171 Genney, Edmund

1 2 4d 2d Hylton, Nicholas

21 2d id Jenney, Edmund

11 6d|ld Hyot

ili 7d id Hyet, George 2 2 9 76

1 112d ld Hyot, Isabella bis 2 4

1 1 13d ld Hiot, Robert 23 175

12 ld id Hyot, Robert 4

1 2 6d 3d Hyotte, James 1/2 15 110

1 5 8d2d Hixe.- Vide Hykkes.

2 1 7d | 2d Jenny, Edmund

1/2 19d 7d Jenney, JohnJenney, John

1 2 5d 3d I.

13 ldid

1 5 23d 10d . 2 3 5 32 Jenny, John

2 1 100 | 3d levan Vachan or Vaghan, Richard åp Robert.

Jonney ?, John

21 60 20 Vide Vaghan.

Jenney, Thomas- Ince, Edmund

bis 1 5 1706d Jenney, Thomas

13 ld

ld Ingaldest borp, Edmund, knt.

7 73

1 5 23d 100 Joan, widow of Edmund 13 7 73

bis 21, 3d

ld Inge, Thomas

2 2 22 173 Jenny, Thomas

2 1 10d 3d Ingelby, William, knt.

21 8d 2d || Jenney, WilliamIngowe, Robert

21 2 Jenney, William

i1 id 1d Ippeswell, Robert

21 ll 128


11 12d ld Ipswich, burgesses of 23 24 161

1 5 170 | 5d Ireland, admiral of

1 18 42

Jenny, William

11 14 9 chancellor of 1 18 41

Ii 6d Id lieutenant of 13 1 1


23 64 2 3 21 141

11 lord lieutenant of

21 15 1103 Jenny.- Vide Jenney. Irthyngbourgh, John 1 5 17 | 48 || Jenyn, Thomas

21 3 Isaac

Jenyns, Edward, clk.

21 4 Isaac, John 1520d 8d || Jernyngham, John

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Index of Names of Persons-Patent Rolls, Ric. III.- continued. The first column of numerals denotes the year of the reign ; the second, the number of the roll or “part" in each regnal year; the third, the modern numbering of

the membranes included between brackets; and the fourth, the number of the entry.

Markinfield, Thomas

Mercer, Alan.— Vide Colett. Markenfeld, Thomas, knt,

1112d id Meres- 11 13d ld Meers, Thomas .

11 4d|ld
12 Od 3d

1/2 | 2d 2d Markynfeld, Thomas, knt. 21 5 (160 Meres, Thomas .

7d3d 21 8d2d

6 | 22 Marmayn. - Vide Marmyon.

Merys, Thomas .

2 1 7d | 2d Marmyon

Meyrs, Thomas .

2 1 8d | 2d Marmayn, Maucerus, or Maurice

11 9d ld Merland, Henry

22 22 170 Marmyon, Maucerus, or Maurice

11 4d Id Richard, son and heir of Henry

22 22 170
2 1 6d 2d Merney.- Vide Marny.
Marnay,— Vide Marny.

Merssheton, Richard.

12 24 176 Marney.- Vide Marny.

Merston, William

1 2 4 | 39

2 2 19 140 Mary, Alice, wife of Robert de .

pluries 1/3

Merton, priory of, John-Gisbourne prior of 167 120

prior and sub-prior of St. Mary of 2 3 17 115 Marny, Henry

tenants of the

2 2 19 140 Marnay, Henry. 1 2 7d 3d || Meryng, Thomas

118d | ld Marney, Henry. 2 1 6d | 2d

11|100 | id Marny, Robert

1 2 7d 3d 119 Mary, Robert de, knt.

211 1/3

167 20

21 1692 10

11 602d Merney, Robert de

23 64 William

1 4 19 Marny, William de .

3 25 (168 bis 13

of Newark, Thomas 167 (20

Merys. Vide Meres.

19 William, son and heir of Robert de

22 24 185 13


Metcalf, Brian 120 Christopher.

23 21 143 Marshall


11 19 45 Marchall, William 14 13 83

15 988 2 i 4

Metcalf, MilesMarsshall, Thomas 12 10 80 Metcalf, Miles .

11 4d | id Marsshall.— Vide Marshall.

1 1 9did Marten.-Vide Martyn.

1 2 2d | 2d

12 8d 3d Martham, John

pluries 1/3 {20 167

13] Id | 2d Martyn, Geoffrey 14 13 92 Metecalf, Miles

21 8d2d Ralph 23 6 33 Metcalf, Otho .

15 9 89 Richard

14 15 106 Peter.

15 990 clk.

11 14 23 Richard

991 Thomas

21 3 Metcalf, Thomas- 23 23 148 Metcalf, Thomas

4d | 1d Martyn, William


9d1d Marten, William 2 1 6d 2d

10 77 Martyn, William 113d ገd

8d 3d 1112d ld Metecalf, Thomas

12 2 13 Metcalf, William, son of Christopher

321. 1143
1 2 3d 2d Metecalf.- Vide Metcalf.
12 5d 3d Meteham.- Vide Metham.
14 6 47 Metham-
2 2 3d 2d Meceham, Thomas, knt.

21 | 2did Martyndale

Meteham, Thomas, knt.

4d | ld Martyndale, Robert

23|15d 170

12 2d2d Rowland

2 3 150 17d

1 2 6d 3d Mortyndale, John 23 6 33

13 ld 20 Mary.- Vide St. Mary.

Metham, Thomas, knt.

21 | 8d | 2d Maryot

Metley, Thomas

23 idid Mariot, Richard 1 2 3d 2d | Meverell, Thomas

11 8 1
21 22 ld || Meyrs.- Vide Meres. 21 6d

[For names beginning with the syllable Mi, see end Maryot, Richard

1 60 id

of the letter.) 112d ld || Mody, Agnes, wife of John

12 15 106
2) ld ld John

1 2 15 106 2 6d 3d

1 143 Masham.- Vide Scrope de Masham.

[For names beginning with the syllable moi

, see Mason, Peter

2 2 8 68 Moy.] Massam, John Scrope de.- Vide Scrope de Mas

MollMassbeam,} ham.

Moll, Thomas, clk.

23 521 Mathewe, John

1/5 23 9 Molle, Isota, wife of John

4 49 Walter

13 14 138 John

13 4 49 Mathyng, Robert 2 3 150 170

19 147 Matravers, Thomas Arundel de-Vide' Arundel de

Molle.- Vide Moll. Maltravers.

Molyneux, James

4 24 139 Mauley.- Vide Malo Lacu.

1 4 25 143 Mauntell, Walter, knt.

2 3 22 (145 clk.

22 536 Mautravers. - Vide Arundel de Maltravers.

Molyneux, ThomasMavory, Thomas 11 25 98 Molineux, Thomas

118d id Maximilian, duke of Austria and Brabant.-- Vide

Molyneux, Thomas

| 1 100 ld Austria, duke of,

2 ld id May, John 21 2

2 | 3d2d 26 3

| 2 7d 3d Mayew, Richard, clk. 2 56

16d 2d; Maymond, Thomas

| 4 | 14 93 Mompesson.— Vide Mountpesson. Maynwaryn.— Vide Mayuwaring.

Moncke, John. - Vide Monke. Maynwaring

Mondes, John, jun.

2 3 150 180 Maynwaryn, George 21| 70 | 2d Mone, John

15 6 117 Maynwaryng, George 1 2 8d 3d

bis 21

4 Meath, William, bishop of

11 18 Meceham.- Vide Metham.

Mongomery.- Vide Mountgomery.. Mouke, of London, alias Moncke, alias Munk

15 23 9 Medesen, John

2 2 3d 2d | Monpesson.- Vide Mountpesson. Medford, Robert 2 2 4d | 5d Montague, marchioness of.

21 25 13 Medina, merchants of the town of

3 135 Meers.-- Vide Meres.

[de monte acuto), William

22 10 83

Monte acuto.— Vide Montague. Melkesham, John 12 327 Monte Begon (Mount Begon'], Roger de

12 20 145 Merbury, Robert

13 23 188 Montford. — Vide Mountford

Page 6

Index of Names of Persons-Patent Rolls, Ric. III.- continued. The first column of numerals denotes the year of the reign; the second, the number of the roll or “part" in each regnal year; the third, the modern numbering of

the membranes included between brackets; and the fourth, the number of the entry.

Parker, Richard-continued.

1|2|9d4d | Pemberton—continued.
23 23 155 Pemberton, Robert-continued:

22 24 181 William

13 13d 6d Pembreton, Robert

1 sd 2d 22 Parliament [1 Hen. VI.]


Pembreton.— Vide Pemberton.

Pembroke, Jasper, son of Owin Tedur, earl of 14 6 43 (17 John Hastynges, earl of

31 18 165 [8 Hen. VI.)

1 41 18 116 John Hastyngs, earl of

5 5 122 19 William, late earl of

123 74 [1 Edw. IV.).

1 2 9d 4d

11 114 Edw. IV.)

29 William Herbert, earl of

2 3 12 79 (last one of Edw. IV.]

13 ld | 2d

Vide also 417d ገd Huntingdon, earl of

14 6 43 (1 Ric. III. ?]

15 8d 2d

2 3 Pendeford, John


19 [23 Jan. 1 Ric. III.] | 2 | 118d 10d

4 21 22d 19d | Penfoun- [Act of 1 Edw. IV. noticed]

15 2 142 Penfoun, John

12 6d 3d (Act of 3 Edw. IV. concerning fleeces,

Penfim ?*, John

21 7d | 2d noticed]

251 25d 20d | Penfun.-Vide Penfoun. [act of] 23 5 | 27 Penkeih, Thomas

3 25 174 fact of Ric. III.]

23 5 27 | Penley- [clerk of the] 1 4 25 147 Penley, John

6d 3d (speaker of the] 131 11 00

2 1.25 12 Parre, Thomas, son and heir of William 6 68

7d | 2d 2 1 19 70 Penlyn, Johu

ld William, knt.

T1 4d id

11 10d id
12 4d 2d

1 2 3d 2d 13 6 68

3d id
21 19 70 Penlyn.— Vide Penley. Parsall, Humphrey : 2 1 4d | id Penny, William

2 2 19 146 Partsoyle-

Penreth, Lewis

Ti 25d 210 Partfoyle, Robert

1 2 | 3d | 2d Penwaren.Vide Kent, Laurence ? Partfoyll, Robert 11 3d ld | Penycok, Jolin

129d4d Partriche, Thomas 2 3 5 27

120 55 Passo, Pedro de

11 230 210 Percy, George

2 2 14 113 Paston, John

2 3d 3d Henry, knt.

15 19 30
5 8d | 2d

-:-[Vide also Northumberland, earl of] 15 2 142
6d 2d Joyce, wile of Robert

11 11 64 2 3/ 3d 4d Leo, knt.

15 2 142 William

12 5d 3d Margaret, alias Dowglas. Vide Douglas.
2 2 19 139 Robert

216d 2d Paty, John

14 15 101 knt.

1112d | Id
Paul de Leon-Vide St. Paul de Leon.

12 ld Id Paulet.- Vide Pawlet.

12 / 7d 3d
Pauls, dean of St., London. Vide London.

bis 4 11 64 Pavy, Hugh, clk. 2 3 6 36

4/ 1275 Pawelet.- Vide Pawlet.

bis il 6d 2d Pawlet, Amias-

1 ed | 2d Pawelet, Amias 2 3 15 97

2 9d | 9d Pawlet, William,

Peresall.-Vide Pershall. Paulet, William

11 7d Id Perpouut, Edmund

21 25 10
2 3d 2d knt.

70 id Pawelet, William

5d ld Pershall- knt.

5d id Peresall, Hugh .

2110d 3d 2 3 15 | 97 Persale, Humphrey

21 7d | 2d Payn.— Vide Payne.

Perseale, Humphrey

11 2d ጋ Id Payne, John

Pershall, Humphrey

12 7d ] 3d Payn, John

5 | 21 Person, William

21 23 | 27
1 18 44 Personys, Thomas

23 6 33 i9

Pert- Payne, John

1/3 167 |{20 Pert, Thomas

21100 | 3d Payne, Michael -

Perte, Thomas

13] id ld Payn, Michael 14 13 83

15 23d 100 Payne, Richard

14 13 88 Perte.-- Vide Pert.
2 4d 5d Pestell, Henry

22 3d 2d Payne, Thomas

Peter, John. – Vide White. Payn, Thomas

1 4 13 83 Peter. Vide St, Peter, Payvell, John

11 4d ገd

ld Petit- 11 9d Id Petite, John

2 / 125d 20d
1 2 2d | 2d Petyt, Michael

11 5d ገ id
6d | 2d

2 1 3d ገ id William

4d ld Petyte, Michael

11 5d ጋ ld
9d ገ ld

T1100 ld
12 7d 3d

1 2 3d | 2d
2 1 8d 2d Petyte.- Vide Petit. Paynter-

Peyntour.- Vide Paynter. Paynter, John

2 2 3 17 Peysmersh, Joan, widow of John


3 | 26 Peyntour, John

1/ 24 88 John, knt.

12 3 26 Thomas

14 | 96 96 Peyto, John (the great-grandson]

23 22 145 Pecche-

John (the great-grandfather]

2 3 22 145 Pecche, William, knt.

13 14 137 William, kut. (the father]

2 3 2.2 145 Peke. John

22 9 80 William, knt. (the son]

23 2: 145
[For names beginning with the syllable Pei, see

Peitvyn, Richard

2 22 173 Pey.]

Phelep. )
Peke.- Vide Pecche. .


Vide Philip Pekham, James

1 2 6d 3d Philip, duke of Burgundy and count of Flanders.

21|7d| 2d Vide Burgundy, duke of. Pelham, William

12 5d 3d Philip, Edward-
2 1 6d | 2d Phelip, Edward

2 2 | 3d2d Pemberton

Philip, Edward, jun. .

? 313d 14d Pemberton, James

2 1 14 111 Philip, Thomas- Robert

1/2 id id Phelep, Thomas

22 7d 8d
:21 7d | 3d Philip, Thomas

21313d (14d


. }– Vide Persball.

Page 7

Index of Names of Persons-Patent Rolls, Ric. III. continued. The first column of numerals denotes the year of the reign; the second, the number of the roll or “part" in each regnal year; the third, the modern numbering of

the membranes included between brackets ; and the fourth, the number of the entry.

St. Leger, Thomas-continued..

Sancto Laurencio, Robertus de.— Vide Houthe, lord. Seynleger, Thoinas, knt.

12 3d 2d || Saude, JohnSeyntleger, Thomas, knt. 2 118d 100 Sandes, John

1 2 | 19 (132 St. Leonard of Asholt in Ardale (York), prioress

Sande, Reginald or Reynoldof. - Vide Ardale,

Sande, Reynold

1 1 10d | ld St. Lowe

Iuld ld Saintlowe, John, knţ.

4 2 7 Reginald

1 2 3d | 2d Sayntlo, John, knt. 411 65

13 ld 2d Seintlowe, John, knt. 7d ld

21 2did Seyntlowe, John, knt.. 2 | 2d 2d

3d | 2d 1 5d ld Sandes, Reginald

1 7d 20 1uld ld

2 22d 170 St. Mary de Prez, in Leicester, John, abbot of the

Sonde, Reynold

116d ld monastery of 23 23 157

bis 1/1 7dld St. Mary Graces, near the tower of London.- Vide

12 6d 3d London.

3 ld ld St. Mary Magdalen, near the city of Winchester,

Sandes.— Vide Sande. warden of.–Vide Winchester.

Sandland, Thomas

15 5 120 St. Mary of Berkyng.–Vide Barking.

Sandy, Robert

1 2 6d 3d St. Mary of Coverham, abbot of.- Vide Cover

119 ham.

Sanlo [de Sancto laudo), Robert

13 167

20 St. Mary of Merton, prior of.–Vide Merton.

Sapcote, John, St. Mary Overey, Henry, prior of bis 1 520d | 8d Sapcote, John

ili 1953 St. Mary without the walls of York.- Vide York.

1 1 5d ld St. Mary and St. James of Walden.— Vide Walden.

1 1 6d ld Vide also St. Mary in Index of Localities, &c.

bis 1 1100 ld St. Nicholas of Angers, abbot of.— Vide Angers.

11 12d | ld St. Paul de Leon, bishop of 2 3 23 154

bis 11 13d id St. Paul, London, dean of the cathedral of.– Vide

bis 1 2 3d 2d London, tower of.

125d 3d St. Peter of Gloucester, abbot of.- Vide Gloucester.

13 24d8d St. Peter of Shrewsbury.— Vide Shrewsbury.

114 3 | 21 St. Peter of Westminster.— Vide Westminster.

1417d id St. Saviour's at Bermondsey. - Vide Bermondsey.

15 | 17 | 42 St. Stephen's chapel, in the palace of Westminster,

21 3d ld dean and chapter of.--Vide Westminster.

21 7d 2d St. Thomas of Acres, master of the house of.- Vide

Sapcotes, John

114 6 45 London, city of..

2 3 172 200 Salamanca, Pedro de

1 1 230 210 | Sapcote, Thomas, 13 9d 4d Sapcot, Thomas

2 1 8d | 2d
1 3 24d 8d Sapcote, Thomas

11 19 | 51 1 4 4d

1 1 5d ld 15 3 135

11 !d | ld 23 | 12 72

12 ld | ld Salford, Richard 23 33

1 2 4d | 2d Salisbury, bishop of 1 1 24d 22d

1 2 7d | 3d L. bishop of 1 1 3d ld

1/3 16 150 11] 5d Id

113 ld | 2d Lionel, bishop of 12 19 136

1312d | 5d late bishop of 22 1 2

15 17 4:2 2 3 2 8

2 3 ldid 2 11 Sapcotes, Thomas

2317d 120d Lionel Wideỹyle, late bishop of

21 26


Sapcote, William Lionel Wydevyle, late bishop of 31 11 69 Sapcote, William

1 1 10d id 17

21 60 2d Richard, bishop of

1|4|18 116 Sapcotys, William

8 Richard Beauchamp, bishop of

22 8 66 Thomas, bishop of

2 3 20 136 Satton, Robert

2 1 6d2d Thomas Langton, bishop of

3 2 11 Saunderson, Robert

11 22 69 translated from 2 3 2 8 || Sauney, John .


6d | 2d the see of St, David's to the see of

Savage, Araldus, knt,

2 1 1968 2 3 11 69 Humphrey

1/1 232 210 2 3 636 John

12 6 51 Vide also St. David's; bishop of.

John, knt,

1 100 ld Salisbury, bishopric of, tenants thereof. 23 2 8

1 2 6d 3d Margaret, daughter of Richard, earl of.-15 4 (132

3/ 11 (115 Vide also Oxford, Margaret, wife of John, earl of.

21 | 2d / ld Richard, earl of . 15 4 132

21 7d | 2d Richard, earl of Warwick and. - Vide

3d | 2d Warwick and Şalisbury.

jun., knt.

2 3 15 98 Salkeld, Richard

13 24 198 Thomas

12 19 134 21 8d

23 6 33 23/150 170 Savyle-Vide Savyli. Salman.- Vide Salvan.

Savy)l, JohnSalop, sheriff of.-Vide Shropshire.

Savyle, John, knt.

21/ 3d | ld Salvan, Henry

Savyll, John, knt.

2 / 60 34 Salman*, Henry 2 3 16 103 Sayvile, John, knt.

8 78 Salvan, John, knt. 15 2 142

3d id Salvan, Ralph

Sayvyll, John, knt.

1 | 2d | Id Salman*, Ralph

11 17 39 Savyll, ThomasSalvan, Ralph 15 2 142 Savyle, Thomas

3 71 71 Salyan, Thomas

2 1 1 5 161 Salman*, Thomas 1 17 39 Sayvyl, Thomas

13 22 181 Salvan, Thomas

5 2 142 || Savyll, WilliamSalvan, William

Sayvile, William

1 | 2 | 2d 2d Salman*, William 13 2 | 34 Sayvyle, William

13 ld | 2d Sambroke, John 21 24 23 Sayvyll, Williain

4d | id Sampson, Elizabeth, widow of Thomas

11 86 Saviours. Vide St. Saviour's, Thomas 1? 11 86 Say, Henry Fenys, lord

12 2 16 2 3 17 119 Joan, wife of Thomas

1 2 1 86 Sanches, or Sancho Darys, John.— Vide Darys.

Page 8

Index of Names of Persons-Patent Rolls, Ric. III. continued.

The first column of numerals denotes the year of the reign ; the second, the number of the roll or “ part” in each regnal year ; the third, the modern numbering of

the membranes included between brackets; and the fourth, the number of the entry.

Tremayle, Thomas-continued.

Twyneho, John Tremayle, Thomas-continued. bis 1 i 3d ld Twyneho, John

12 6d 3d pluries 1/1/ 5d ld Twyneo, John

2 3 170 21d 1/1 od ld Twynyho, Johu.

bis 1 1 20 id pluries 1 ind ld

i/illd ገ id 118d ld

1113d ld bis 1 il 9d ld

2 1 5d Id 110d id

2 1 7d 2d pluries 1 ild id || Twyneho, William pluries 12d ld Twyneho, William

1 i 3d id 1

pluries 1 13d id

1 2 3d 2d 1 15d 2d

1 Twynyho, William

1 2 5d 3d 1 2 3d 2d

2 1 6d 2d 15/20 13 lwyneho de Cirencester2 1 4d | ld Twyneho de Cirencester, John

11 5d id 21 5d ld

11 7d ld 22 210 13d || Twyneo, 23 ld ld Twynybo.

Vide Twyneho. 213 214 24d || Twytte, Thomas

14 13

83 Trenchard, John 14 1 2 Tyard, Alexander : :

2 2 7d

ed alias Traynchard

23 5 27 | TychburnTrenowith

Tichebourn, John

21 3d

ld Trenowith, John 21 3d id Tycheborne, Johu

1 2 6d

3d Trenoyth, John 1 110d id Tychebourn, John

2 1 3d

ld 1 2 6d 3d

1il1d ገ id Treynoith, John

2 1 7d | 2d Tychebourne, John

3 ld 2d Trepoyth.— Vide Trenowith.

7d2d Treonney, Vivian, clk. 2 2 5 42 Tycheburn, John

1 i 2d ld Trerise, Arundel. - Vide Arundei Trerise. Tresawell, Thomas.

bis ili 5d
1d Tychebourne

. }Vide Tychburn.

1 2 3d 2d Tychet, John, knt.— Vide Audeley de Audeley. Tresliam, Thomas, knt. 3 15 143 Tykull, Ralph

11 3d

ገ id 151 17 48 Tyler, William

14 13

86 Trethewy, Thomas

1 i10d ገ ld Tilles-
1 2 6d 3d Tilles, Richard.

15 13 63 Trevanyon

Tyllys, Richard

1 1 212 230 Trayvegnon, John 21 od 2d Tyllesley, John

2 3 5 25 Trebenon, * John

1 1 10d ld Tyllys.- Vide Tilles. Trevanyon, John

2 1 3d Id TylneyTreveynon, John 1 2 6d 3d Tilney, Robert .

23 9

63 Trevelyan—

Tylney, Philip

2 3 3d 4d ,

114 7 49 Trevilian, John, jun., alias Trevylyan

Tymanson, Lambert .

13 13 132 2 2 9 77 Tymperley, John, jun.

12 od 3d Treveyron.— Vide Trevanyon.

2 1 7d

2d Trevylyan.— Vide Trevelyan.


2 1 23 30 Treynoith.-Vide Trenowith.

3 (For names beginning with the syllable Tri, see

Tyne.— Vide Newcastle on Tyne. Try.]

Tyrell, ElizabethTrogoys. - Vide Tregoys.

10 Tropenell, Thomas

Tirell, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas 2 2 5 33

2 3


64 Trunce, John 2 3 23 155 Tyrell, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas

11 Walter

2 3 23 155 Tyrell, Humphrey Trussell, Edward 12 24 173 Tirell, Humphrey

4 17 son and heir of William 14. 46 Tyrell, Humphrey

12 7d

3d William, knt. 1 2 21 173

21 14 6 16

2 15 115 Trye, William 12 60 3d

20 2 1 7d2d Tryngham.Vide Tyryngham,

Tyrell, JamesTrinity of London, prior, &c., of the house of the

Tirell, James, knt.

21 Holy.- Vide London. Triuity of Plesshe, house of the Holy.-Vide Pleshey.

bis 2 2 6d 7d Trype, Goskyn

2 3 6

Tyrell, James, knt. 33

bis 150 ld Turistall, Richard, knt. 14 4d ld

1 1 100

ld 2 2

1 123d 180 4 23 Thomas 11 24 87

1/2 | 3d

2d 11 6d ld

14 4 27 1 2 3d 2d

15 17 42 21 17 86

2 1 3d id William 12 5 40

2 2 12 92 Tyrell, Robert.

7d | 3d 15 12

122 Tyrell, Thomas2 2 12 92

110 Turburvyle, John

2 2 5d 6d Tirell, Thomas .

2 3 64

1111 Turnay, William, prior of the hospital of St. John of

3 4 17 Jerusalem in England

bis 11 13 Tyrell, Thomas

111 3 Turnour, William 21 10 135

i i did 15 8d 4d

i 11d ld Turnill or Turvill ? —

12 3d | 2d Turnill, Robert 11 8 1

bis 1 2 7d 3d Turvill, Hugh 13 5 52

21 6d 2d John 13 5 52


15 115 Turpyng, John bis 214d ld

2 3 20 Turyill?- Vide Turnill.


11 20 55 Tutsain?- Vide Tutsham.

12 9d 4d Tutsham

Tirry, William, clk.


10 144 Tutsain ? William

1 2 6d 3d | TyrwhittTuttesham, William

2 1 7d | 2d Tirwhit, William

3 23 153 Tuttesham.-Vide Tutsham.

Tirwhitie, William

2 19 145 Twaytes.- Vide Thwaytes.

Tyrwhite, William

lid Twynam, William Covert de.— Vide Covert de

Page 9

Index of Names of Persons-Patent Rolls, Ric. III.- continued. The first column of numerals denotes the year of the reign ; the second, the number of the roll o: " part" in each regnal year; the third, the modern numbering of

ithe membranes included between brackets ; and the fourth, the number of the entry.

Wortley, Thomas, knt.

Wylkys.— Vide Wilkes. Worteley, Thomas, knt. 21 6d | 2d Willerby, George

1 1 19 48 Wortley, Tb., knt.

2 i 3d id Willougliby, Christopher- Thomas, knt.

11 ild Id Willoughby, Christopher

116d ld 12 ld ld


11 12dld 2 7d3d Willughby, Christopher, knt.

21 7d 2d 3 14 133 Wiloughby, Christopher

1 1 7dd 4 13 78


2 3 12 79 4 13 85 Wylloughby, Christopher

1 2 4d 1 22 44 Wyloughby, Christopher, knt

12 6d 3d 1 7d | 2d Wylowhby, Christopher, knt.

11 13d id Wurteley, Thomas, knt.

1 4d id | Willoughby, RalpbWoudley, Robert 2 3 5d 5d Willoughby, Ralph

1 1 12d ld Wrangwisshe, Thomas 15 4 131

12 ld ld Wratton, Peter 21 25 18

1 2 2d | 2d Wretyll.-Vide Writtill.

2 1 7d2d [For names beginning with the syllable Wri, see

2 3 16 105 Wry.]

Willughby, Ralph

4 2 13 Wrotesley, Richard 2 1 4d | id

5 5 123 Wrothe, John 2 2 5 35

2 1 13 117 Wrotley, Thomas, knt.

12 70

2 1 13 118 Wroughton, John 2 1 7d2d

6d2d 23 6 35

260 212 Wright

3 2d Wright, John

15 8 92 Wylloughby, Ralph

8d ld William

21 10 145

3d id Wryght, Robert 11 3

2 3 240 260 Writhe

Wyloughby, Ralph

1 ild ld Writhe, John 3 22 178

12 6d 3d alias Garter [berald] 12 5 45

21 3d ld Wrythe, John, alias Norroy (herald] 1 1 24 89 Wylowhby, Ralph

11 13d ld Writtill

Willougby, RobertWretyll, John 1|2|7d 3d Willoughby, Robert

12 19 135 Writtill, John

1 1 8d ld


11 8d id Wrytill, Jolin 1 2 3d 2d

13 3 41 Wryxham, William, clk. 7 49 Willughby, Robert, knt.

21 14 113 Wuller, William 2 2 4d5d Wiloughby, Robert, knt.

2 15 108 Wulseley.-Vide Wolsley.

Wyloughby, Robert, knt.

Til 6d id Wulstone.— Vide Wolston.

2 3d 2d Wurteley.— Vide Wortley.

Willughby.-Vide Willoughby. Wybbe, master Peter

22 5 44 William, Thomas Fitz.--Vide Fitz William. Wydeslade, John 1114d 2d Wylliams, Nicholas .

22 22 166 1119d7d Williams, Richard

13 1 31 1 1190 120

1 3 12 119 15 18d 70

13 12 120 Wydeslade, Richard

15 6 112 Wideslade, Richard 14173 | 72

2 2

6 53 Wydeslade, Richard 11 60 ld Williamson, Henry

13 1 15 11 8d ld Willis, William

2 1 7d | 2d 1 1 12d

id | Wyloughby. Vide Willoughby.
bis 1113d ld Wylowhby. 1 2 3d | 2d Wilson, Richard

11123d 2ld 12 5d 3d

15 11 72 Wydislate, Richard 1 1 100 ld Wilt, Peter

11 17 40 Widevile, Anthony

Wiltes.— Vide Wilts.
Wodeviles, Anthony.-Vide also Rivers, earl 12 24 172 Wilton, Grey de.-Vide Gray de Wilton. Widevile, Edward

Wylton, Pole de.-Vide Pole de Wylton. Wodvyle, Edward 13 25 202 Wilts, Avice, wife of James earl of

| 2 2 15 115 Widevile, Richard

Wilts, Constance, countess of Wodeville, Richard, knt., alias Wideville,

Wiltes', Constance, wife of John late earl Wydeville, Widevill, Widevile.

2 3 13 | 81 of

2 2 22 172 Wydeville.-- Vide Widevilé.

Wilts, Constance, wife of John earl of :

4 23 Widevyle, or Wydevyle, Lionel, late bishop of

Wilts, Edward, son of John earl of Salisbury.-Vide Salisbury, bishop of.

Wiltes', Edward, son and heir of Jolin late Wydislate.--Vide Wydeslade.

earl of .

2 2 22 172 Wight, lady of the isle of.— Vide York, Philippa,

Wilts, James , earl of

13 14 (138 duchess of.

alias James de Ormond

2 2 15 115 Wyghton, John

13 12d | 5d Wiltes, John earl of-
2 1 2d ld Wiltes', John late earl of

2 2 22 172 Wyghtryog, or Wythryng, William


Wilts, John earl of.Vide also Ormond 2 2 4 | 23 Wigmore (Hereford dioc.), Thomas, abbot of the mo

Wiltshire, sheriff of

270 3d nastery of St. James of 23 3 15

5 11 73 Wykam, William

15 1 146

217d2d Wykes, John 11 5d ! ld

2 116d 7d 11 7d ld

2 1 22d 180 11 ildid

bis 2 2 3d 3d 12 2d | 2d

2 2 3d 4d 12 6d 3d

2 3 8d | 9d 21 4

23 14d 160 2 3 3 17 Wiltshire and Hants, escheator of.-Vide Hants and Wylcok, William, clk.

13 9 93 Wilts. Wilcokks, William

13 1 21 Wymbyssh- 13 21 173 Wymbyssh, Thomas

1 1 4d id Wilde

Wymbysshe, Thomas

11 9d id Wyld, John 23 6 33

1 1 18d Wylde, John

bis 2 1 4

i 2 20 21 Wilde, Thomas

lil 1740 Winchcombe Wildecotes, Thomas 2 2 6 47 Winchecombe, abbot, &c., of

2 1 10 136 Wylgrice, John 15 18d 7d Wynchecombe, abbot of

1 4 16 115 Wilkes


Page 10



7 An Inder to the First, Second, and Third Printed Reports is appended to the Third Printed Report,

An Index to the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Printed Reports is appended to the Sixth Printed Report.


Books and Papers connected with the Slave Compensation Records received from


ACCOUNTS. See Court and Chamber Keeper's Accounts, (Queen's Bench). See German

Accounts. See Ministers' Accounts, (Tower). See Taxes, &c. &c. Two Rolls of Accounts, relating to the Ordnance and Army, temp. Edw. VI. andĮ VII. . Eliz., among Treasury Records; transferred to Rolls House


VIII. Inventory of Private Memoranda of, (Queen's Bench)



Additional accommodation required for those of the Registrar-General; his appli- VII.

cation to the Treasury referred to the Master of the Rolls; reply thereto. VII.

Warrants and proceedings for bringing the Accruing Records into the custody of)

the Master of the Rolls, in 1845

Inventory of those transferred in 1845.

· VII. Warrants for transfer of those of Courts of common Law, &c., for 1825, stayeds VII. in 1845 for want of proper accommodation, &c.


VIII. The like, in 1846, for those for 1825 and 1826

VIII. Circular addressed to the Masters of the Courts of Common Law, the Queen's

Remembrancer, and the Treasurer of Queen Anne's Bounty, that the Accruing VIII. Records for 1825 and 1826 cannot be received for want of proper accommo VIII. dation; reply of the Queen's Remembrancer thereto

VIII. Of the Chancery and Parliament transferred, in 1846


IX. in 1847

IX. Additional space provided in Rolls Chapel for those of the Chancery.

IX. Miscellaneous trausfers in 1847

IX. Warrants for transfer of those of Courts of Common Law, &c., for 1825, 1826, IX. and 1827, prepared : Records in course of transfer.

.U IX.


VII. By Religious Houses : temp. Hen. VIII.: afford Materials for a History of the) VII. Reformation : Inventory thereof


ADMIRALTY RECORDS. Operations upon, from 1840 to 1845 .

VII. Proceedings connected with Transfers and Removals from Deptford Dock-yard, VIII.

. previous to March, 1846. Further proceedings in 1846 ; correspondence between Accountant-General of

VIII. the Navy, Treasury, Admiralty, and Public Record Office; extensive Re- movals; mode of Removal .

VIII. Particulars of Admiralty Documents received in 1846.

VIII. Mode of arrangement after transfer, and regulations for searches : operations :] VIII. nature and value of Documents transferred


VIII. Log Books: their nature, origin, and value ; deaths and marriages entered

VIII. therein: extract from the earliest Log Book extant .

VIII. Pay Books: their use, extent, and description : example of their utility in ques- VIII


Report of Officers of the Admiralty, &c., on details preparatory to the final VIII.

Transfer of the Greenwich Out-Pension Office to the War Office and Admiralty í VIII. Correspondence between the Admiralty, the Accountant-General of the Navy,

and Public Record Office, respecting a proposed transfer of Lieutenants' Log

Books. Report of Mr. Hardy, on the Log Books deposited at Somerset House

IX. Further transfer of Admiralty Records, in 1847; mode of arrangement; ope IX. rations, Catalogues, Indexes; use of the Records by Admiralty Officers, &c.,

IX. regulations as to Fees


17 21, 22

S 10, 14,

26, 27 9, 26

One Affidavit of Service of Subpæna, Mich. 1808, transferred to Carlton Ride,

in 1847

AFFIDAVITS, (Queen's Bench, Plea Side). .

Further transfer in 1845: and operations upon various descriptions of

IX. in 1847 .


VII. Dissolved in 1821: their Records among Treasury Documents ; description || VII.

thereof, and operations upon, with Inventory of Books: Records transferred | VIII. to Rolls House


VIII. AGARDE’S INDEXES. Transferred from Chapter House to Carlton Ride, in 1847

IX. AGENDA BOOK, (Treasury).

VII. Nature of: transferred to Rolls House, in 1846



Accounts of the Treasurer of Martin Frobisher's three Voyages to . Books of Assignments connected with “ Penn's Perpetuity,” or compensation for loss of Pennsylvania, among Treasury Records

. Books and Papers relating to, among Treasury Records Minutes of the Treasury relating to the American War, transferred to Rolls

House, in 1846 .


Dangers to the Records from Military Stores, Gunpowder, &c., in the Tower of

London : Reports and Correspondence thereon, from 1732 to 1845


Extract from the Summing-up of Lord Denman, in the above Case, showing the VIII.
importance of the Admiralty Pay Books, &c.



Books and Papers connected with the Slave Compensation Records received from


ACCOUNTS. See Court and Chamber Keeper's Accounts, (Queen's Bench). See German

Accounts. See Ministers' Accounts, (Tower). See Taxes, &c. &c. Two Rolls of Accounts, relating to the Ordnance and Army, temp. Edw. VI. andĮ VII. Eliz., among Treasury Records; transferred to Rolls House


VIII. Inventory of Private Memoranda of, (Queen's Bench)



Additional accommodation required for those of the Registrar-General; his appli-) VII.

cation to the Treasury referred to the Master of the Rolls ; reply thereto. VII.

Warrants and proceedings for bringing the Accruing Records into the custody of

the Master of the Rolls, in 1845

Inventory of those transferred in 1845. .

VII. Warrants for transfer of those of Courts of Common Law, &c., for 1825, stayeds VII. in 1845 for want of proper accommodation, &c.


VIII. The like, in 1846, for those for 1825 and 1826

VIII. Circular addressed to the Masters of the Courts of Common Law, the Queen's Remembrancer, and the Treasurer of Queen Anne's Bounty, that the Accruing

VIII. Records for 1825 and 1826 cannot be received for want of proper accommo- VIII. dation; reply of the Queen’s Remembrancer thereto

VIII. Of the Chancery and Parliament transferred, in 1846


IX. in 1847

IX. Additional space provided in Rolls Chapel for those of the Chancery.

IX. Miscellaneous transfers in 1847

IX. Warrants for transfer of those of Courts of Common Law, &c., for 1825, 1826, IX. and 1827, prepared : Records in course of transfer.



By Religious Houses : temp. Hen. VIII. : afford Materials for a History of the

Reformation : Inventory thereof

ADMIRALTY RECORDS. Operations upon, from 1840 to 1845

VII. Proceedings connected with Transfers and Removals from Deptford Dock-yard, VIII.

previous to March, 1846. Further proceedings in 1846 ; correspondence between Accountant-General of VIII.

the Navy, Treasury, Admiralty, and Public Record Office; extensive Re- movals ; mode of Removal .

VIII. Particulars of Admiralty Documents received in 1846.

VIII. Mode of arrangement after transfer, and regulations for searches : operations:; VIII. nature and value of Documents transferred


VIII. Log Books: their nature, origin, and value ; deaths and marriages entered

VIII. therein: extract from the earliest Log Book extant .

VIII. Pay Books: their use, extent, and description : example of their utility in ques- VIII. tions of pedigree



Report of Officers of the Admiralty, &c., on details preparatory to the final VIII.

Transfer of the Greenwich Out-Pension Office to the War Office and Admiralty i VIII. Correspondence between the Admiralty, the Accountant-General of the Navy,

and Public Record Office, respecting a proposed transfer of Lieutenants' Log IX.

Books. Report of Mr. Hardy, on the Log Books deposited at Somerset House

IX. Further transfer of Admiralty Records, in 1847; mode of arrangement; ope-

IX. rations, Catalogues, Indexes; use of the Records by Admiralty Officers, &c.,

IX. regulations as to Fees


17 21, 22

SI 10, 14,

26, 27 9, 26

One Affidavit of Service of Subpæna, Mich. 1808, transferred to Carlton Ride,

in 1847

AFFIDAVITS, (Queen's Bench, Plea Side). .

Further transfer in 1845: and operations upon various descriptions of


VII. Dissolved in 1821: their Records among Treasury Documents ; description VII.

thereof, and operations upon, with Inventory of Books: Records transferred | VIII. to Rolls House


VIII. AGARDE'S INDEXES. Transferred from Chapter House to Carlton Ride, in 1847



Accounts of the Treasurer of Martin Frobisher's three Voyages to . Books of Assignments connected with “ Penn's Perpetuity,” or compensation for

loss of Pennsylvania, among Treasury Records . Books and Papers relating to, among Treasury Records Minutes of the Treasury relating to the American War, transferred to Rolls

House, in 1846


Dangers to the Records from Military Stores, Gunpowder, &c., in the Tower of

London : Reports and Correspondence thereon, from 1732 to 1845


Extract from the Summing-up of Lord Denman, in the above Case, showing the VIII. importance of the Admiralty Pay Books, &c.


Page 11


Page of Page of pendix. Report. Appendix.

ANGLESEY. See Welsh Records.

ANNUITIES. See Life Annuities. See Memorials of Annuity Deeds. Sec Tontine


Roll of Accounts relating to the Army sent into Scotland, 1569–1571, among

Treasury Records : transferred to Rolls House, in 1846 Books relating to, among Treasury Records


Proposed transfer of Books and Papers thereof, in 1846 : Correspondence)

thereon : part of the Documents destroyed : remainder not received for want of sufficient accommodation .

ARRANGEMENTS OF RECORDS. Records formerly arranged under Pictorial Sigus, &c.


VII. Complete arrangement of various classes suspended for want of proper accommo-

VII. dation and Fire-Proof Repository: temporary expedients .


VIII. Summary of arrangements made by the Officers, in 1845

VII. from 1940 to 1845

VII. in 1846

VIII. in 1847

IX. Expenses of Workmen's Labour in Carlton Ride, from August, 1840, to Decem-s IX. ber, 1847.



Operations upon, at Chapter House, from 1840 to 1845 . . Warrant for Removal of those at Carlton Ride to Stone Tower, previous to Henry

VIII.: removal suspended on account of repairs in progress ATTORNEY, LETTERS AND POWERS OF.

Among Treasury Records ; description and value thereof, with Inventory

Trau:sferred from Treasury, in 1846, with exceptions. ATTORNEY, WARRANTS OF. See Warrants of Attorney.

ATTORNEYS. See Attorneys’ Admissions, (Queen's Bench). See Bills against Attorneys,

(Queen's Bench), &c.


Further transfer, in 1845, and of Indexes thereto.


Operations upon Fiats of Judges to admit Attorneys, in 1846 AUDITOR OF THE RECEIPT OF EXCHEQUER. See Exchequer : Receipt Side. AUGMENTATION BAG.

Calendar of Documents contained in a Bag so called, in the Chapter House .

AUGMENTATION OFFICE BOOKS. See Augmentation Office Records.


Augmentation Office Books: operations upon, in 1846

J10, 14,15,

26, 27

23, 24, Y 46, 47 17, 34, 35

Chartularies ; Calendar in


First Part of Calendar; its nature and value .

Church Goods, Surveys of; description of, and Inventory.


7,27 233

14, 26 19

24, 46 17, 34

15, 26 21

19, 20,

46, 47 11, 12

18, 19,

31, 35 15-17,21

6-8, 13,

15, 26, 27 20


224 9, 11

14, 17, 35


15, 26 19, 20


in 1846 ; description and nature of

First Part of Inventory Surrenders of Monasteries and Religious Foundations : operations upon, in 1845


AUGMENTATION OFFICE RECORDS—continued. Summary of proceedings on, from 1840 to 1845

in 1846.

in 1847. Estimate of Cost of Workmen's Labour, on certain Records, from August, 1840,

to December, 1847 See Carlton Ride. See Exchequer : Queen’s Remembrancer.


Calendar of Ancient Correspondence from and with, in the Chapter House


Operations upon, in 1846 .

BAILS, SPECIAL, (Queen's Bench).

Affidavits connected with, in 1846 .


Proposes to place a portion of the Records in the roofs of the new Houses of Par-)

liament ; requests the opinion of the Master of the Rolls; Report of Record

Officers thereon transmitted to him . Suggests Palace Yard as the site for a General Record Office. Measurement of the Records transmitted to him



East India Company's Advices from, 1729-1780, among Treasury Records BILLS, (Chancery). See Bills and Answers, (Chancery). See Signed Bills.


Declarations, (Queen's Bench).

BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES. See Log Books. See Registrar-General of

Births, Deaths, and Marriages.

BLACK, WILLIAM HENRY, an Assistant Keeper. See Exchequer : Receipt Side.

VII. Appointed to report upon the state of the Old Treasury Records, in 1842: Cor-

VII. respondence connected therewith

VIII. Progress and completion of his report upon the Old Treasury Records, in 1845 .

UVIII. Report on the Old Records of the Treasury

VII. Directed to examine and report upon certain Welsh Records in London and VII. at Welsh-Pool; his reports thereon ; brings some from Welsh-Pool to the

VII. Rolls House; Practice Book of the Chester Circuit reported on, and trans- ferred.

IX. Examines the new Record Office at Welsh-Pool, and inspects the removal of the vii

Page 12


Certain Slave Compensation Records transferred from the Accountant-General of VIII. Chancery, to Rolls House, in 1846 .

VIII. Two Treaty Rolls, transferred from Chapter House to Rolls Chapel, in 1848 IX. Mr. Hardy's Report of proceedings at the Tower, in 1846

VIII. in 1847

IX. Summary of proceedings in Rolls Chapel and Tower, in 1845

VII. from 1840 to 1845

VII. in 1846

VIII. in 1847

IX. Account of Number of Searches, &c., on Patent Rolls in Rolls Chapel, in 1847 IX.


18 46, 47 48-51 34, 35 26, 27



Searches and Copies made for the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the IX. Criminal Laws of the Channel Islands



VII. Branch Office : Description of the Building, its dangers from Fire and Decay

VII. The Record Commissioners report its risks from Fire in 1837

VII. Domesday, and the greater part of the Records in, could be received in the

VII. Stone Tower Examples of perfect preservation of Records therein, without any Fire, resulting viii.

from the thickness of the walls . The Deputy Keeper of the Public Records requests the Commissioners of

VII. Woods, &c., to survey the Building as to state of Repair and Fire-risks

VII. Mr. Braidwood's Report on its Fire risks, and Rates of Fire Insurance . Mr. Phipps' Report on the state of the Building.

VII. Business of the Division : operations and arrangements in 1845

VII. The like, Calendars, &c., in 1846.

VIII. in 1847.


VII. Notes of Fines for 1824, transmitted to, in 1845


VII. Additional irregularities and deficiences in Notes of Fines

VII. Acknowledgments of Supremacy: description of, and Inventory


VIII. Ancient Correspondence : Calendar of, (First Part)


VII. Barons' Letter to Pope Boniface VIII.: operations upon, at Carlton Ride, in 1845

VIII. in 1846

VIII. Inventory of Seals


IX. operations upon, at Carlton Ride, in 1847

IX. Court of Requests : Inventory of Books commenced, in 1845


VIII. completed, in 1846 .


VIII. Abstracts of Entries in Books of .


VIII. Court of Wards and Liveries : Inventory of Books and Rolls completed, in 1846

VIII. Indexes to Inquisitions post mortem, &c. : opera IX. tions on Miscellaneous Records, in 1847

VIII. Miscellaneous Documents, &c: operations upon, at Carlton Ride, in 1846 .


IX. in 1847.


Page 13

COMMON PLEAS—continued.

VII. Accruing Records, for 1824, and others, transferred in 1845, and placed in Carlton Ride: Warrant for transfer

VII. Accruing Records in the Office of the Registrar, for 1824, transferred VII. in 1845, and placed in Carlton Ride and Chapter House : Warrant for

VII. transfer

VII. Registrar's Notes of Fines: further deficiencies and irregularities in

VII. Operations and Inventories, in 1845

VII. Mr. Cole's Report of proceedings for 1845

VII. Summary of proceedings in 1845

VIL The like, from 1840 to 1845

VII. Warrants for transfer of Accruing Records for 1825, stayed in 1845, for want of VII. proper accommodation


VII. The like, for 1825 and 1826, in 1846 .

VIII. Circular addressed to the Masters, that the Accruing Records for 1825 and 1826) VIII. cannot be received

VIII. Operations and Inventories, in 1846

VIII. Mr. Cole's Report of proceedings for 1846.

VIII. Summary of proceedings in 1846

VIII. Removal of Indexes, from Chapter House to Carlton Ride, in 1846 .

VIII. Accruing Records, for 1823, 1326, and 1827, in course of transfer : Warrant for IX. transfer

IX. Accruing Records in the Office of the Registrar, for 1825, 1826, and 1827, in IX. course of transfer: Warrant for transfer

IX. Removal of Ancient Records from Carlton Ride to Stone Tower, Westminster IX. Hall: Warrant for removal; and particulars of Records removed

.S) ix. Operations, in 1847

IX. Mr. Cole's Report of proceedings for 1847.

IX. Summary of proceedings in 1847

IX. Estimate of Cost of Workmen's Labour on certain Records, from August, 1840, IX. to December, 1847

IX. INVENTORIES. Placita Terræ, Charles I.


COMMON PRAYER. Surveys of Church Goods and Furniture, temp. Edw. VI., probably with refer-

VII. ence to the Acts for the Uniformity of Common Prayer COMMON ROLLS, (Common Pleas).

VII. For 1824, transferred, and placed in Carlton Ride: operations upon, in 1845


VIII. Operations upon, in 1846 .


IX. in 1847.

IX. Placita de Banco Rolls, Hen. III.-Hen. VII., removed from Carlton Ride to IX. Stone Tower, in 1847



Page 14


Extract from his Summing-up, in the Case Angell v. Angell, showing the value

of certain Admiralty Books DEPOSITIONS, (Chancery).

Operations upon, in 1847


VIII. Operations upon, in 1846.

VIII. i. See Barons' Depositions, Commissions, and Interrogatories, (Exchequer). DEPTFORD DOCK-YARD.

VIII. Proposed Transfer of Books and Papers of Army Medical Board from


VIII. 1. Transfers of Admiralty Records from, to Tower


DEPUTY KEEPER, THE, (Sir Francis Palgrave). Warrants appointing him to take charge of various Records, in 1845

VII. I. Circular to the Courts of Common Law, &c., respecting the non-transfer of the

VIII. I. Accruing Records of 1825 and 1826. Correspondence, &c., with the Board of Works, and Clerk of the Peace for Caer-1 VIII. narvon, respecting the proposed new Record Office at Caernarvon


VIII. Calendars of the Ancient Patent Rolls, under his direction


VII. Monastic Chartularies, by and under his direction

VII. II. Examines the Slave Compensation Records

VIII. Communications with, respecting proposed transfer of Greenwich Out-Pension VIII. Records ..


VIII. Correspondence with Woods and Forests, &c., respecting the fittings up of the VIII. Stone Tower, and precautions to be adopted against Fire


IX. I. Correspondence with Admiralty, respecting proposed transfer of Lieutenants’ Log

IX. Books Search made at the request of Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, addressed to IX. Proposes that certain Ancient Records be removed froin Stone Tower to Carlton

IX. I. Ride, Warrants appointing him to take charge of various Records, in 1848

IX. I. Correspondence with Woods and Forests, as to the requisite Parliamentary Notices IX. having been given for erecting a Record Repository upon the Rolls Estate

}| IX. DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS. See Decayed Documents. Exchequer Documents destroyed as waste


VII. Contemplated destruction of Books of Customs' Establishments at Custom-House | VII.

ii. IX.

Page 15

EXCHEQUER: Queen’s Remembrancer. See Carlton Ride.

Accruing Records for 1822, 1823, and 1824, transferred in 1845, and placed in VII. Carlton Ride: Warrant for transfer .

VII. Operations, in 1845

VII. Mr. Hunter's Reports of proceedings for 1845

VII. Mr. Cole's Report of proceedings for 1845

VII. Summary of proceedings in 1845.

VII. The like, from 1840 to 1845

VII. Warrant for transfer of Accruing Records for 1825, stayed in 1845, for want of | VII. proper accommodation


VIII. The like, for 1825 and 1826, in 1846

VIII. Circular addressed to the Queen's Remembrancer, that the Accruing Records 1 VIII. for 1825 and 1926 cannot be received : and reply, thereto. •

VIII. Operations, in 1846.

VIII. Mr. Hunter's Reports of proceedings for 1846

VIII. Mr. Cole's Report of proceedings for 1846

VIII. Summary of proceedings in 1846 .

VIII. Accruing Records for 1825, 1826, and 1827, in course of transfer: Warrant for IX. transfer

IX. Removal of Ancient Records from Carlton Ride to Stone Tower, Westminster IX. Hall: Warrant for removal ; and particulars of Records removed .

IX. Documents discovered in a Secret Closet in the Stone Tower: further searches, IX. and Report thereon

IX. Operations, in 1847.

IX. Mr. Hunter's Report of proceedings for 1847

IX. Mr. Cole's Report of proceedings for 1847

IX. Summary of proceedings in 1847

IX. Estimate of Cost of Workmen's Labour on certain Records, from August, 1840, IX. to December, 1847



Chartularies (First Part)


VII. Parliamentary Surveys .

VIII. Particulars for Grants (First Part)

IX. Surrenders of Monasteries


VII. Surveys of Church Goods

IX. EXCHEQUER: Receipt Side. See also Chapter House.

Amount of Fees paid into the Exchequer, 1840—1845, from Public RecordŲ VII. Office.

VII. Business of the Division, in Rolls House, in 1845

VII. Operations, in 1845.

VII. Deticiencies in series of various Exchequer Records at Rolls House, supplied by VII. Records at Treasury Chambers: Report on old Treasury Records

VII. Mr. Black's Report of proceedings for 1845

VII. Summary of proceedings in 1845 .

VII. The like, from 1840 to 1845

VII. Business of the Division, in Rolls House, in 1846

VIII. Value and importance of the Exchequer Records.

VIII. Mr. Black occupied in examining various Irish and Welsh Records.

VIII. Slave Compensation Records transferred into the Division, in 1846 : their value VIII. and importance : part saved from destruction


VIII. Treasury Books and Records transferred by Treasury directions into the Division,

in 1846 ; their state and value: part saved from destruction : Lists and Specimens VIII. of Documents removed


IX. Mr. Black's Report of proceedings for 1846

VIII. Summary of proceedings in 1846

VIII. Business of the Division, in Rolls House, in 1847 Further Transmission of Treasury Records, in 1847: operations, &c.

IX. Records of the National Debt Ollice examined and transferred, in 1847: opera-

IX. tions thereon. Welsh Records : Practice Book of the Chester Circuit transferred


IX. Slave Compensation Records : further operations, in 1847

Inventories, Calendars, and Indexes, in 1847.

IX. Mr. Black's Report of proceedings for 1847

IX. Summary of proceedings in 1847

IX. INVENTORIES. General Repertory of Records in the Division, in progress


17, 18, 19

18 3, 19 12, 18, 19

3, 19, 20, 21

25-31 199-201


Page 16


Approval by the Treasury of the Rules proposed by the Master of the Rolls, VIII. requesting that they may be applied to all transfers from Government Offices

VIII. ï. Rules proposed by the Master of the Rolls, applied 10 transfers of Treasury and Admiralty Records

VIII. Large proportion of the Expense of the Public Record Office is incurred for Papers transmitted by Government Departments


GRAHAM, GEORGE.. See Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages.

GRANTS. See Particulars for Grants, (Augmentation Office).


Return prepared for the House of Commons, of Grants of Public Money toward VIII. the Relief of the Inhabitants of Scotland, 1782-5 .


Proposed transfer of Records from ; Examination of Documents, and Reports) VIII. and Correspondence thereon; value of the Records; transfer suspended for

VIII. want of proper accommodation.


Signed Bill of, as Queen of England, for Patent appointing Edward Benarde to VII. be Sheriff of Wilts

} VII. | ii. GUILDS.

Account Book of, at Little Walsingham, Norfolk, found at Chapter House . IX. II.


VIII. Holograph Report of Sir Christopher. Wren to William III., concerning Works VIII. at ; found among Treasury Records

VIII. HARDY, THOMAS DUFFUS, an Assistant Keeper. See Tower of London.

Notifies to the Master of the Rolls the proposed plan of laying on Main Gas VII. Pipes in the Tower

. VII. Examines the Books and Papers of the Army Medical Board : Report thereon


VIII. Examines the Records of the Greenwich Out-Pension Office: Report thereon


VIII. Proceedings in receiving the Admiralty Records, 1841-1847: Correspondence] VIII.

and Reports thereon ; Particulars of Documents received ; Catalogues, &c. IX. Report on the Log Books deposited at Somerset House

IX. Report of proceedings for 1846 .

VIII. 1847.


HARRIS, SIR W. SNOW. See Log Books.


Mr. Braidwood's Observations on the means of .warming a Record Repository,

transmitted to the Board of Works; Objections to various modes of Heating; Examples of preservation of Records without artificial warmth


Operations upon Foundation Indentures of, in 1847 .


VII. Inventory of Acknowledgments of his Ecclesiastical Supremacy


VII. HOLDEN, HENRY GEORGE, an Assistant Keeper. See Rolls Chapel. HOLMES, GEORGE, (Keeper of Records in the Tower).

VII. Assisted Rymer in the compilation of the Federa.


IX. Treasury Constitution, appointing him to be Chief. Clerk for the arrangement and

IX. calendaring of the undigested Records in the Tower


Secretary of State requests the immediate attention of the Commissioners of

Woods and Forests to dangers to Record Repositories from Fire; Correspond- VII. ence thereon, and Reports transmitted from Home Office to the Master of the VII. Rolls; his Lordship's reply.


Application made to Secretary of State, as to providing a General Record Reposi

tory without delay


Committee of, on Cottonian Library, in 1732, notice the existence of the Gun-i VII. powder Magazine underneath the Record Repository at the Tower

VII. Committee of, on Record Commission, in 1836, notice that the Records at the

VII. Tower are deposited over a Gunpowder Magazine, and contiguous to a Steam-

VII. engine in daily operation Committee of, on Courts of Law and Equity, in 1845, submit a plan for

VII. building a Record Office in Palace Yard Return prepared for, of Grants of Public Money toward the Relief of the VIII. Inhabitants of Scotland, 1782–5


VIII. Order of, among Queen's Bench Records .

VIII. Letter of James I. to Emperor of Japan, produced to Committee of, on the

IX. China Trade


Extensive searches made by order of, respecting Peerages Table of Warrants for issuing Grants of Peerages, compiled for use of Committee

of Privileges , Parliament Rolls, 7 and 8 Vict., transmitted from, to Rolls Chapel, in 1845

8 and 9 Vict., transmitted from, to Rolls Chapel, in 1846 9 and 10 Vict., transmitted from, to Rolls Chapel, in 1847


Discovered at Chapter House ; abstracts of entries thereon


Roofs proposed as a part of the General Record Repository: inspected and re-)

ported on; pronounced wholly unfit for the reception of any Records ; plan of the roofs

HUNTER, JOSEPH, an Assistant Keeper.. See Carlton Ride, (Mr. Hunter's Division).

Continues the Calendaring, &c., of Queen’s Remembrancer's Miscellaneous

Records Reports of proceedings, for 1845

for 1846

for 1847 Stone Tower, Westminster Hall, placed under joint charge of Mr. Hunter and

Mr. Cole. Stone Tower, Westminster Hall; documents discovered therein; further searches

in, under his direction; Report thereon



Magazine built in, to receive the Gunpowder from the Tower, which was removed VII. there in 1805.


INDUCTION TO LIVINGS, CERTIFICATES OF. See Bishops' Certificates, (First

Fruits and Tenths).

INQUISITIONS, (Common Pleas). See Writs and Inquisitions, (Common Pleas).

INQUISITIONS, (Court of Wards and Liveries).' See Inquisitions Post Mortem.

INQUISITIONS, (Exchequer). See Escheators' Accounts and Inquisitions. See Writs,

Extents, and Inquisitions, (Exchequer : Queen's Remembrancer).

INQUISITIONS, (Queen's Bench). See Inquisitions Post Mortem, (Queen's Bench).

See Outlawries, (Queen's Bench).


Anciently returned into Chancery, Court of Wards and Liveries, and Exchequer :

now in the Tower and Rolls Chapel, Chapter House, and Carlton Ride


Dangers and Accidents from, &c. See Storms.

INSURANCE. See Fire Insurance.

INTERROGATORIES, (Exchequer). See Barons' Depositions, Commissions, and Inter

rogatories, (Exchequer).


To Accruing Records, for 1824, received in Carlton Ride List of those prepared in Carlton Ride, in 1845 Summary of, in 1845

from 1840 to 1845 List of those prepared in Carlton Ride, in 1846 Summary of, in 1846 Private Calendars or Indexes to Records in Rolls Chapel . Inventories of the Official Calendars and Indexes, in preparation Summary of, in 1847



VII. Acknowledgments of Supremacy


VIII. Ancient Correspondence (First Part)


VIII. Barons' Letter to Pope Boniface VIII., Seals, &c.

VIII. Miscellaneous Documents, Scotch Documents, and Contents of Presses-con- VII. tinued

VIII. in Rageman and Augmentation Bags

IX. Requests, Court of: Books of, in progress


VIII. completed, and Abstracts of Entries from


VIII. Wards, Court of: Books and Rolls (Second Part)



Irish Books, containing entries relating to Ireland, among Treasury Records ; Inventories thereof

VII. Papers relating to, among Treasury Records

VII. Records of the Exchequer in Ireland in great confusion, &c.; Lords of the

Treasury request the Master of the Rolls to permit an Officer of the Public VIII. Record Office to examine them; Mr. Black employed ; his Report thereon VIII. transmitted to Treasury ·

Page 17

One of the best conductors of Heat known: Wood covered with Iron-plate ob- VII. tains no effectual protection against Fire

. :

VII. Hot Air, conveyed in Iron Flues, a most dangerous mode of heating buildings

VII. I. Mr. Braidwood's Observations upon the application of Iron as a material in Fire-1 VIII. proof Buildings; transmitted to the Board of Works



Copy of the Extent of, 5 Edw. III., made for the Commissioners appointed to u IX. inquire into the Criminal Laws of the Channel Islands ; its importance

IX. JEWS. Roll relating to, temp. Edw. I., among Chancery Records in Rolls Chapel

VII. Placita Judæorum, Hen. III. and Edw. I., removed from Carlton Ride to Stone IX. Tower, in 1847


JUDGES' FIATS TO ADMIT ATTORNEYS. See Attorneys' Admissions, (Queen's


KEEPER OF TREASURY PAPERS: Appointment of Henry Nelson as .

VII. Thomas Pratt as, in room of Charles Lowndes, who succeeded) VIII. Henry Fane

KING'S BENCH. See Queen's Bench.

KING'S REMEMBRANCER. See Exchequer : Queen's Remembrancer.


Books greatly damaged by Fire : operations upon, in 1845, and from 1840 to 1845

LEASES. See Crown Leases. See Particulars for Grants, (Augmentation Office).

LETTERS, ROYAL AND OTHER. See Correspondence, Ancient, (Chapter House).

See Royal Letters, &c.

LIBERATE WRITS. Calendar of, 3 and 4 Hen. III. :



Documents relating to, transferred from National Debt Office to Rolls House, in; ix. 1847: subsequent operations



Report by Mr. Braidwood to the General Committee of Fire Insurance Com-

panies on Liverpool Fire Prevention Bill : Resolution of the Insurance VII.

Offices on storing hazardous Goods in Liverpool LOANS.

Books of entries of Orders charged on Loans, 1693-9, among Treasury Records. VII. LOG BOOKS.

Their Origin, Description, and Value: Births, Deaths, and Marriages on board Ships, recorded therein


VIII, Extract from the earliest known to be extant .


VIII. Transferred from the Admiralty to the Tower: Catalogues, Indexes, &c.


IX. Correspondence respecting a proposed Transfer of Lieutenants Log Books at)

IX. Somerset House to the Tower Report of Mr. Hardy, on the Log Books deposited at Somerset House

IX. Consulted by Sir W. Snow Harris, for his researches on the Theory of Storms

IX. at Sea


Discovery among the Exchequer Records of an omission, on the part of the City)

of London, in repaying a sum advanced by the Government for rebuilding

London Bridge, and subsequent payment in consequence. LORD CHANCELLOR OF IRELAND.

Requests Mr. Black to examine the Records of the Four Courts.

LORDS, HOUSE OF. See House of Lords.


Books and Papers relating to, among Treasury Records : transferred to Rolls) VII. House


LOWNDES, CHARLES. See Keeper of Treasury Papers.

Grants of Custodies of Persons or Lands of, among County Placita in the Tower

LYSONS, SAMUEL, (Keeper of Records in the Tower).

Letter from Board of Ordnance to, in 1805, stating that the whole of the Gun-1 VII.

powder and Ammunition, under the Record Office, had been removed . .SI VII.

MARRIAGES. See Log Books. See Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages. MARSHAL OF THE QUEEN'S BENCH. See Declarations, (Queen's Bench).

Practice Book of the Chester Circuit compiled by; transferred to Rolls House;

List of Judges of the Chester Circuit therein MARY I., (Queen of England).

Writ relating to the appointment of Edward Benarde as Sheriff of Wilts by

MASTER OF THE ROLLS, (Lord Langdale).

VII. His Warrants for removal and transfer of various Records


VII. His Minute on the insecurity of the place of deposit of certain Welsh Records, at VII. Caeruarvon


VIII. His opinion on the suggestion to place the Registers of Births, Deaths, and Mar-j VII. riages, in the new General Record Repository.

VII. Proposed deposit of Books and Papers of Census Commission of 1841, in his

VIII. custody: stipulations thereon His note on the proposal to lay down Main Gas Pipes in the Tower of VII. London

VII. His attention drawn to Dangers from Fire, &c., to the Record Repositories :) VII.

precautions adopted : Correspondence thereon with Treasury and Ilome} VII. Office: his regret at make-shifts, &c.

VIII. Inspects the Roofs of the new Houses of Parliament, in which it is proposed to

place a portion of the Records : requests the chief Record Officers to report VII. thereon : considers the Roofs wholly unfit for the reception of any Records Warrants for the reception of Accruing Records for 1825 into his custody sus- VII. pended, in 1845, for want of proper accommodation


VIII. The like, in 1846, for 1825 and 1826

VIII. Issuing of Warrants resumed in 1848

IX. Proposed transfer into his custody of the Books and Papers of the Army Medical

VIII. Board : Correspondence thereon: his Lordship willing to take charge of them,

VIII. but the accommodation not sufficient Transfer of Slave Compensation Records into his custody: Correspondence with VIII. Treasury thereon

VIII. Transfer of Admiralty Records into his custody : Correspondence connected

VIII. therewith.

VIII. Transfer of Treasury Records into his custody : Correspondence connected there-

VIII. with ; appoints Mr. Bluck to receive the Records .


MASTER OF THE ROLLS, (Lord Langdale) - continued.

Letter from, to the Treasury, stating his view respecting the management of VIII. Documents transferred from Government Offices .

VIII. ï. Approval by the Treasury of the Rules proposed by, requesting that they may be VIII. applied to all transfers from Government Offices


i Proposed transfer into his custody of the Greenwich Out-Pension Records :1 VIII.

Correspondence thereon: unable to be received for want of proper accommodation) VIII. The Commissioners on the Fine Arts request that searches, &c., may be made for VIII. them, relative to the Art of Painting, &c.

VIII. Treasury request him to appoint an Officer to examine the Records of the)

VIII. Exchequer in Ireland : appoints Mr. Black ; Report of Mr. Black thereon

VIII. i. transmitted by his Lordship to the Treasury Treasury request him to appoint some Officer to examine certain Records in the

IX. National Debt Office, with a view to their transfer : appoints Mr. Black: and,

IX. i. after examination and report, authorizes Mr. Black to receive them States to the Treasury the dangers of the effluvia arising from decomposed

IX. Treasury Records in Rolls House : suggests that some separate building

IX. I. should be provided for removing the nuisance: proceedings adopted Admiralty request him to cause certain Lieutenants’ Log Books to be examined,

IX. with a view to their transfer : Correspondence thereon His Minute on the mode of forming the new Calendars of the Patent Rolls

IX. Correspondence with Woods and Forests, &c., as to rendering the Stone Tower

IX. internally Fire-proof: suspends his application to the Treasury thereon, as

IX. I. preparations are making for the erection of a General Record Repository

IX. Approves of a proposal for removing certain Ancient Records of the Courts of Common Law from Carlton Ride to the Stone Tower: Warrant for removal .

IX. I. Approves of the Rolls Estate as the site for the new Record Repository

IX. MASTERS' AFFIDAVITS, (Qucen's Bench). See Costs, Affidavits of Increased, (Queen's



Delivers, as Prothonotary of the Great Sessions for Brecknock Circuit, certain

Welsh Records into the custody of the Master of the Rolls, pursuant to Warrant


Searches made in Muster Books at the Tower, for determining claims for Medals

granted for services in War

MEDICAL BOARD. See Army Medical Board.

MEMORANDA ROLLS, (Exchequer: Plea Side).

Edw. 1.-Hen. VII., removed from Carlton Ride to Stone Tower, in 1847 . MEMORANDA ROLLS, (Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer).

Hen. III.—Hen. VII., removed from Carlton Ride to Stone Tower, in 1847.

MEMORANDA ROLLS, (Queen’s Remembrancer).

Operations upon, in 1847 Hen. III.-Hen. VII., removed from Carlton Ride to Stone Tower, in 1847,


11 Geo. IV. and 1 Will. IV., transmitted from Enrolment Office to Rolls Chapel, VII. in 1845.


VII. Index to, in 1845.


VIII. 2 Will. IV., transmitted from Enrolment Office to Rolls Chapel, in 1846

VIII. Index, &c., to, in 1846. .


IX. 3 Will. IV., transmitted from Enrolment Office to Rolls Chapel, in 1847.


IX. Index to, in 1847



Propose that the Rolls Estate shall be the Site of the new Record Repository :)

Plans thereof annexed to their Sixth Report; the requisite Parliamentary Notices given in 1847


Report on measurements of, transmitted to Mr. Barry Mr. Barry considers the Victoria Tower not sufficiently spacious for them

23 11, 14,22,

24-36 28-31

46, 47 48-51 34, 35 26, 27

VII. Books relating to, among Treasury Records; transferred to Rolls House, in 1847 IX.

IX. Indenture between Sir Isąac Newton, Master of the Mint, and William III., VIII. found among Treasury Records



VIII. Many transferred from Treasury Chambers to Rolls House : subsequent operations VIII.


Description of; former and present arrangement: Inventory, and operations VII. in 1845 and previously


Inventory and operations, in 1846

MONASTIC CHARTULARIES. See Charters and Chartularies.

MONEY. See Grants of Public Money. See London Bridge.

Money Books among Treasury Records: their nature : Inventories thereof: part)

transferred to Rolls House


Records removed to, from Office of Auditor of the Receipt of Exchequer Treasury request the Master of the Rolls to appoint some Officer to examine

certain Records in, with a view to their transfer : Mr. Black appointed : his examination and report: Records transferred to Rolls House: list of Docu- ments received, and subsequent operations

Page 18


Deposited in Rolls Yard : necessity of a Fire-Proof Building for

Office in Rolls Yard, containing them, surveyed by Board of Works .

NORTH BRITAIN BOOKS, (Treasury Records).

Relating to the Eschequer established in Scotland at the Union, and to the Office

of Secretary of State for Scotlaud, &c. . See Scotland.



Records preserved in a perfect state therein from the Anglo-Norman period

without warmth

NOTTINGHAM, EARL OF, (Lord High Admiral).

Plan proposed by him, in 1590, for the relief of Mariners suffering in the service

of the Crown.


Descriptive Inventories of, in progress: their nature

ORDERS AND DEBENTURES. See Debenture Books, (Exchequer of Receipt). See

Pensions. See Tellers' Accounts, Remains, and Vouchers.



VIII. Inventory of, in 1846


VII. Roll relating to, for the whole reign of Edward VI., among Treasury Records transferred to Rolls House in 1816 .

VIII. Military Stores and Gunpowder belonging to the Ordnance Department increase VII. the danger to the Records in the Tower of London from Fire, &c.: Cor-

VII. respondence and measures adopted from 1732 to 1845 . ORIGINALIA ROLLS, (Exchequer).

VII. Operations upon, in 1845, and previously.


VIII. in 1846.


PALMER, THOMAS, an Assistant Keeper. See Rolls Chapel.

Report on Miscellaneous Documents in Rolls Chapel. Account of the Searches, &c., on the Patent Rolls in Rolls Chapel, in 1847


Proclamation for putting the laws in execution against, in 1743 .

See Popish Recusants. PARISH CHURCHES. See Church Goods, Surveys of. See Church Livings.

PARLIAMENT. See House of Commons. See House of Lords. See Houses of

Parliament, The New. Privy Seal of Edward V. for issuing Writs for calling a Parliament, to meet on the supposed day of his death


VII. Inventory of Surveys of Crown Lands, taken 1649-1653, by authority of Parlia- VII. ment


VII. Writs and Returns to Parliament for Scotch Counties, and for England, dis-

VII. covered in Rolls Chapel: operations thereon

VIII. Extensive searches made, by order of the House of Lords, respecting Peerages ; VII.

and Table of Warrants for issuing Grants of Peerages, compiled Materials of a Return to Parliament collected from Records at Rolls House. IX.


7 and 8 Vict., transmitted from House of Lords to Rolls Chapel, in 1845 .



VII. Their date and nature : operations upon, in 1845: First Part of Inventory of

VII. those in Augmentation Office


VIII. Operations upon, in 1846: Second Part of Inventory of those in Augmentation

VIII. Office.

VIII. List of Parliamentary Surveys, deposited in the Office of the Duchy of Lancaster VIII.

Cornwall VIII. Operations upon, in 1847 .

IX. PARTICULARS FOR GRANTS, (Augmentation Office). Operations upon, in 1845 : Inventory in progress


VII. Their nature: further operations in 1846 : Inventory continued


14, 17, 35

52 SO 81 15, 26

Operations in 1847: First Part of Inventory: Index in progress.


IX. PATENT BOOKS, (Auditor of the Receipt of Exchequer). Nature and description of .

VII. From 1620 to 1834, transferred on the abolition of the Auditor's Office in 1834, VII. to the Paymaster of Civil Services,

VII. Table of, exhibiting the whole series extant at Rolls House and Treasury

VII. Chambers, in 1844 ..

VIII. Transfers of, from Treasury to Rolls House


VIII. Calendar of, in preparation


IX. PATENT BOOKS, (Treasury). Nature and description of: with Inventories



VII. Instances of Omissions in enrolling Documents upon, and other errors:


VII. 1 Wm. IV., transmitted from Petty Bag Office to Rolls Chapel, in 1845


VIII. 2 Wm. IV.

in 1846


IX. “Watson's Roll,” examined and compared with Warrants

VIII. Index to all the modern Patent Rolls in Rolls Chapel, completed

VIII. Operations upon, in Rolls Chapel, in 1846

VIII. Description of, and Documents upon ; deficiencies of Public Calendars; Private viu. Calendars; formation of new Calendars, and reasons for commencing with

IX. the Rolls at the Rolls Chapel Account of Searches, &c., on, at the Rolls Chapel, in 1847

IX. Comparative Statement of Amount of Business on, at Rolls Chapel and Tower,

IX. in 1847

VII. Calendar of, Edw. IV. to Hen. VII., in progress.


IX. Mode of framing the new Calendars to; description, use, importance, and advan-

IX. tages of new Calendars Ancient numbering of Membranes; reference to all Documents printed in

IX. Rymer's Fadera, &c. Calendar to, Edw. v. and Ric. Ini.


IX. Alphabetical Indexes to, and to the Calendar, Edw. V. and Ric. III.


IX. EXCHEQUER: Table of, belonging to the Auditor of the Receipt, extant at Rolls House and

VII. Treasury Chambers, in 1844

PATENTS. See Specifications of Patents of Inventions.

Calendar of, in the Wakefield Tower. Among Miscellaneous Documents of the Augmentation Office Grant by Letters Patent of Charles II. to the Earl of Danby, of certain Fee-


Transferred from Admiralty to the Tower; nature and value thereof; examples VIII. of their utility in pedigrees; Catalogues, &c. .



Report of Officers, relative to arranging details preparatory to transfer of Green VIII, wich Out-Pension Records

.) VIII. i.


Transfers to his Office, in 1834, ʻon the re-modelling of the Exchequer of Receipt

Transfers from his Office, in 1846, to Rolls House : subsequent operations upon

documents PAYMASTER OF THE NAVY. See Treasurer of the Navy.

PEDIGREE. See Log Books. See Pay Books of the Navy.


VII. Letter from the Master of the Rolls to, as First Lord of the Treasury, respecting) VII: the General Record Repository .


PEERAGE: See Barons' Letter to Pope Boniface VMI. · See Parliament.

PELL OFFICE. See Exchequer: Receipt Side.

PENNETHORNE, JAMES, (Surveyor of Houses to Commissioners of Woods and Forests).

Plans prepared by, for erecting the New Record Repository on the Rolls Estate IX. PENNSYLVANIA.

Books of Assignments connected with Penn's Perpetuity for loss of Pennsylvania, VII.

among Treasury Records PENSION OFFICE.. See Greenwich Out-Pension Office.


VII. Operations upon Receipts and Vouchers for Payment of, in Rolls House, in 1845


VIII. in 1846


IX. in 1847

IX. Books of Debentures for, in Office of Paymaster of Civil Services

VII. Books relating to, among Treasury Records


VIII. transferred from Treasury to Rolls House, in 1846

VIII. Inventory of Treasury Warrants for Payment of Sign Manual Pensions, in.

IX. progress PEREMPTORY PAPERS AND RULES, (Queen's Bench).

VIII. Operations upon, in 1846.



Surveyed by Board of Works, relative to State of Repair, &c. Patent Rolls, Privy Seals, and Signed Bills, 1 Wm. IV., transmitted from, to

Rolls Chapel, in 1845 The like, 2 Wm. IV., in 1846


PHIPPS, JOHN. See Woods and Forests, Commissioners of. PIPE OFFICE, (Exchequer).

Operations upon Records of, in 1845

PLACITA. See County Placita.

Operations upon Placita Rolls, at Chapter House, from 1840 to 1845 PLACITA CORONÆ, (Queen's Bench).

Operations upon, in 1847

PLACITA DE BANCO ROLLS, (Common Pleas). See Common Rolls, (Common



PLACITA TERRÆ, (Common Pleas).

See Recovery Rolls, (Common Pleas).

PLEA OR COMMON ROLLS, (Common Pleas). See Common Rolls, (Common


PLEAS, (Queen's Bench).

VIII. Operations upon Rules to Plead, and Entry Books of Special Pleas, &c., in 1846 | VIII.

POOLE, R. A., (Clerk of the Peace for Caernarvonshire). See Welsh Records. POPE BONIFACE VIII. See Barons' Letter to Pope Boniface VIII. POPISH RECUSANTS.

Commissioners of Forfeited Estates to inquire as to Estates of Proclamation for putting the laws in execution against, in 1743

POPULATION RETURNS. For 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831, in Tower of London

VII. Application in 1845 to receive those of 1841; agreed to, with certain stipula-1 VII. tions

VII. Further Correspondence, in 1846, respecting those of 1841

VIII. PORTS OF ENGLAND. Mr. Culliforde's Reports of his Survey of


Page 19

QUEEN OF ENGLAND. See Charles I. See Charles II. See Grey, Lady Jane. See

Mary I. See Queen Dowager, The.. QUEEN'S BENCH.

Miscellaneous Proceedings in, among County Placita at the Tower Removal of Indexes from Chapter House to Carlton Ride, in 1846

Crown Side.

VII. Accruing Records for 1824, transferred in 1845, and placed in Carlton Ride: Warrant for transfer .

VII. Operations, in 1845

VII. Mr. Cole's Report of proceedings for 1845

VII. Summary of proceedings in 1845

VII. The like, from 1840 to 1845

VII. Warrant for transfer of Accruing Records for 1825, stayed in 1845, for want. of{) VII. proper accommodation

. VII.

VIII. The like, in 1846, for 1825 and 1826.

VIII. Circular addressed to the Master, that the Accruing Records for 1825 and 1826 cannot be received

VIII. Operations and Inventories, in 1846

VIII. Mr. Cole's Report of proceedings for 1846

VIII. Summary of proceedings in 1846

VIII. Accruing Records for 1825, 1826, and 1827, in course of transfer: Warrant for IX. transfer

IX. Removal of Ancient Records from Carlton Ride to Stone Tower, Westminster IX. Hall : Warrant for removal, and particulars of Records removed

IX. Operations, in 1847

IX. Mr. Cole's Report of proceedings for 1847

IX. Summary of proceedings in 1847

IX. Estimate of Cost of Workmen's Labour on certain Records, from August, 1840, IX. to December, 1847


1, 14, 15

11, 21, 22

28, 46 15, 16

27 15, 16,

17, 20

21 46, 47

50, 51 2,24



VII. Accruing Records for 1824, and others which had been reserved, transferred in 1845, and placed in Carlton Ride: Warrant for transfer


VII. Filthy and putrid state of large masses of Documents when transferred

VII. Operations, in 1845.

VII. Mr. Cole's Report of proceedings for 1845

VII. Summary of proceedings in 1845

VII. The like, from 1840 to 1845

VII. Warrant for transfer of Accruing Records for 1825, stayed in 1845, fur want of proper accommodation


VIII. The like, in 1846, for 1825 and 1826 .

- VIII. Circular addressed to the Masters, that the Accruing Records for 1825 and 1826] VIII. cannot be received

VIII. Operations and Inventories, in 1846, and state of the Records

VIII. Mr. Cole's Report of proceedings for 1846

VIII. Summary of proceedings in 1846.

VIII. Accruing Records for 1825, 1826, and 1827, in course of transfer: Warrant for IX. transfer

IX. Removal of Ancient Records from Carlton Ride to Stunc Tower, Westminster IX. Hall : Warrant for removal, and particulars of Records removed.

IX. Operations, in 1847.


IX. Transfer of Plea Roll, 56 Geo. III. (part), iri 1847

IX. Mr. Cole's Report of proceedings for 1847

IX. Summary of proceedings in 1947

IX. Estimate of Cost of Workmen's Labour on certain Records, from August, 1840, IX. to December, 1847


Page 20


Description of; its dangers from Fire and Mode of Heating ; surveyed by Mr. VII.

Braidwood and Mr. Phipps ; precautions adopted, and further precautions pro- posed; rate of Fire Insurance


VII. Formerly considered as the Treasury of the Chancery. Business of the Division, in 1845

VII. Transmissions of Accruing Chancery Records, in 1845


VII. Documents newly discovered in 1845; Mr. Palmer's Report thereon

VII. Arrangements and Repairs, in 1845

VII. Catalogues, Inventories, &c., in 1845

VII. Summary of proceedings, in 1845 .

VII. The like, from 1840 to 1845 .

VII. Business of the Division, in 1846

VIII. Transmissions of Accruing Chancery Records, in 1846

VIII. Repairs and Ventilation of the Building, and Repairs and Arrangements cf

VIII. Records, in 1846

. Calendars, Catalogues, Inventories, &c., in 1846 &

VIII. Calendar of Specifications, in 1846

VIII. Calendars of the Ancient Patent Rolls, in 1846; private Calendars, &c.

VII Summary of proceedings, in 1846.

VIII. Business of the Division, in 1847 .

IX. Transmissions of Accruing Chancery Records, in 1847; and of two Treaty

IX. Rolls from Chapter House Arrangements, Calendars, Catalogues, Indexes, &c., in 1847

IX. Calendars of the Ancient Patent Rolls, in 1847; description of the Patent Rolls and of the Calendars ; mode of Calendaring; Indexes ; discoveries of errors

IX. in Euroiments ; private Calendars, &c. Account of number of Searches, &c., on Patent Rolls, in Rolls Chapel, in 1847. IX. Comparative statement of the amount of business on Patent Rolls, at Rolls Chapel

IX. and Tower, in 1847 . Summary of proceedings, in 1847 1847 :

IX. CALENDARS. Patent Rolls, Edw. V. and Ric. III.

IX. Specification and Surrender Rolls (Second Part)

VII. Specifications enrolled upon Close Rolls (Second Part)

VII. (Third Part).


INDEXES. Patent Rols, Edw. V. and Ric. III. . .

IX. Specification and Surrender Rolls, in progress



Proposed by the Metropolitan Improvement Commissioners as the site for the IX. New Record Repository: site approved by the Master of the Rolls


Description of; its great dangers from Fire and Mode of Heating ; surveyeil by VII.

Mr. Braidwood and Mr. Phipps; precautions adopted, and further precautions proposed; rate of Fire-Insurance


VII. Removals of Welsh Records to


VIII. Slave Compensation Records to .


VIII. Treasury Records to


IX. Documents from Comptroller-General's Office to

VIII. Printed Record Publications to


IX. National Debt Office Records to .

IX. Summary of Proceedings, in 1845 .

VII. from 1840 to 1845

VII. in 1846 .

VIII. in 1947 .

IX. Calendars of the Ancient Patent Rolls commenced at

IX. Dangers arising from decomposed Treasury Records therein, stated by the

IX. Master of the Rolls to the Treasury: building erected in the garden of the Rolls House for their reception .


Page 21


Documents relating to, transferred from National Debt Office to Rolls House, in IX. 1847; subsequent operations

:U IX.



253 29-32, 35

| 30-33,37.

38, 42 30,31

30,31,32 30

31, 32 25, 26



Treasury Constitution, appointing George Holmes to be Chief Clerk for the Ar.) IX.

rangement and Calendaring of the undigested Records in the Tower; found IX. among Treasury Records transferred to Rolls House

: IX.

II. Description of the Record Offices in ; their dangers from Gunpowder, Fire, &c. ; VII. precautions to diminish and remove the risks; further precautions proposed;

VII. 1. rate of Fire-Insurance Correspondence with Board of Ordnance respecting dangers from Gunpowder and Ammunition


VII. Proposal to lay on Main Gas Pipes in ; Note by the Master of the Rolls thereon

VII. Correspondence between the Treasury and the Master of the Rolls respecting 1 VIII.

the appropriation of the Bloody Tower therein, to the Public Record Office VIII. I. Population Returns, from 1801 to 1831, deposited in; inquiries as to whether VII. those for 1841 could be conveniently received

VIII. Business of the Division, in 1845

VII. in 1846

VIII. in 1847


VII. Royal Letters, State Papers, &c.


VII. Proceedings on Common Law Side of Chancery, or County Placita .



VII. Bills, Answers, and Equity Proceedings


IX. Proceedings of Commissioners of Forfeited Estates


VII. Inquisitions post mortem



VII. Inquisitions ad quod damnum


IX. Documents discovered in 1846.


VIII. Calendars of the Ancient Patent Rolls .

IX. Comparative Statement of the Amount of Business on the Patent Rolls at Rolls

IX. Chapel and Tower, in 1847 . Proposed Transfer of Army. Medical Records to; suspended, for want of accom-

VIII. modation


i. Greenwich Out-Pension Records to ; suspended, for want of VIII. accommodation

VIII. 1. Transfer of Admiralty Records to, from Deptford Dock-yard; their Nature and

Value;, mode of Removal : Catalogues ; mode of Arrangement and Search;|| VIII.

Log Books, Pay Books, &c.; operations in and previous to 1846. Further transfer of Admiralty Records to, in 1847; list of Documents trans-

IX. ferred and Catalogued: Lieutenants' Log Books ; operations in 1847. Privy Seals, their value; operations upon, in 1847

Particulars of Arrangement, &c., in 1847.

IX. Mr. Hardy's Report of proceedings for 1846


1. 1847

IX. 1.

VII. Summary of proceedings in 1845.

1. from 1840 to 1845

VII. 1. in 1846

VIII. 1. in 1847


Proceedings on Common Law Side of Chancery, or County Placita (Specimen) VII. Log Books of the Admiralty (Specimen)

Royal and other Letters, &c., (Fourth Part)


12 22 13 12 12 22 12 12 22 12 22 22

5, 14

46, 47 48-51 34, 35 26, 27

Page 22

Page of Page of pendix. Report. Appendix.


See First Fruits and Tenths.

TREASURER OF THE NAVY. Nature, use, and extent of Pay Books in the Navy, formerly in his Office



Lord Godolphin's Patent as, and various Treasury Constitutions with Seals of VIII.

Office of Lord High Treasurers, found among Records transferred from Treasury Chambers to Rolls House

from VIII.



surer's Remembrancer.

See Exchequer : Lord Trea


For Correspondence with, 8c., respecting Old Treasury Records : -See Trea- sury Records.

IX. Report of the Society of Antiquaries to, as to the proper mode of printing

IX. Domesday Book, in 1768.

IX. Extensive searches made in Rolls Chapel, by order of Solicitor to Treasury, in

VII. Peerage cases

VII. Searches made for, in Treasury Records


VIII. - in Exchequer Records .


IX. Transmit to the Master of the Rolls an application from the Registrar-General as

VII. to receiving the Population Returns of 1841 Transmit to the Master of the Rolls a Letter from the Registrar-General as to pro-li vii. viding Fire-proof Accommodation for his Accruing Records: Correspondence

VII. thereon Correspondence with, as to General Record Repository : Report of Record VII. Officers on Roofs of New Houses of Parliament transmitted to, &c.: weighty

VII. and increasing reasons for its immcdiate erection

VIII. Informed, in 1843, of the very perilous state of Carlton Ride from Fire.

VII. Reports of Mr. Phipps and Mr. Braidwood, respecting Fire-Risks, &c., transmitted to, by the Master of the Rolls, with a request that the great Risk of Fire may

VIII. be taken into serious consideration Transmit to the Master of the Rolls a Letter from the Secretary-at-War, respecting

the proposed destruction of the Books and Papers of the Army Medical Board, || VIII. which they had countermanded : request that they may be examined and received: part destroyed : Correspondence thereon: Documents cannot be received for

want of accommodation Transmit to the Master of the Rolls a Minute respecting the confused state of the Records of the Exchequer in Ireland : request that some Officer be ap-

VIII. pointed to examine them: Mr. Black appointed : his Report thereon trans-

mitted to the Treasury : Request that a portion of the Slave Compensation Records may be received :( VIII. the Master of the Rolls agrees thereto

VIII. Request that a further portion of the Slave Compensation Records, sent to the VIII. . Stationery Office for destruction, may be examined, and portions selected and

VIII. preserved, if desirable: examination thereof accordingly, and selections made Request that the Greenwich Out-Pension Records be examined, with a view to the

VIII. transfer of a portion : examination thereof: Correspondence thereon : Records

VIII. cannot be received for want of proper accommodation Application to, by the Master of the Rolls, that the Bloody Tower be appro- priated to the Record Office: Correspondence thereon : objections of the VIII. Constable of the Tower: possession not obtained : consequent inability to re-

VIII. ceive certain Records Letter from the Master of the Rolls to, stating his view respecting the manage- ment of Documents transferred from Government Offices :

VIII. Approve of the principles and rules proposed for the management of Documents VIII. transferred from Government Offices, and request that they may be applied to VIII.

all such transfers Request that certain Records in the National Debt Office may be examined, with ix. a view to their transfer

IX. Extract from a Letter of the Master of the Rolls to, approving of the Rolls Estate

IX. as the site for the New Record Repository. TREASURY OF THE RECEIPT OF THE EXCHEQUER. See Chapter House. See

Exchequer : Receipt Side.


The Lords of the Treasury request the Master of the Rolls to depute a qualified) VII. person to report upon their state: Mr. Black appointed: Correspondence VII.

. thereon

VIII. Mr. Black much engaged on Report upon

Page 23


Estimate of expense of rendering the Stone Tower internally Fire-proof; Master of the Rolls suspends his determination thereon, as preparations are making for

IX. the erection of General Record Repository; Correspondence in connexion

IX. therewith, &c. Record Office at Caernarvon examined by their Surveyor, Mr. Inman; Con- VIII. ferences thereon ; Report of Surveyor transmitted to Caernarvon

VIII. Correspondence between the Commissioners, the Treasury, Master of the Rolls,

VIII. &c., relative to the proposed appropriation of the Bloody Tower in the Tower of London to the Record Office

VIII. Treasury request them to take immediate steps for providing a separate building)

IX. to receive the decomposed Treasury Records in the Rolls House ; separate

IX. building erected in the garden of the Rolls House Searches made for concealed Records, &c., in Stone Tower, Westminster Hall, IX. with assistance from

IX. Correspondence with, respecting the Parliamentary Notices for carrying into effect

IX. the recommendations of the Metropolitan Improvement Commissioners for

IX. erecting a Record Repository on the Rolls Estate WOOLRIDGE, HUGH. Grant to, of the Office of Comptroller of the Coinage of Tin in Cornwall and

VII. Devon, in 1702.


Great expense incurred for their Wages, in arranging and repairing the putrefied VII. Queen's Bench Records .

VII. Summary of their operations, in 1845

VII. from 1840 to 1845

VII. in 1846

VIII. in 1847

IX. Estimate of the Cost of their Labour on certain Records of the Courts of Commons IX. Law, &c., from August, 1840, to December, 1847

{ IX.

WORKS, BOARD OF. See Woods and Forests, Commissioners of.


His Report to William Hil., on cost of completing certain works at Hampton

Court Palace; found among Treasury Records WRITS, (Chancery).

Calendar of, in the Wakefield Tower Discovery of, at Tower Operations upon, at Tower.

WRITS, (Exchequer of Pleas).

Operations upon, in 1846

and upon Præcipes for, in 1847

Page 24

assistants we have reason to congratulate ourselves, their duties having been conducted with great care and skill. To Mr. Wilson, since appointed Principal of the Royal Agricultural College of Cirencester, whose practical knowledge well fitted him for the task, the superintendence of the economical part of the experiments was first confided. To him and Mr. Phillips is due the erection of the boilers, and the experiments, to illustrate the practical evaporative power of the coals. After Mr. Wilson had for some time proceeded with the investigation, he was joined by Mr. Kingsbury, who volunteered his services to this department. The latter gentleman was formerly a distinguished student at the College for Civil Engineers, Putney, and from his engineering skill has rendered an especial service to this inquiry.

On the translation of Mr. Wilson to Cirencester, the practical superintendence of the investigation was intrusted to Mr. J. Arthur Phillips, a pupil of the École des Mines of Paris. The information obtained had pointed out improvements and corrections in the processes used, to which Mr. Phillips applied himself with mueh skill and success.

The corrections and the results of his experiments will be found in his appended Report. The excellent scientific education of Mr. Phillips, and his practical resources, rendered his services of great value.

The analyses of coals were intrusted to Mr. Wrightson (a pupil of Liebig), who had fitted himself by special study for an undertaking requiring so much delicacy of manipulation. Mr. Galloway, an assistant at the Museum of Practical Geology, gave his occasional services in analyzing gases and ashes from the furnaces, but he was not wholly retained for this purpose.

Mr. How, a very careful experimentalist, and assistant at the laboratory of the College for Civil Engineers, was appointed analyst after the retirement of Messrs. Wrightson and Galloway.

It is proper to mention, in terms of approbation, the services of the intelligent working engineer, William Hutchinson, whose assiduity soon enabled him to be of more important service than was to have been expected from his position.

The results obtained by the assistants, with accounts of the modes pursued, are appended, in order that the methods may be examined, and that special attention may be devoted to any particular department of the inquiry.

In the first section of the Appendix, a full description is given of the processes adopted in conducting the practical part of the experiments, as also plans and sections of the boiler, furnace, and apparatus employed.

The second section contains details of the observations and experiments made to ascertain the evaporative power of the different varieties of coals.

The third section describes the formulæ used for calculating the experiments, and for correcting and reducing them to one standard.

The fourth section contains the chemical experiments, including the ultimate and proximate analyses of the coals, and the determination of their calorific values.

It is unnecessary to repeat here the mode in which the experiments were instituted, as these are detailed in the first section of the Appendix, so that it will suffice to draw attention to the points observed in reducing and calculating the results. It will be obvious that there are several circumstances which must receive attention before the true evaporative value of a fuel can be obtained. Thus, the water in the tanks has a varying temperature during the day, dependent on atmospheric changes, and is always different from that in the boiler. The temperature of water in the boiler also varies with the external temperature, and the circumstances under which the experiments are made. The shape of a Cornish boiler favours an inequality in the temperature of the water in its various parts, the colder and denser water sinking to the bottom, and having a tendency to remain there, so that the temperature of water at the surface is far from being the mean temperature of water in the boiler, the difference between the surface and bottom water being, on an average, 70°. Other circumstances naturally affect the evaporative powers of the coal, as for example the fact that all the water exposed to the actiou of the fire in the boiler is not converted into steam, and that wood is used to light the tire. Another circumstance of considerable importance, is the expansion or contraction of the boiler from an increase or diminution of the temperature. In the early stage of the experiments, those conducted by Messrs. Wilson and Kingsbury, it was thought unnecessary to make a correction for this variation in conditions; but on ascertaining experimentally that the difference was as much as 69.625 lbs. of water in the contents of the boiler, between the temperature 150° and 212, it

Page 25

or, introducing the value of t as given by the first formula,

(1 + 212 – t) W + (212

t) x + (212 – t") W


a be the quantity of wood used in lighting the fire, e q will be the weight of water evaporated from 212° by the wood, and must be deducted from the weight of water evaporated in calculating the work done by the coal.

The co-efficient of the evaporating power of the coals, or the number of lbs of water which one lb. of coal will evaporate from 212°, may be calculated as follows:

Let P be the total quantity of coal consumed, then the work done by P will be to raise W + w of water from t to 212°, and to evaporate w - e q from 212°.

Let m be the weight of coal required to raise W + w to 212° from t

evaporate w - e q from 212

W + w from 212° Then


E, the evaporating power.

Now P = m + p

212 t

eg W

:1(W) = p 212 -


P р
(W + w) (212 – t) + (w e 9)


eq P1


- E Introducing the values from which the mean' temperature t was obtained (first formula), we have eventually

(1 + 212
t') w + (212


Ρι in which W is the weight of water in the boiler;

drawn from the tanks during the experiment; ť the mean temperature of water in tanks ;

t' the corrected initial temperature of water in the boiler.* In the preceding formulæ, the latent heat of steam has been taken at 1000°, the number generally used in this country; but after all the calculations had been made on this subject from the experiments by Messrs. Wilson and Kingsbury, and the results sent in to the Admiralty, Regnault's excellent memoir on the latent heat of steam was published. It became necessary, therefore, to use these new

* A small correction must be also made for the combustible matter in the residua of combustion, such as the soot and carbonaceous matter in the ashes ; to do this with great accuracy, a series of observations and analyses would have been required, the labour and expense of which would not have been warranted by the amount of correction necessary. It was, therefore, considered sufficient to pro ceed as follows,--although the result is nothing more than a very rough approximation to the truth. For such an approximation it will be admitted that the evaporative value of the coal depends on the ratio of the combustible to the incombustible matter, and that this ratio confers a similar evaporative value on the quantity of ashes, cinders, and soot produced by the combustion ; in other words, that if the combustible matter of the latter had been usefully applied in the production of steam, a similar effect would have been produced as if a corresponding quantity of coal had been burned. If then Q be the

weight of coal containing the same quantity of combustible matter as the residua after its combustion

in the furnace

(1 + 212 – t') w + (212 – t'') W-leq E', the correcied co-efficient of evaporating power.

(P - Q)1 Let then w, = weight of ashes after the experiment


sont The weight of the cinders is taken after the clinkers are separated.

be the per centage of combustible matter in the ashes, cinders, and

soot respectively ;

Tg Q the weight of coal containing the same weight of combustible matter; ge the per centage of combustible matter as found in the coal by analysis ;

Then r Q = r, W. + r, W, + r; W,

ri W, + r, W, + rs W z. .: Q =

Page 26

TABLE VI.—Showing the Actual Duty, and that which is theoretically possible, of the Coals examined.

Name or Locality

for Coal.

Actual force

Force Number Number Number Actual

Total generated,

capable of of lbs. of of lbs. of of lbs. of

or the number number of


being gene- Water Water

of lbs. lbs. of Water

Amount of of lbs. of

rated, or

which 1 lb. of conver- conver-

Amount conver-

Sulphate Water con

Water con- the Coal could number of lbs. of Ammonia of Ammonia verted tible into tible into | tible into


which could corresponding corresponding into Steam Steam

raise to the Steam Steam

into Stram height of be raised

to the Ni. to the Nitro by 11b. by the Coke by the Car- hy the Hy

to the height trogen con- of Coal. left by the bon of

I foot. diogen of Cual.

of 1 foot, by tained in Coal. tained in Coal. Coal. the Coal. of the Coal.


1 lb. of Coal. Practical.

Theoretical. Theoretical. Theoretical. Theoretical.

from heat ob

Theoretical. tained.

6.175 4.808 6.741 5.044 0.848

Graigola Anthracite

sJones, Au- 12

brey, and Coll Oldcastle Fiery Vein Ward's Fiery Vein Binea Llangenock Pentripoth Pentrefellin Powell's Duffryn Mynydd Newydd Three-quarter Rock Vein Cwm Frood Rock Vein Cwm Nanty Gros Resolven Pontypool Bedwas Ebbw Vale Porthmawr Rock Vein. Coleshill Dalkeith Jewel Seam Dalkeith Coronation Wallsend Elgin Fordel Splint Grangemouth Broomhill . Park End, Lydney Slievardagh (Irish) Formosa Island Borneo (Labuan kind)

8.94 10.601 9:40 9.94 11.560 8.86 10.599 8. 72 10.873 6.36 10.841 10.149 11:134 9.52 9.831 8.84 7.081 8.70 8.628 8.42 8.243 9.53 10.234 7•47 8:144 9.79

8.897 10.21 10.441 7:53 6.647 8:0 6.468 7.08 6.239

7.71 6.924

8.46 6.560 7.56 6.560 7.40 7.292

7.30 70711

8.52 6.567 9.85 10.895

12.046 12.072 12:181 11.741 12.189 11.749 12.126 11.463 10.325 11.300 10.767 10.899 11.088 11.075 12.335 10.263 10.145 10.242 10.570 10.454 10.933 10.970 11.225 10.101 10.995 10.752 8.864 7.461 9.652 11:186 12.368 12.074

D. E.


G. 1.903 13:563 7.060.908 10.242.471 2.030 14.593 7.143.978 11.020.303 2.890 14.936 6.751.285 11.279.329 2.542 14.614 7.098.667 11.036.162 2.912 15.093 7.506.463 11:397.892 2.519 14.260 6.690.871 10.768.829 2.649 14.838 6.585·146 11.205.322 2.038 13:787 4.802.928 10.411.630 2.966 15.092 7.664.295 11.397.137 3:441 14.904 7:189.288 11.255.163 2.781 13:106 6.675.768 9.897.355 3.488 14.788 6.570-043 11.167.563 3:165 13.932 6 358.593 10:521.131 3:072 13.971 7.196.840 10.550.583 3.207 14.295 5.641.175 10.795.260 3.766 14.841 7.393.186 11•207.587) 3.300 15.635 17.710.361 11.025.198 2.548 12.811 5.686.485 9.674.577 2.654 12.799 6.041.419 9.665.515 2071 12.313 5•346.655 9.298.499 2.202 12:772 5.822.417 9.645.125 2.968 13.422 6.388.800 10: 135.991 2.884 13.817 5.709.141 10.434.286 2.722 13.692 5.588.312 10.339.888 3.638 14.863 5.512.795 11.224.201 3•156 13.257 6.434.111 10.011.386 1.487 12.482 7 • 438.497 9.426.124 2.801 13.553

1.590 1.238 1.586 1.299 0.218 Trace 1:76 1.808 1.299 1:347 1.919 1.675 1.639 1.748 2.622 1.554 1.785 1.214 Trace 1.712 1.372 1.639 2.234 1.477 0.279 0.777 0.977 1.132 0.813 2.040 Trace 0.983

6.835 7.340 5.044 5.232 7.448 6 +505 6.364 6.788 10.182 6•033 6.930 0.471

6.647 5.327 6.364 8.674 9.617 1:084 3.017 3.771 4.620 3.158 7.920