How to access Facebook developer Page

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Enter the name of your app and an email address where we can send you any important developer notifications. The email address can be different from the email address associated with your Facebook account, just make sure it's valid and that you monitor it, since all important developer notifications will be sent there.

You can also add a Facebook Business Manager account if you have one, then click Create App.

Once you have completed the app creation flow your app will be loaded in the App Dashboard.

Before you can integrate with Meta's products, use Meta's SDKs, or access any of Meta's APIs, first register as a Facebook developer. After you register, use the app dashboard to provide information about your app. This documentation explains how to register as a developer, how to use the app dashboard to configure your app, and how to build, test, and release your app.

You can turn notifications on and off for each of your apps in the Notification Settings tab. Business apps and individual apps are listed separately, and you can access your Business Settings or Facebook Settings for updating your associated email addresses. You can also delete your account, if necessary.

Notification settings are available for

You can click All On/All Off for each notification type or customize them by selecting individual notifications and the delivery method for each. For customization, click the notification type heading to open the list of notifications, then select the delivery method from the drop-down menu to the right of the individual notifications you wish to receive. Make sure to click Save Changes at the bottom of the page for any updates to take effect.

To subscribe to Platform Status notification settings, go to Platform Status dashboard and click Subscribe at the top right.

Urgent updates

Get urgent updates that may require an action from you to prevent your app from breaking.

Urgent NotificationDescriptionAvailable Delivery Methods

App Status

Alerts about changes in app status including when the app is made public or removed

API Rate Limiting

Alerts about nearing and hitting the rate limit for API requests

Moratoriums & Restrictions

Alerts about moratoriums/restrictions placed on your app

Privacy Policy

Updates on the status of your app's privacy policy URL

App URLs

Updates on the status of your app's URLs


Alerts about your existing Webhooks subscriptions

Version Deprecation

Alerts about a version upgrade affecting your app

App No Platform

Updates on your app's platforms


Get direct responses from Facebook about the status of your app.

Conversations NotificationsDescriptionAvailable Delivery Methods


Updates on the status of your appeals

App Review

Alerts about app review status updates


Alerts about reported bugs for your app

Direct Support Questions

Alerts about direct support questions


Alerts about the FbStart program

Developer Circles

Updates on the status of the Developer Circles program

Inactive App

Alerts when your app is determined to be inactive

WP Security Review

Alerts about WP security review status updates

Product updates

Get updates about Facebook platform products you use.

Product NotificationsDescriptionAvailable Delivery Methods

Login & API Errors

Alerts about when your app throws errors during login or for other API calls

Audience Network

Alerts about your ad placements with Audience Network


Get data and trends for your apps

Marketing API

Alerts about your app's integration with the Marketing API

Open Graph

Open Graph approval status updates


Alerts about canvas payment and payout updates

Platform Announcements

New products, events, surveys and more

Gameroom Native

Updates on Gameroom Native changes

Profile Plus API

Alerts about your app's integration with the Profile Plus API

Blog & Docs updates

Get updates on blog posts and documentation you're subscribed to.

Blogs & Docs NotificationsDescriptionAvailable Delivery Methods

Developer Blog Posts

Get notified about every new Developer blog post

Developer Blog Digests

Get the Developer Blog Digest

Marketing API Blog Posts

Get notified about every new Marketing API blog post

Marketing API Breaking Changes

Get notified about breaking changes to the Marketing API

Marketing API Blog Digests

Get the Marketing API Blog Digest

Instant Articles Developer Blog Posts

Get notified about every new Instant Articles blog post

Messenger Changelog Updates

Alerts when Messenger Changelog has new updates

Developer Community Forum

Get updates on developer community forums you're subscribed to.

Developer Community Forum NotificationsDescriptionAvailable Delivery Methods

New Answer

Alerts about developer community forum questions that have new answers

Answer Selection

Alerts about developer community forum questions that have new answer selections

New Comment

Alerts about developer community forum answers that have new comments


Alerts about developer community forum user profiles that have new updates

Developer Community Forum Weekly Digest

Get the latest updates from the community forum

Select Answer Reminder

Reminders to select answers for your developer community forum questions

Delete Developer Account

Deleting your developer account will remove all of your apps. If you are the only Admin of an app, the app will be removed and all of its information will be lost. Reregistering as a Facebook developer will not restore removed apps.

Deleting your developer account does not affect any of your Facebook accounts, including Instagram, Messenger, or WhatsApp, or any of your Facebook Pages.

If you are the only owner of any apps, you will need to either remove them or transfer ownership before you can delete your developer account.

To delete your developer account, click the Delete Account button. A pop-up dialog will appear to confirm you want to delete your developer account; click Delete Account. You will then be asked to enter your password for security purposes. Entering your password and clicking Submit will delete your developer account.

How do I access my Facebook developer account?

You can access the Developer Settings panel by going to the Apps panel or, hovering over your profile image in the upper right corner, and selecting Developer Settings from the dropdown menu.

How do I use the Facebook Developer app?

Create an App.
Before You Start. You must be logged into your Facebook developer account..
Step 1: Start the app creation process. If you just came from the registration flow, click the Create First App button. ... .
Step 2: Choose an app type. ... .
Step 3: Set your app name and email. ... .
Next Steps..

Do you need Facebook account for Facebook developer?

Only personal accounts can be Facebook developers. Every developer should get their personal account verified, and then be added as a developer or admin for your app. If someone leaves your company, you simply delete them from the app admins/developers. Both can be simplified by using groups.

How do I get Facebook developer API?

Step 1: Get a User Access Token Load the Graph API Explorer and from the Facebook App dropdown menu, select your app. In the User or Page drop-down menu, select Get User Access Token, and continue as yourself and authenticate. If you are reusing an older app, you may already be authenticated.

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