Arti kata "bronsexual" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata bronsexual bahasa

Anybody who is a huge fan of Lebron James or dickriding LeBron James. They become fans of any team LeBron James plays for. These type of individuals thinks that LeBron James is better than Michael Jordan.


1. Brian Windhorst of ESPN is the #1 Bronsexual in the universe since he dickrides LeBron James more than Libertarians dickrides Rand Paul. 2. 92% of Cleveland Cavaliers fans are actually Bronsexuals since they did not follow the Cavs before LeBron(before 2003) and between (2011-2014). 3. ESPN is the #1 Bronsexual Sports Media Outlet. The motto is the "The Worldwide leader in Dickriding LeBron James." 4. Skip Bayless is a closet Bronsexual

Arti kata bronsexual bahasa

Bronsexual is a term used for anyone who has dick rode and bandwaggoned LeBron so much that Lebron has become the basis of their sexuality and life. A bronsexual is likely to tell you some of the most blasphemous things you will ever hear. For example "Lebron James Is the G.O.A.T" or "Lebron is better than Michael Jordan" and any other insane, not even logical shit they can think of. A Bronsexual is literally the most annoying sports fan ever. That will tell you Lebron is the greatest but not tell you why and then whenever you tell them Lebron has lost in the finals more than he has won. They will blame his All Star teammates instead of giving him any blame. A bronsexual tends to bring up other players like Kobe to change the topic away from Lebron. A Bronsexual is literally in a full fledged relationship with Lebron mentally. and they will defend their boo with their life. Its quite sad honestly. Most of them don't even watch or care for the sport.


Pete- Hey man, you seen Kobe's last game. It was dope. He dropped 60. Daryl- Yeah, but see lebrons game against the timberwolves 2 weeks ago. He got a double double dude. Pete- yeah, but kobe literally retired. this was a monumental moment in the sport. Daryl- Lebron is way better than Kobe anyway. Check out my Lebron lows and my cavs jersey. Pete- what did you do with the heat jersey? Daryl- Put in the closet in case he loses and decides to go back Pete- Oh Daryl- Kobe sucks, Lebron is better than Kobe and Jordan combined Pete- Jordan is 6 for 6 in the finals, kobe is 5 for 7. Lebron is 3 for 7. Lebron cant win without an allstar team and even then he loses sometimes. He is a joke. He isn't even top 5. You are dickriding him Daryl- yeah but what about David Ortiz dude, he is hitting a lot of home runs this season Pete- Changing the topic like a bronsexual does.

Arti kata bronsexual bahasa

A person who has yet to come out of the closet as a bronsexual. Usually starting off sentences " I'm not a LeBron fan but". Then proceeds to show a defensive demeanor about LeBron James.


That guy secretly loves LeBron. He's a closet bronsexual

Arti kata bronsexual bahasa

Any Individual that dickrides or is a bandwagon fan of Lebron James. They will make outrageous claims that Lebron is the best player of all time without proper proof or evidence. Most times they can’t even uplift Lebron without downplaying another player. They also tend to make excuses for ALL of Lebrons shortcomings they will even go as far say “you don’t know basketball” if you don’t agree that Lebron is the best.


“If Lebron won some more rings he will be better than Jordan no debate” “But if Jordan has more rings wouldn’t he be better?” “Idk man Bron faced some tough competition” “You’re for sure a Bronsexual”

Arti kata bronsexual bahasa

A term used by haters of LeBron James to describe fans of James, while not realizing that they are in fact the bronsexuals. They bring up useless bad stats from games he played seven years in the past to justify their hate for him, can make any topic about LeBron, cum on themselves when anything bad happens to LeBron, and overall just cannot stop talking about LeBron James. Typically massive Michael Jordan stans. Skip Bayless is the head Bronsexual.


John: This guy on twitter just called me a bronsexual. Joe: what’s his twitter name? John: @lechoke3-5lebumsux Joe: just ignore him. He’s the real bronsexual. He has a whole twitter page dedicated to LeBron.

Arti kata bronsexual bahasa

1. A Bronsexual is a LeBron fan that goes way to far with it, 96% of Bronsexuals think LeBron James is the greatest of all time. Some Bronsexuals have Michael Jordan and Kareem outside of the top 3 all time spot. 2. Most if not 98% of Bronsexuals are delusional and don't give facts to support there claims of how LeBron James is the greatest of all time, or even top 5 all time. 3. Bronsexuals love LeBron James and will do anything to protect there king. 4. Barry is one of the biggest Bronsexuals 5. Made by @Le0verated on twitter


Another Bronsexual on the TL. That Bronsexual is like the rest, a delusional one.

Arti kata bronsexual bahasa

Love LeBron James and only like Lebron James.


Oh, bob is such a bronsexual.

Arti kata bronsexual bahasa

A nickname for very delusional LeBron James fans.


Lucas thinks LeBron James is the greatest thing since sliced bread, he's such a Bronsexual.

Arti kata bronsexual bahasa

A bandwagonging fan of Lebron James who can tell u the dumbest thing about basketball just to show a super defensive demeanor for Lebron. The Philippines, Belgium and the Netherlands are home to a huge numbers of Bronsexuals accumulating as high as 94 percent. Calling Lebron "King" is also one of the ways Bronsexuals do to promote Lebron's legacy.


Notable bronsexuals: SHANNON SHARPE RYAN HOLLINS (Former NBA player) KENDRICK PERKINS (Former NBA player) TRAE YOUNG (Atlanta Hawks Guard) KEVIN DE BRUYNE (Manchester City Midfielder) RIHANNA SKIP BAYLESS is a Closet Bronsexual

Arti kata bronsexual bahasa

A word created by Lebron James haters when he kept applying pressure and became the greatest player ever in their minds. People are mad because other people have an opinion which proves they are haters for calling people bronsexuals. The same dudes calling MJ the goat who never watched him calling ppl bronsexuals for having Lebron a a fav player. They have an obsession and it is weird.


He thinks Lebron is the goat he is a Bronsexual he can’t just have his own opinion.

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