What is the new font on Instagram stories?

Are you using text on your Instagram™ Stories? Well, you should be. In fact, 85% of users watch Instagram™ on silent. Meaning, if you do not have text or captions on your Instagram™ Stories, you will lose your followers’ attention and they will swipe on over to the next person’s content.

Keep reading to discover how to use the Instagram™ Stories updated fonts and three Stories font best practices you should always keep in mind. 

In this blog post: 

Why Instagram™ Stories Fonts Matter

Ask a graphic designer why fonts matter and you’ll get an earful. But here’s what you need to know: fonts are a reflection of your brand or business. When you use fonts consistently, especially on Instagram™ Stories, you’ll stay memorable and top of mind. 

Just like your logo and brand colors, fonts are an easy way to make your content instantly recognizable to your followers. Even using one of your brand colors for the background of your font is an impactful way to make your content more cohesive.

Here are the four Instagram™ Stories updated fonts. 

New Font #1: Comic Sans

Now, let’s dive into the four new Instagram™ Stories fonts. First up is Comic Sans. A very common font for memes, Comic Sans font offers a fun, upbeat vibe to any Instagram™ Story. 

For example, when I shared a week-long Instagram™ Stories series I used Comic Sans to mark each day. While it’s a subtle design choice, it added consistency to the series throughout the campaign.  

New Font #2: Chic Serif

Next up, let’s talk about a font that adds a dash of sophistication: Chic Serif font. 

Take a look at how the Nest at Truth Farms uses Chic Serif to add a touch of elegance to their Instagram™ Stories. This font is the perfect choice for a wedding venue that prides itself on providing a luxury experience.

New Font #3: Sans Serif

Similarly, if you’re looking for a font that’s easy to read, try the new Sans Serif font. Only available in all caps, Sans Serif is arguably the most popular of the new font options.

Even though the default for the Sans Serif font is black, it’s easy to change the block color to reflect your brand. Just make sure that the text is still readable with the color you pick. 

New Font #4: Classic Serif

Lastly, let’s talk about the crisp, classic Serif font. Unlike Sans Serif font, the classic Serif can be all caps and over a colored background. 

Alexa Fueled Naturally, for example, uses classic Serif in almost all of her Instagram™ Stories. Like most Instagram users, Alexa knows that her followers are likely watching her Stories on mute. The classic Serif font is an easy way for her to add closed captions or highlight the main points of her Stories. 

3 Best Practices for Choosing Instagram™ Fonts

Wow, with so many fonts to choose from you never have an excuse for bland Instagram™ Stories again. But before you try to use the fonts all at once, here are three best practices to keep in mind. 

#1 Don’t distract from the text by adding too many Gifs or Instagram™ Stories stickers. 

#2 Make sure your Instagram™ Stories text is big enough to read. 

#3 Don’t mix too many type styles in your Instagram™ Stories. 

Discover 3 More Ways to Visually Transform Your Instagram™ Profile

Using Stories fonts consistently isn’t the only way to add more branding and consistency to your Instagram™ strategy. Sign up for my FREE Instagram course to discover 3 visual secrets that will transform your Instagram™ profile into a buyer magnet.

No, quarantine isn't making you lose your mind. (Well, maybe; but not about this.) The fonts on Instagram Stories have officially changed and now feature new text styles like italics, outlines, and more.

According to Instagram's official Twitter, the app began rolling out the new font feature on April 29, 2020. As it does with most new features, IG rolled it out as a test run by only granting access to a small amount of users. On August 3, 2020, Instagram came back with a follow-up tweet, announcing that new IG Stories fonts would now be available to all.

Related: 300 Instagram Captions For When You Don't Know What to Write

These four new text styles are in addition to the original styles we're all accustomed to and each feature their own personalized backgrounds. So, if you use the Garamond-esque typeface option and decide to add a background, it automatically adds a rectangular box with sharp edges. If you choose the Comic Sans-esque option—which Bustle is calling Comic Sans Lite, for now—your font background will be a sort of splashy, brushstroke-esque background.

While many IG users are excited to have more personable font options than the few standard serifs and sans serifs we had before, there are still a lot of users confused about how to access these new fonts. For everything you need to know about how to use the new Instagram Stories fonts, keep reading!

Are there new fonts on Instagram?

Yes! You've seen and heard correctly: There are new text styles now available to all users on Instagram as of August 3, 2020. These new styles include Comic Sans, what looks to be a Garamond type font, an italicized serif, and outlines.

Instagram still has not yet released the names of each of the fonts, leaving many people to wonder and simply choose font styles for their Stories based on aesthetic preferences.

Related:11 Instagram Accounts To Figure Out Your Enneagram

Where are the new fonts on Instagram?

The new fonts on Instagram Stories are where they always have been! To use them, simply take a picture or upload a picture to your Story, then tap the "Aa" icon all the way in the top right of the screen. You'll then be able to type and swipe between nine different text style options.

As always, you can still choose alignments, colors, and backgrounds at the top of the screen, as well as the font size by toggling the bar on the left side of the screen. When you're satisfied with your typing, tap 'Done' in the top right corner and you'll see your text appear on your Story.

Of course, you may not be able to access the new fonts if your Instagram app is not up to date.

How do I get new fonts on Instagram?

Not seeing the new fonts automatically pop on your Instagram Stories? No worries! To access the new rollout of fonts, you have to make sure that your Instagram app is up to date with the latest version.

How to update your Instagram app

So, you want to access the new fonts on Instagram Stories but aren't sure if your app is the latest version. How can you tell if your app is up to date?

If you have Apple iOs, go into the App Store and tap your picture icon in the top right of the screen. Under Available Updates, you should see a list of apps that are ready to be updated. If Instagram is listed there, then once it's fully updated, you'll be able to access the new fonts. Tap 'update' to start the update process, then when the icon goes away, the update is over and you can launch the app like you normally would.

If you have Android, head over to the Play Store Home screen and tap the Menu icon in the upper left. Tap 'My apps & games.' Then, you should see 'Instagram.' Tap the Instagram app to update. Once the update is over, you should be able to enjoy the new font styles on Instagram Stories like the rest of us!

How do I get the new fonts on Instagram stories?

Select Camera and tap the Aa button on the left. This will open a blank page for creating a text-only Story. Tap anywhere on the blank page to type. Once you're done, swipe the Aa button to view your text in other font types.

What are the Instagram story fonts 2022?

Your go-to spot to share your fave pics and create Stories quietly added a new font option called Instagram Sans. The new-new on your app was also accompanied by a reimagined logo with more vibrant colors.

What is the font used on Instagram story?

The "Classic" font used in the Instagram Stories overlay text is San Francisco on iOS Apple devices and Roboto on Android phones. The other font used in the Instagram app is Freight Sans.

Did Instagram change its font 2022?

As per the Instagram blog, the gradient has been reimagined with “vibrant colours to make it feel illuminated and alive, and to signal moments of discovery.” Instagram Sans, a new typeface has been added keeping the brand's “heritage in mind and also includes multiple global scripts.”

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