Pidato bahasa inggris tentang facebook

Asslamu Alaikum Wr. Wb. Good morning and best wishes for all of us First of all let us give thanks to God Almighty because of His blessings and mercy so that at this moment we are still given the opportunity to gather together in this place in good health. Dear teacher and my dear friends, at this moment I will make a speech about the impact of facebook for teenagers. My friends, The word facebook certainly no stranger to hear in our ears. There may even be among us who make facebook as the most important part of life. Facebook is used by many people to communicate with others. Through facebook, we can communicate with people who have not or sudak we know before. But in fact, facebook is widely misused by teenagers. For example, through facebook they cursed their friends with rude and dirty words. In addition, teenagers, especially the students spend more time in the cafe to berfacebookan with his friends. They seem to pay attention to facebook rather than pay attention to their lessons. In fact, they dare to deceive their parents by reasoning to find information related to the lesson. So naturally if the old orng is currently very worried about the existence of facebook among their children. My friends The more real impact we encounter is the rampant abduction of influences through facebook. Through facebook they will know each other and eventually meet at a place, so it appears the desire to escape from home. They - they are the victims of facebook. For that, as an educated teenager, let us cultivate a positive attitude and attitude towards the existence of facebook in the present. Use good progress, do not abuse it with negative things. Such is the speech that I convey, may be useful for all of us. Thank you for your attention.

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Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris

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Lembaga Pendidikan

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Azam Zamzam

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Kumpulan Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris

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Azam Zamzam

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Pidato merupakan suatu kegiatan berbicara di depan umum atau berorasi agar dapat menyatakan pendapatnya, atau memberikan suatu gambaran pada suatu hal. Pidato umumnya dibawakan oleh seorang yang memberi orasi serta pernyataan terhadap hal tertentu atau peristiwa yang penting dan harus diperbincangkan. Pidato ialah salah satu teori dari perjalanan bahasa indonesia. Pidato umumnya dipakai oleh seorang pemimpin untuk berorasi dan memimpin di depan banyak anak buahnya/di depan orang ramai.

Pidato adalah suatu ucapan dengan susunan yang baik untuk disampaikan kepada orang banyak. Contoh pidato yaitu seperti pidato kenegaraan, pidato menyambut hari besar, pidato pembangkit semangat, pidato sambutan acara atau event, dan lain sebagainya.
Pidato yang baik dapat memberikan suatu kesan positif bagi orang-orang yang mendengar pidato tersebut. Kemampuan berpidato atau berbicara yang baik di depan publik / umum dapat membantu untuk mencapai jenjang karir yang baik...Kumpulan Pidato Lengkap

Sifat dan Metode Pidato

Berdasarkan pada sifat dari isi pidato, pidato dapat dibedakan menjadi :

  • Pidato Pembukaan, adalah pidato singkat yang dibawakan oleh pembaca acara atau mc.
  • Pidato pengarahan adalah pdato untuk mengarahkan pada suatu pertemuan.
  • Pidato Sambutan, yaitu merupakan pidato yang disampaikan pada suatu acara kegiatan atau peristiwa tertentu yang dapat dilakukan oleh beberapa orang dengan waktu yang terbatas secara bergantian.
  • Pidato Peresmian, adalah pidato yang dilakukan oleh orang yang berpengaruh untuk meresmikan sesuatu.
  • Pidato Laporan, yakni pidato yang isinya adalah melaporkan suatu tugas atau kegiatan.
  • Pidato Pertanggungjawaban, adalah pidato yang berisi suatu laporan pertanggungjawaban.

Persiapan pidato

Sebelum berpidato didepan umum ada hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dan siapkan diantaranya adalah

  1. Mengetahui wawasan pendengar pidato secara umum
  2. Mengetahui lama waktu atau durasi pidato yang akan dibawakan.
  3. Menyusun kata-kata yang mudah dipahami dan dimengerti.
  4. Mengetahui jenis pidato melalui tema acara,
  5. Menyiapkan bahan-bahan dan perlengkapan pidato dan lain sebagainya.

Kriteria Berpidato yang Baik

  1. Isinya sesuai dengan apa yang sedang berlangsung
  2. Bermanfaat bagi pendengar
  3. Isinya jelas dan benar serta objektif
  4. Menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti
  5. Tersampaikan secara baik dan benar

Berikut Contoh Pidatonya:

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Keuntungan dan Kerugian Memiliki Facebook

 Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Good morning ladies and gentlemen,honorable juries,and respected audiences.

First of all,we should say Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin to the Almighty Allah SWT for the blessing the gives us here. So that , we can gather here to participate in this important program for youthful  especially for students of senior high school to improve our english knowledge or ability.And dont forget to send our loves to our prophet , Muhammad SAW , because he has brought us from the  dark world to the knowledge world as we feel now.

Dear audiences,in this speech contest i want to tell about facebook. And allow me to deliver my speech has a tittle of The Advantages and the Disadvantages of Having Facebook.   Please pay your attention.

Facebook is a social networking website that is operated and privately owned by Facebook,Incorporated.Individuals who have an facebook account are now using more of their time to  socialize with other people  amidst the distance and lack of time. And even if a community like Facebook serves numerous advantages, it also proves to have certain disadvantages as well.

Dear audiences,as i said before, the are many advantages of having and using facebook.First, facebook is a social interaction software. When it comes with communication like  facebook hits the number one spot. It can allow the users to track down long lost friends, acquaintances and relatives that they havent seen for years. Users are able to meet new groups and are  able to interact with their likes and dislikes. Through the systemss organization of profiles, it allows its users access to other personal interests that a contact can use. This can also be a perfect  gateway for love to bloom in a dating process.

Second,facebook is useful for students connection . Since facebook  is popular  with the younger masses due to similiar interets and habits, it is also opens a door for connecting students organizations and ideas. Organization can post on walls updates regarding upcoming events and gatherings. And even though there is an increase in one accessibility of online communities like facebook, there are are supported who still insist that the service offer more alternatives in terms of communication modes therefore allowing announcements on different capabilities and function which will remain dominant.

Third,facebook is useful in economy matters. Facebooks influence is continuously succeeding other online communities thus makes it a more amiable site to let the economy flourish . Through the system, companies can advertise their products and in return for the space provided by the site, the advertisers pay a certain amount of money enabling the site to raise revenue . Most of the advertisements posted are aimed for the majority of facebooks population which is mainly studebts of all kinds.

Dear andiences,Those are the some advantages of facebook. There are many disadvantages of using facebook too. Such as, weak eyesight,less time outdoors,less time physically spent with a person,and etc.First,Weak eyesight  . Staring at a computer screen can weaken your eyesight. Facebook can only be accessed through the Internet, and if you use it too much, then your eyesight will get worse. Facebook also provides many games and applications that require you to focus on the screen for a long time. Your eyesight can get worse if you use facebook for too long.

Second,Less time outdoors- If you get addicted to facebook, then you may miss out on all the fun that you can have outdoors. In summers, there is a lot to do outside in the sun. But, if you get addicted to facebook, then you will be sitting indoors and wasting a lot of your precious time on facebook. There is so much more to do outdoors, and you will miss out on it if you use facebook too much.

Third,Less time physically spent with a person- you might be talking to the person everyday on facebook, but you may reduce the time that you spend face to face. You may not want to talk on phone anymore, and this also has disadvantages. You will become anti-social and develop social anxiety disorder if you never talk to people face to face. This is a terrible disorder, which can also put into depression. This is one of biggest disadvantages of facebook. You will become anti-social and spend less time with people.

Dear audiences,antoher disadvantages of facebook is that it has too many useless applications. You may waste a lot of time rejecting invitations, and waste time. There is also the  feature of wall posting, which means others can see your conversation. This can be really embarrassing for people. This feature makes it impossible to hold private conversations. Even the  photos can be viewed by all your friends, and strangers can see them once they get on your friends list.

These are the disadvantages of using facebook for too long. But there are ways that you can use facebook, and get only the advantages. Use facebook for planning events, creating  more awareness about issues, and just chatting. Dont use it for personal conversations that can be done face to face. You may run out of conversations when you actually meet with the person  in real life. This is why it is important to create a balance between facebook and your social life.

Ladies and gentlemen,honorable juries,and respected audiences. I think thats all my short speech to you. I hope its useful for us. Please forgive if i made  mistakes. And finally i say , wassalam.

beberapa contoh yang merupakan teks pidato. Semua contoh meliputi tentang pidato bahaya narkoba, pidato perpisahan, pidato kebersihan, pidato pendidikan, dan yang terakhir pidato moral atau pendidikan karakter. Contoh pidato bahasa jawa tentang narkoba, contoh pidato bahasa jawa tentang pendidikan, contoh bahasa jawa tentang kebersihan, contoh pidato bahasa jawa tentang perpisahan, contoh pidato bahasa jawa tentang kesehatan, dll.Dari mulai contoh yang pertama hingga akhir silahkan bisa dijadikan untuk referensi bagi yang membutuhkan.

 Contoh Naskah Pidato Singkat dalam Berbagai Tema

  • Contoh Pidato Tentang Bahaya Mengkonsumsi Minuman Ringan Bagi Kesehatan
  • Contoh Pidato Tentang Pengaruh Internet Terhadap Remaja
  • Contoh Teks Pidato Tentang Pengaruh Internet Terhadap Remaja Terbaru
  • Contoh Teks Pidato Mengenai Pengaruh Internet Bagi Siswa
  • Contoh  Pidato Mengenai Pengaruh Internet Terhadap Remaja SMK.
  • Contoh  Pidato Mengenai Pengaruh Internet Bagi Pelajar 
  • Contoh Teks Pidato Tentang Transmigrasi
  • Contoh Teks Pidato Tentang Intimidasi Atau bullying Bahasa Inggris
  • Contoh Pidato Pembukaan Workshop dan Kompetisi Tulis Nusantara 
  • Contoh Pidato Mengenai pentingnya Menjaga lingkungan di Sekitar Kita
  • Contoh Berpidato Tentang Kesehatan Mudah Di Hafal 
  • Contoh Berpidato Singkat Tentang Kesehatan
  • Contoh Berpidato Singkat Tentang Generasi Muda
  • Contoh Pidato Kebersihan Lingkungan Dan Bagaimana Cara Menjaganya 
  • Contoh Pidato Bertema Sumpah Pemuda
  • Contoh Pidato Bupati dalam Malam Resepsi Peringatan HUT RI 
  • Contoh Pidato judul  Globalisasi
  • Contoh Pidato Bahasa Sunda Tema Ngarasa Reueus Jadi Urang Sunda
  • Contoh Pidato Tema Acara Perpisahan Sekolah
  • Contoh Pidato Tema Hari Pendidikan Nasional
  • Contoh Pidato Tema Hari Lingkungan Hidup ( Penebangan Hutan )
  • Contoh Pidato Tema Remaja & Orang Tua Singkat 
  • Contoh Pidato Tema Pacaran di Kalangan Remaja Singkat 
  • Contoh Pidato Tema Kegemaran Atau Hobi 
  • Contoh Pidato Tema Bahasa Gaul Merusak Bahasa Indonesia
  • Contoh Pidato Tema Pengaruh dari Era Globalisasi  
  • Contoh Pidato Tema Melestarikan Budaya sebagai Simbol Cinta Tanah Air
  • Contoh Pidato Tema Pengaruh Globalisasi didalam Kehidupan Kita
  • Contoh Pidato Tema Pergaulan Bebas Singkat 
  • Contoh Pidato Tema Bahaya Meroko Bagi Pelajar
  • Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Keuntungan dan Kerugian Memiliki Facebook

Banyak sekali Contoh pidato yang tersedia disini dari Contoh pidato bahasa jawa, Contoh Pidato Bahasa Sunda, contoh pidato bahasa inggris singkat, contoh pidato bahasa inggris tentang pendidikan
,contoh pidato bahasa inggris tentang covid-19, pidato bahasa inggris tentang akhlak, contoh pidato bahasa inggris singkat tentang islam,, pidato bahasa inggris singkat tentang pendidikan, contoh pidato bahasa inggris tentang lingkungan, contoh pidato bahasa inggris tentang menjadi diri sendiri, contoh pidato bahasa jawa tentang pendidikan, contoh pidato bahasa jawa tentang covid-19, contoh pidato bahasa jawa tentang perpisahan, contoh pidato bahasa jawa tentang menuntut ilmu, contoh pidato bahasa jawa tentang kesehatan, pidato bahasa jawa tengah, pidato bahasa jawa krama, pidato bahasa jawa singkat tentang kebersihan .

Selalu Kunjungin Selalu Untuk Mendapatkan Pidato Terbaru

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