Customer service sales officer adalah

Customer service sales officers are the interface between a company and its customers, so their most important role is to establish and maintain strong relationships. Customers are the key asset for any business and a source of competitive advantage for companies that can attract them to purchase their goods and services and then retain their loyalty. The objective for customer service sales and service officer is to meet the needs of customers and ensure that they feel valued and appreciated.

Provide Information

The most important role of a sales officer is to offer and process information, according to the Best Job Interview. A customer may make a request for information either before or after buying a product or service. In the event that the customer is still considering whether to buy a product or service, a customer service sales officer may assist by offering more information on it.

Information could include technical specifications, whether there any discounts and whether the product is in stock. Alternatively, the customer could have questions about a product or service that he has purchased from the company. In both cases, the customer service sales officer should be knowledgeable and provide information that is comprehensive enough to satisfy the customer.

Promote Sales and Special Offers

In addition to answering the customer’s questions, the duties of a sales officer promotes the company’s products or services. The officer’s duty is to reassure customers about the quality and worth of the product or service that they are interested in.

Customer service sales officers will not only convince the customers to buy, but they will also demonstrate the company’s engagement and commitment toward good shopping experiences. The company could also instruct customer service sales officers to pitch additional products such as upgrades, new products and related purchases to customers so as to enhance sales.

Handle Customer Complaints

The proper handling of customer complaints is perhaps the greatest factor differentiating good customer service sales officers. In the course of attending to customers, an officer could have to deal with difficult, irate or rushed customers. These customers are often tense and in no mood to be further agitated. A customer service sales officer must tackle customer’s concerns in a professional manner, taking time to calm them down and to assure them of being heard.

The role of a sales officer includes discerning the customer’s problem and proceeding to address it in an ethical manner. The way in which the customer service sales officer handles the grievance directly affects the reputation of the company and influences whether the customer will maintain the relationship.

Establish Relationships

Since the customer service sales officer is the first and most regular point of contact with the customer, he has a duty to make a good impression. The officer ought to come off as professional, pleasant, helpful, patient and, above all, knowledgeable about the product or service the company is offering.

An officer who demonstrates these qualities has the best chance of connecting with customers, who then feel valued and appreciated when their concerns are addressed. Loyal customers bring repeat business and spread the word, so it is up to customer service sales officers to ensure that each customer is smiling at the end of their interaction, according to the Management Study Guide.

Sales Officer Salary

Median hourly wages for retail salespersons vary by industry, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The highest wage earners sold parts, service or vehicles at an automobile dealership earning a median hourly wage of ​$16.65,​ as of May 2019. The second highest paid customer service sales officers sold building materials, supplies and garden equipment earning ​$13.60​ per hour.

Those who worked in electronic stores, clothing stores and hobby stores made a median hourly wage of ​$12.80​, ​$11.68​ and ​$11.67​, respectively. Yearly earning income potential depends on factors such as the average hours worked per pay period, availability of commissions and shift differential pay.

_*Selamat Sore,*_ *"Konfirmasi Jadwal INTERVIEW/ Panggilan KERJA* dari Kantor Pusat *PT. Exindo Cargo Express* (Member of Cargo Group Warehousing, Logistik dan Manufaktur) _Sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang logistik, ekspedisi, pergudangan, distribusi, impor, ekspor, dan transportasi._ Kepada Yth. Bapak/Ibu/Sdr/i Di Tempat Dengan ini kami sampaikan dari pihak HRD Exindo Cargo Express Telah Menanggapi Surat Lamaran Kerja/ Biodata Saudara/i Daftarkan Via Online/ Website Lowongan Kerja, dan Anda Memenuhi Syarat Untuk Bekerja di Perusahaan Kami. Maka Dengan ini Kami Mengundang Saudara/i Untuk HADIR Mengikuti Proses Interview/ Wawancara yang Akan Dilaksanakan Pada : 👇 Hari/Tanggal : *SENIN, 19 SEPTEMBER 2022* Waktu : Dimulai Pukul *07.30 s/d 14.00* WIB. Bertemu Dengan 👉 *Ibu Widya Nadira, S.Psi* Diharapkan Hadir di kantor tepat waktu dan paling lambat pukul *14.00* _(lebih baik datang lebih awal, agar lebih diprioritaskan daripada peserta yang terlambat)_ *ALAMAT Kantor Pusat/ Walk In Interview* : _Tunas Plaza Jl. KH. Noer Ali No.8Q_ *📍 Jl. KH. Noer Ali No.8Q, RT.002/RW.003, Jakasampurna, Kec. Bekasi Barat, Kota Bekasi , Jawa Barat 17145* *RUTE/ Posisi Kantor* : Dari *Stasiun Kranji / Terminal Bekasi* Bisa Naik Angkutan Umum K05, K26A, / M19 Turun di Tunas Plaza. Posisi Kantor di Seberang *Jalan Tol Becakayu Jakasampurna* Persis Disamping Kanan *GLOSKIN Aesthetic / Rodalink & Disamping Kiri Notaris Ny. Sermida Silaban* _(Gedung Warna Kuning Orange No.8Q)_ Apabila anda membawa kendaraan pribadi/ Ojek Online ketik aja di Aplikasi Google Map *Jl. KH. Noer Ali No.8Q​* atau KLIK Link Google Map 👇 👉 // *Persyaratan Mengikuti Interview* : 👇 ✓Membawa CV & Surat Lamaran ✓Berpenampilan Rapi & Sopan ✓Pakaian bebas tidak harus hitam putih ✓Boleh Berhijab & Berkacamata _(Jika ada berkas lamaran yang belum lengkap bisa menyusul & bagi yang baru lulus bisa melampirkan SKL)_ *INGAT!* 👉 Besok Setibanya di Kantor Sampaikan Kepada Security/ Resepsionis Mau Bertemu Dengan *Ibu Widya Nadira, S.Psi* Selaku HRD Manager. *Dibutuhkan Segera!!!* Untuk penempatan kerja di Kantor Pusat, Pabrik dan Kantor Cabang sesuai domisili, untuk posisi *Staff Admin, Data Entry, Resepsionis, Operator, Packing, Gudang, Cleaning Service & Office Boy/ Girl, Kurir, Driver/ Supir & Security* + Gaji & Fasilitas bisa Negosiasi/ dijelaskan pada saat Interview. // *Note* : 👇 * Tidak melalui yayasan atau outsourcing. * Disediakan mess bagi yang dari luar kota. * Ada posisi Part-Time bagi yang kuliah. * Informasi ini Resmi, dan dijamin tidak ada unsur-unsur penipuan. Silahkan Konfirmasi Kehadiran Anda Dengan Replay Undangan ini Format : ( *Nama Lengkap ___ Hadir /Tidak Hadir.* ) Demikian Undangan ini kami buat, atas perhatian dan Kehadiran Saudara/i, kami ucapkan Terima kasih. Hormat kami, ( *Widya Nadira, S.Psi* ) HRD Manager Exindo Cargo Express

Apa itu Customer Service Sales Officer?

CSSO >> Customer Service Sales Officer >> Terkhusus membantu melayani keperluan nasabah funding/lending dari Sales Officer (SO) seperti membuat rekening, mencetak buku tabungan/kartu dll.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan sales officer?

Deskripsi Pekerjaan Menawarkan produk ke customer saat ini, customer baru dan Ex customer. Mendapatkan order dari channel distribution, melakukan initial data ke sistem, melaksanakan survei, memverifikasi dan melengkapi dokumen customer dan aplikasi kredit.

Apa itu Customer Service dan tugasnya?

Tugas dan Job Description Customer Service (CS) Merekrut pelanggan potensial dengan cara merekomendasikan barang atau jasa dan menjelaskan bagaimana produk perusahaan dapat menguntungkan mereka. Menjawab pertanyaan apa pun yang mungkin dimiliki pelanggan tentang produk dan layanan perusahaan.

Apa itu bagian CSO di bank?

Customer Service adalah suatu bagian dari unit organisasi atau bank, yang berada di bagian Front Office, yang berfungsi sebagai sumber informasi dan perantara bagi bankdan nasabah yang ingin mendapatkan jasa-jasa pelayanan dan produk-produk bank.

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