Arti kata "xanth" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata xanth bahasa

a stunningly beautiful girl with an amazing personality, she lights up a whole room and loves everyone, shes easy to get along with and love and shes the best friend ever


shes soo gorgeous, looks as amazing as a xanthe

Arti kata xanth bahasa

Xanthe is an amazing, beautiful person, of whom everyone wants to be friends with. Can be a little weird at times however behind the act is a perfectly normal and fun loving person, with a fantastic future ahead.


I think xanthe is so amazing, she will be the president one day!

Arti kata xanth bahasa

At first a Xanthe my be mistaken for a common goth, this is a mistake commonly made by amature hunters. Xanthe's are a reclusive species and are thus hard to find, hence some tales that Xanthes are actully an urban legend. In the wild they will often be spotted sporting all black atire and will usually be adorned by a ciggarette in one hand and a half drunken bottle of wine in the other. The bottle of wine is used as part of a complex mating ritual. Xanthes generally have a very low alcohol tolerence and upon consuming a small amount will cause them to go into heat. The mating display of a Xanthe generally involves throughrelly licking the face of her chosen mate but will often make advances on many others before settling down to just one. The ciggarettes, however, are not just for show. Xanthes are very tempermental and have been known to lash out and use said ciggarette as a weapon, especially when they feel threatened or simply just bored. It is for this reason only experienced hunters should attempt to approach a Xanthe. Amature hunters should not under any circumstances attempt to approach, especially during early spring when it is liekly that the Xanthe is guarding her nest. Between 40 and 50 Xanthe related deaths occur every year world wide.


"Early in '06 a mate of mine and I were tramping and it just came out of no where, I didnt know what was happening, it just lept out of the bushes. I managed to escape with only minor ciggarette burns but it got Ben, never saw him again. Park ranger said I was lucky to be alive, not many people survive a Xanthe attack." - Extract from 'Amazing Stories of Survival'

Arti kata xanth bahasa

Xanthe is a beautiful person,filled with happiness and joy. She usually has brilliant blue eyes and gorgeous golden hair as Xanthe means golden. They are probably the most stunning person you will ever meet so treat them carefully. They can sometimes be two-faced and snakey but when push comes to shove they will be a true friend.


Xanthe is so beautiful but I am quite afraid of her.

Arti kata xanth bahasa

Xanth is a fantasy world created by author Piers Anthony for a series of novels. It is a world of magic and puns where Piers sometimes questions the meanings of reality, politics, and all other matters that confuse us. The word "Xanth" itself is also a pun, some call Piers Anthony Pier "Xanth" Ony. Funny right? -_-


Normal Human 1: Hey, wanna have some sex. Character From Xanth: Acctually in Xanth, we call sexual intercourse "Summoning the Stork" where a stork acctually brings the baby to the mother instead of her giving birth. Normal Human 1: So...want to "summon the stork?" Character from Xanth: Sorry, the straight-jacket is in the way.

Arti kata xanth bahasa

The abridged pronunciation of "exclaimation point." A word indicating excitement or alarm. Background: This word was necessitated by attempts to read scripted dialog in which surprise was indicated using "!" or "!!!" out loud. First adopted by screenplay writers, its public usage began with the excessive usage of the exclamation point in RPG dialog. The facilitation of the pronunciation of the exclaimation point, as well as the onamotopoetic character lent by the word, allowed its use in everyday conversation.


Lich Lord: "No, AAMOF it is the runtling behind you who bears your ancestors' secrets." Main Character: "Xanth!" Or: H. L. Mencken realizing how much he has written over the course of his lifetime: "Xanth!"

Arti kata xanth bahasa

Xanth is really smart and has a very kind heart. All he wants is for everyone to be happy, even if making them happy means sacrificing his own happiness. If you have the pleasure of meeting him thank God because he's amazing. And congratulations, because just knowing him will make you want to be a better person.


Girl #1- "Should we talk to that new girl? She seems kinda weird..." Girl #2- "Definately. She knows Xanth. She's probably cool."

Arti kata xanth bahasa

xanthe is so amazing and funny and amazing and funny and amazing and funny. she does NOT like ageplay. she finds that soooo gross and cringey. someone wife her up. pepito pepito pepito hamster pepto


MC Cool: Wow did you hear who Xanthe has a crush on?? Kim Taehyung: Who? It better be me. MC Cool: It's not you, sorry! It's actually Maui from Moana!!

Arti kata xanth bahasa

A Dirty Xanthe is a sexual act which involves the women performing oral sex act. At the time the man cums he donkey punches the girl in the back of her head resulting in the semen flying out her nose at a rapid rate of knots


Just as i was to cum i donkey punched my girlfriend which resulted in her performing a Dirty Xanthe and projectiling a mixture of snot and semen across the room

Arti kata xanth bahasa

The most beautiful and best person you will ever meet. She's always there when you need her and although she's sometimes quiet and reserved (possibly a little awkward) she has a really pure heart. Her golden hair is stunning and she has perfect skin. Her blue eyes twinkle in the sunlight and you can't help falling in love with her.


Whoa, Ellie Xanthe is such a good person - and she's also really hot!

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