Arti kata "wwcd" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata wwcd bahasa

What Would Chuck Do? In reference to Chuck Bartowski, the head character of the NBC TV series, Chuck. Despite his "noobiness" when it comes to being a spy, he is seen as a leader to his Buy-More (fictional store, possible parody of Best Buy) collegues, one of whom, uses the phrase (possibly Jeff, Morgan or Lester).


Big Mike: The crowd is turning into a riot! Jeff: WWCD... What would Chuck do?

Arti kata wwcd bahasa

WWCD stands for winner winner chicken dinner.


Big Mike: The crowd is turning into a riot!

Arti kata wwcd bahasa

Jeff: WWCD... What would Chuck do? WWCD stands for winner winner chicken dinner. Full boat. WWCD.


Big Mike: The crowd is turning into a riot! Jeff: WWCD... What would Chuck do? WWCD stands for winner winner chicken dinner.

Arti kata wwcd bahasa

Full boat. WWCD.


Big Mike: The crowd is turning into a riot! Jeff: WWCD... What would Chuck do? WWCD stands for winner winner chicken dinner.

Arti kata wwcd bahasa

Full boat. WWCD.


Stands for What Would Caesar Do?

Arti kata wwcd bahasa

Spinoff of WWJD for Jesus, this acronym stands for What Would Conan (the Barbarian) Do? Often used by the manliest of men to follow the right course of action when facing a moral dilemma.


When you're in a dilemma and don't know what to do.Man, Should I take her home? WWCD bro !! Take HER and Her friend home WWCD stands for "What Would Conan Do" as in Conan O'Brien. It was modeled after the famous WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) products. Dude1: I saw a nun drop her purse. Apa yang harus saya lakukan?

Arti kata wwcd bahasa

Voice: What would Conan Do?


Dude1: (bends down to pick up the purse and looks up the nun's dress)

Arti kata wwcd bahasa

Short for “What would Ms. Corona do?” To just infect her victims, who have been continually or unreasonably speaking ill of her, and in some cases to also end their lives prematurely, especially when she too is having a bad day roaming the planet. Ms. Corona has been pretty merciful or forgiving via-à-vis those who scapegoat her for any troubles plaguing the world today—she’s rather tickled listening to all those petty WWCDs floating around her ears 24/7. Spinoff of WWJD for Jesus, this acronym stands for What Would Conan (the Barbarian) Do? Often used by the manliest of men to follow the right course of action when facing a moral dilemma. Alan: So what did you do when that chick was getting mugged last night?


I was about to lose my cool, but then I remembered, WWCD?

Arti kata wwcd bahasa

What would Castiel do? Castiel being a character from the show Supernatural. This is used in Season 12 Episode 19.


William: I asked myself WWCD? So sure enough I gutted those cowardly dogs and bedded the grateful wench. Alan: Damn, that's amazing, I can't believe I criticized you for wearing a sword all the time.

Arti kata wwcd bahasa

Pemenang makan malam Pemenang ayam.


WWCD all day An acronym for "What Would Clint Do?" Clint in this instance refers to Clint Eastwood. The term is based on the popular Christian motto WWJD?, and like it it puts forth Clint Eastwood as a role model who can always be relied upon to give guidance in difficult situations. I was about to lose my cool, but then I remembered, WWCD?

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