Arti kata "urban dictionary name" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata urban dictionary name bahasa

The part of the popular urban dictionary website in which people add definitions of names. These people are usually too far up there own arse to write about any other names apart from their own resulting in every name posted having the same generic definition along the lines of "Coolest person in the world" rendering the whole idea of that section of the website useless.


Urban dictionary names possible definitions: Bob - "Coolest guy everrrrrrrrrrrr! ooo I love my name" Becky - "Hottest chick everrrrrr! ooooo im currently fingering myself infront of a mirror" Daniel - "That guy everyone loves at a party.... everrrrrr! I eat my own shit"

Arti kata urban dictionary name bahasa

A place to submit your name and write great lies about yourself. Mostly used to cheer yourself up, because if you search ANY name, it will only be positive descriptions.


(In Urban Dictionary Names) Jimmy, A fun loving guy who can make anyone laugh. He is really great and always will Slay Vag 24/7. That's BS. Jimmy is a 31 year old virgin who lives in his mother's basement.

Arti kata urban dictionary name bahasa

The urban dictionary definitions that should be abolished from this website. It doesnt matter what name you type in it will always be positive descriptions. Terry, a fun loving cute guy, tall and always knows how to make you smile. When actually terry is a serial killer that likes to suck his own dick and hates animals.


"What a load of shit! I looked up that asshole cody in urban dictionary and that dumbass website says he is a kind and caring guy that always looks out for his friends, thanks urban dictionary name"

Arti kata urban dictionary name bahasa

Urban Dictionary Names are what you get when you let 9-12 year old girls define their names on Urban Dictionary.


Ah, Urban Dictionary Names... Example: "Kiki A girl who's shy and beautiful. Usually she's quiet, but once you get to know her she becomes the nicest and best friend you'll ever know." "You dick twitches, I could have put any name there and the girls with that name would have been like 'OMG THAT'S SO ME!'" ( Also see Dick Twitch )

Arti kata urban dictionary name bahasa

A place where people will type someone's name and vent about said person positively or negatively. Honestly, not the place for you guys to talk about your big fat crush on Angie or how much of a thot she is but I'm sure Angie appreciates the gesture..


I'm gonna look up my name in the name section in urban dictionary Urban dictionary (Names)

Arti kata urban dictionary name bahasa

The definitions that ruin this site. The people that write these are usually preteen girls that need to feel special so they define themselves as a marry sue thinking people will like her. The only thing they do is clog the decision page, so instead of looking at actually not terrible definitions you get one of these every 5 clicks.


(Insert name): (certain named induvidual) IS A GREAT GIRL THAT HAS ALOT OF FRIENDS AND GETS ALL THE BOYS WITH THE REALLY HUGE DICKS, DID I MENTION SHE IS A SEX GODDDDDD RAWR XDDD WAY MORE THAN (Insert name of person the induvidual hates), WHO IS DATING (some fucking jock), FUCK YOU!!11!!!!11!1!!!! Urban dictionary names, when you are just that fucking pathetic

Arti kata urban dictionary name bahasa

The most toxic definitions on this damned website. The people who write these only define their own names to feel better when they are just fucking losers. They eiter say something about how good gals they are or how long their schlong is, when infact they are just the local high school bitch and a weeb with a 2 inch dick. Stay away from these.


George is an 11 year old boy, he just found this cool website called Urban Dictionary. George thought he could make a definition, so he chose to define his own name: "George is a beutiful boi thet pleis minkref and has long dikk limp biscuit" In real life, george is just a disqusting disfunctional member of society, that just started the worst trend on this damned website. URBAN DICTIONARY NAMES

Arti kata urban dictionary name bahasa

A bunch of definitions of names of ordinary people. Definitions of urban dictionary names are often putting the person's name in a good light, by saying stuff like "an amazing person to be around" or "wonderful in every way possible". Go ahead and search up one urban dictionary name, or just one random real life person name, like Amy, or George. Go on, see how they're literally all the fucking same.


Urban Dictionary Name doesn't need to be used in a sentence, but here's one anyways: A random (probably 12 or 11 year old) Urban Dictionary user posts a name of a random person, probably themselves, with a definition of the perfect person.

Arti kata urban dictionary name bahasa

The act of when someone puts their name on Urban Dictionary and glorifies it, just to feel good about their miserable life in their parent's abandoned basement. They're all just insecure, depressed, anti-social, unwashed, ugly, and cringy


Needless to say, these urban dictionary names are getting out of hand and are just a load of cringe. You know the truth behind it The guys who post it are soyboys and/or internet trolls, all with an anime addiction and a moldy cheese mill (Cheese dick, got it?), while thinking that deodorant on their hairy pits and showering once a month with hardly any soap and shampoo is enough. The girls who do it aren't usually girls anyway. They're guys trying to compliment their anime pillow or their waifu, furry or anime or whatever. If it is by an actual girl, They're usually one if the ugliest and dirtiest whores you'll see on the internet, who send videos and pictures of themselves on tiktok and instagram doing trendy stuff or something that a prostitute would do. They prefer to be influencers and scam small businesses and whore out on guys to steal all their money. They want to spend their money on plastic surgery that will probably be botched and overpriced luxuries that even the upper class would struggle to afford. Despite whoring themselves out to guys to rob them, they still think men are sexist pigs and should go extinct

Arti kata urban dictionary name bahasa

Name definitions that horny teens put down to desire and simp on about their non existent dream boyfriends. They are everywhere on the urban dictionary, type in a name and all the simps will come for you.


Charlie: is an urban dictionary name The definition of Charlie: hE iS s0 sWeEt lOvInG bOy alWayS vEry fUnnY and hAS hUGE aBs aLl tHE gIrLs lOvE hIm aNd I WAnt cHaRLie aS a b0yFr1end

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