Arti kata "the best friends" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata the best friends bahasa

A best friend is someone who is there for you through thick and thin. It's someone who listens and understands you. Someone you can call anytime about anything you feel you need to 'tell' or 'vent'. It's someone who will stand up for you in the times when you need it most, keep your secrets close, and someone you can trust with your life. They will support you in any decision you make even if it's hard for them. It's someone who is there for you as much as they can be and does and says whatever they can to up your mood in down times. You can be your COMPLETE and total self around this person without feeling uncomfortable. You can say or do anything, and your relationship never changes. Someone who literally feels sent from heaven to make your life that much easier. Someone who will do almost anything for you as you would do for them, and someone who loves you no matter what kind of stupid things you do. This person will always want the best for you, as you will always want for them. And as much as people change- Your love with a REAL best friend will never fade through all the phases of life and problems that come a long with it.


When I go through hard times, there is only one person who is there for me no matter what and that actually makes me better, that's my best friend.

Arti kata the best friends bahasa

a best friend is the one person in the world you know will always be there. they don't care about your flaws and take you for who you are. when you act like a bitch, they'll tell you to your face and expect you to get over it. they are the ones who you cannot live without; the thought makes you want to cry. a best friend is your other half; they complete you in every way possible. a best friend is not temporary. nothing can separate best friends. best friends is a level of friendship where words are no longer needed; you're both too tired of saying the same thing at the same time. best friends is not a label, it's a PROMISE.


person A: damn, those girls are always together! are they gay or something? person B: no, they're best friends, bitch. LTH. forever & a day.

Arti kata the best friends bahasa

A person you could look up to, whenever your down. You could always rely on them, trust them, and cry on them. No matter how hurt you are inside, they make you laugh and smile. When they move away, you cry, and feel as if you die, inside. Your heart feels like it lost a part. But when they appear, you say "OMFG.". And you run to them like a automobile. Exchanging hugs, and this is what she tells you" I missed you so much, so I had to come back." And of course, you had, a tear, and a smile, again. You can never let go of them, and never give them away. Because if you do, you'll regret that moment.


Allison: Hey Best-Friend! Jamie: No she's my-best friend! Allison: SHUT UP BIOTCH! *Fight...* *Best-friend comes...* Best-friend: WDF.

Arti kata the best friends bahasa

A best friend is someone you can trust with anything who cares deeply for you and wouldn't let anyone hurt you or be by your side when someone does they will not leave you when you are going through a tough time and they know when something is wrong with you even when you are trying your best to hide it. They are often the voice of reason when you are being a dick and they are very honest with you unless they know not to be and hold back there opinion for your sake. They are often crazy and the only person you can be a total and utter freak with and be comfortable about it. They are your substitute soul mate.


Best friend: hey, how are you Me: I'm great I couldn't be better Best friend: no, there's something wrong with you don't try and hide it. Me: OMG how can you tell

Arti kata the best friends bahasa

A best friend is someone you could not live without, always has your back and you can talk about anything to. Someone to keep your secrets and you can be yourself around.


Ali and Emily are best friends

Arti kata the best friends bahasa

Someone you trust completely. Someone you pee your pants laughing with. Someone you can look ugly around. Someone who praises your burps. Someone who can take you're stuff without asking. Someone you find at your house before your home. Someone your mother trusts. Someone that pisses you off like no other. Someone you love anyway. Someone who helps by just being there. Someone that can put you back together. Someone who knows things about you that you don't even know. Someone who you know will still be there after a fight. Someone who completes you. Someone that picks up on the second ring. Someone you have planned your future with. Someone that just knows.


Best Friend: Someone your thinking about right now

Arti kata the best friends bahasa

The friend you favor over all other friends.


You are my best friend, I have only one because best means one.

Arti kata the best friends bahasa




Arti kata the best friends bahasa

The person on whom you can count on anytime. The person whom you can make fun of with all the rights but if someone else does the same you get pissed off. No matter how you both irritate each other but you still love each other and will never agree to this fact even in your wildest dreams. A best friend is always there for you when you get yourself into trouble. The only disadvantage of having a best friend is "they eat your food and leave not even small traces of food". LOL!


We are best friends, she is like my sister from another mother.

Arti kata the best friends bahasa

1. A vulgar term which means the male penis and the female vagina; basically saying that the penis and vagina are best friends. 2. Your 'person' who will be there for you no matter what. Who shares their secrets, and laughs at your corny inside jokes and practically lives at your house. Who, if hurt by you, wil tell you to your face, and apologize if they hurt you. If they don't either you're wrong, or they're just not your best friend


guy: hey ya know, we're best friends in a way girl: (thinks to herself: AH HELL NAH!) in which way? guy: because of our genitals! my penis is your vagina's best friend! they're the best friends, right? girl: (thinks: OMIFRIGGINGOSH!) *SLAP, SLAP* YOU ARE SUCH A PERV AND AN ASSHOLE!

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