Arti kata "shallow" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata shallow bahasa

Judging a person based strictly on looks, not factoring in their personality whatsoever.


Jon likes Jan because Jan dresses flashy.

Arti kata shallow bahasa

A term that is massively overused. It usually means a man/woman who only judges by looks and not by personality. Many ugly girls consider guys shallow just because they get turned down by them and vice versa. A lot of ugly guys think girls are shallow because they get turned down. But neither of these are true. The true example of shallow is when a guy/girl base someone's personality on how they look. If you're confused read below.


I was hanging out with my friend the other day who is quite a bit better looking than me (I'm not ugly, he's just hot I guess). So he and I are hanging out with this girl from school and I decide to test something. Early that day I tell her a joke and she kind of laughs. So about 6 hours later, I have my friend tell her the exact same joke, word for word and she cracks up like it's the funniest thing she's ever heard. Apparently the same exact joke was funnier when told by him, just because he's better looking. Avoid girls/guys like that at all cost.

Arti kata shallow bahasa

The act of judging people by their looks, monetary status, clothes or car, rather than looking deep inside at their heart, personality, etc.


see also Paris Hilton

Arti kata shallow bahasa

A person that feeds off of another persons misery, someone that judges books by their cover, someone that is needy, and spolied The main cheerleader on the squad that dates the hot quarterback a GOLDDIGGER


Guy 1: I wish I had like a crap load of money, and then maybe Janie would talk to me? Guy 2: Why do you like her?, she is shallow, and if you did have all the money, she would spend it and leave you with nothing and move on to the next rich guy. Guy 1: Nope, she is not that type of girl. Guy 2: Oh yes she is, and anyway doens't Sally like you? Guy 1: GROSS, are you serious, she is soo ugly Guy 2: you know what, I think your right maybe you and Janie belong together, becuase you both are shallow

Arti kata shallow bahasa

someone who doesn't have any depth to them. this word is overused by people who don't get to know anybody but instead call them shallow. if you find someone who is a true shallow person they are a pain in the ass. there are many kinds of shallow people: 1. Followers- followers don't exhibit any personality or opinion at all, they just tag along with whoever they think is popular so they won't get laughed at for being themselves. 2. Groupies - groupies are usually teenage girls who travel in a large group and tell each other "I LUV YOU OMG" but dont really mean it because theyll probably hate them after they get into a little fight. groupies are the best at faking emotions and acting stupid because they think its cute. 3. Dicks- dicks are guys who spend all day long judging girls, saying if they'd tap that or not. they are always horny and dont know how to maintain a real relationship with a girl. 4. Posers- posers dont have any individuality so they try to be like everyone else. Posers are usually cocky and self absorbed and have no social skills, so you will usually find them copying your hairstyle or telling people your jokes. They are similar to followers but are just way more outspoken and annoying. Inside they just have no self-esteem and need to learn to get a life of their own.


1. Follower: normal person: whats up? hows life? Follower: ....fine... normal person: whats you're favorite color? Follower: ... i don't know.. normal person: how can you not know what your favorite color is? Follower: ... i was afraid you would get offended... 2. Groupie: groupie 1: aww youre my mostest bestest friend 4EVER!!!! groupie 2: thanks! *giggle* I Luv you too!!!! groupie 1: oh can i get your phone number so i can txt u?? groupie 2: Eww psycho stalker NO WAY i hate u!!! go away!!! 3. Dick: Normal person: hows it going with you and stacey? Dick: she got fat and has acne, i dumped her Normal person: wait i thought she called you every day saying how much she loved you?? Dick: ....whatever.... normal person: dude how can you be so shallow? 4. Poser Poser: obama sucks!! i hate him!! Normal Person: what are you talking about obama has done more for this country than you!! Poser: ok. Obama is WIN!

Arti kata shallow bahasa

Morons who only like people because they're hot. They don't bother to actually get to know them.


Guy #1: Hal, lemme ask you something. Are you so shallow that you'd rather date a girl missing one breast than half a brain? Guy #2: Ooh...toughie. Well, how's the remaining breast? Is it big?

Arti kata shallow bahasa

Some one who is a complete dick or dickweed that uses anything and everything against some one just because they dress a bit different or they have different interests then person A. They will ignore person A just because they think your ugly or they will act like you never knew them from any stand point relating to the past in any sense. Some one with no grace and dosen't give you nothing in return, "no gifts". They think they are perfect and own the world when in reality they couldn't care less about you and are probably jealous if they continue treating you like your the backdrop of the worlds greatest disaster. I loathe shallow people they can go to hell and when they get there they can eat the devils shit.


Ian is such a shallow cock-sucker, All he cares about is his stupid existence "which is nothing" and then he proceeds to complain about everything else and that dosen't really do much to help his disposition. Life is addictive bitch!

Arti kata shallow bahasa

a person who likes someone just because of their looks.


"Yanira Saenzpardo is so shallow she didnt go out wit that guy because he dropped his milk"

Arti kata shallow bahasa

1. Concerned with surface attributes only. 2. One of several adjectives that perfectly describes a yuppie or a soccer mom. See also vulgar, annoying, and arrogant.


Macgregor is a shallow soccer mom.

Arti kata shallow bahasa

lacking depth, judging base on the surface


Person 1: "You are a bad person." Person 2: "Name an example. Just exactly what did I do wrong?" Person 1: *silent* Person 2: "Can't huh!? We don't get along because you seem to already judged me by the number of friends I have on facebook!" *pause* Person 2: "You're pretty shallow."

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