Arti kata "scene girl" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata scene girl bahasa

a scene girl is generally between the ages of 14 and 19 years old. they hang out nearly exclusively with other scene kids, almost always at a random house, or at a show. a scene girl differs from an emo (whom she is often confused with) or emo girl, in a variety of ways. a scene girl is more or less an emo girl, with a positive outlook on life. you can usually differenciate between the two by looking at their choice of color: scene girls (or kids) will have an abundance of multi-colored patterns and prints on their wardrobe, as well as wear different colors in their hair, all while still wearing a primarily black outfit. emo girls (or kids) generally dress in shades of black, and other dark colors. the scene girl wears bright ribbons, bows, and hairclips. she takes an interest (that reflects in her wardrobe) on childlike things, such as, hello kitty, teenage mutant ninja turtles, my little pony, batman, spiderman, etc. she wears clothing with repititive patterns on them, also in bright colors. her clothes are very form-fitting. scene girls nearly always have interesting and unique hair. often with bright/unnatural colors (pinks, blues, blondes), and short choppy styles. scene hair rarely lays flat, but is instead teased to its fullest capacity. the scene girl uses myspace as her communication to friends, showcase for scene pictures, and gateway to scene music. most scene girls say that 'music is their life.' the scene girl is usually expected to have an interest in photography. the scene girl often idolizes transvestite (or nearly there) scene men, such as jeffree star, and other "beautiful" scene men. she listens to upbeat music, that can be described in so many words as glam pop punk. scene girls (and kids in general) talk in a lingo that isn't nearly as difficult to understand as it is to tolerate. they often use suggestive/wildly inappropriate language as petnames, or just in casual conversation. she has odd fascinations. examples: ninjas, pirates, polka dots, leopard print, dinosaurs, robots, etc.


a conversation between two scene girls xRAWRiTSbeckyy: hey fag, how wuzz the show last niite?? DiNOatemyCUNT: itz okayy, sum cuntivore totali ript muh leathyr boots. xRAWRiTSbeckyy: that slutfacee!

Arti kata scene girl bahasa

10 WAYS TO BE A SCENE GIRL. FAGGOT. 1. Big sunglasses. 2. Act childish. 3. "SUP QTZ?!" / "LAWLZ." / "I'M SO TUFF D00D SRSLY!! I PUT UP WITH BR00TAL FIGHTS ERRRYDAY! SUP?!" 4. Obsession with little boy toys, and even girls. Dinosaurs, poke-a-dots, big bows, pink poofy dresses, etc. 5. Go to hardcore shows to meet up with their myspace boyfriends. If you can't find them, ask someone where the person with the 4 bandanas around his neck is. 6. Double the i's and the &&'s.. "&& ii still l0ve y0u!" 7. Go to hardcore shows to get scene points. They can earn these scene points by who's standing furthest in the back, who has more layers in their hair, who has more eyeshadow colors on, who's sunglasses are bigger, who's pearls are shinier, who's bow is bigger and has more pok-a-dots, etc. 8. they talk shit to the wrong people, and run away when they get punched in the face. 9. try to fashion someone out. 10. waer the most random and ugliest clothes.


oh shiit d00d. i earned 500 points with my fashionxcore outfit at the hardcore show last night; then ii got punched in the face by some br00tal tuff bitch && she BROKE MY XXL SUNGLASSES!!!!!! dammn!! i am such a scene girl!

Arti kata scene girl bahasa

is a girl who attends all the shows at all the venues. she has a since of style that is funky and scene, of coarse. she cas either black, bleach blonde, or red hair. lengths from shoulder to short spikey back. with long sides and blind folds ONE eye. takes alot of shit from punk boys.


man, check out that scene girl, shes rad.

Arti kata scene girl bahasa

a lame chick who tries to be all non-conformist, but completely follows the crowd and looks like all her friends, even the guys. usualy has a stupid hair cut, and is apparently all "Hardcore"


i think my deffinitions of scene girl is enough for now

Arti kata scene girl bahasa

1.) A girl in the scene who follows all of the scene trends, listens to all the scene music, takes scene pictures for her myspace &livejournal. Has hair that is fakely dyed black, bleach blonde, black w/blonde, &bright colord streaks. Has a scene haircut that she either did herself of had her millionair daddy pay for in west hollywood. Many either look anorexic or fat. The usually have lip/nose peircings &tats. Her clothes are from online "underground" stores. Her sunglasses are big and think framed.. white to match her cocain. However she can also be sxe, wears strands upon strands of long pearls or other beaded necklaces, even though nothing about her is classy but shes so scenexcore she can do whatever the fuck she wants. She Fucks the scene boys, has only scene friends, usually claiming not to be scene, even thought she fits the profile.


scene girls; 1.)Most girls friends with Jerffree Star on myspace 2.)Most girls at hxc shows 3.)Eighter really skinny &hot or extreemly fat &ugly

Arti kata scene girl bahasa

1)on the internet: a 40 year old man stalking pubescent teenage boys on the internet, theres no such thing as a scene girl, they are like giraffes, they dont exist. They use gaia and myspace to pull in outcast boys and usually cyber with them.


Boy 1: Dude, check out this hot scene girl im dating over the internet Boy 2: Eww, you like old men

Arti kata scene girl bahasa

scene girl: there a different types of scene... but no matter what type of scene girl they will mostly be like this: -wear converse, vans, or slip-on ballet flats. -might have piercings. -wears skinny jeans alot. -listens to screamo, techno, rap or crunkcore (crunkcore- screamo/techno/rap mixed) -has choppy layered hair -loves some sort of cartoon character like hello kitty, gloomy bear, ect. -has high confidence -might be a stuck up bitch (beware some can. they think they are awesome) -has a myspace -wears little bows -shops at hot topic, zumiez, jounerys, ect. -likes bright colours -says things like "mosh, awesomesauce, stellar, fo sho, shizzle, grizzle, bitchin, ect" -gets online alot -has extesions -hair is blonde, bleach blonde, black or mutli coloured. :))


ashlee: ohmygod. jeffree star is da shit. toriee: i know hes bitchin. fo sho hoe. jk jk ashlee: applesauce is totally stellarr fosho like da shizzle toriee: ohmygod. jenn curbstomp and hannie dropkick are total scene girls. ashlee: i kno. i wish i was them.

Arti kata scene girl bahasa

REAL scene girl: hair: black or blonde coontail choppy on top long hairextensions side swept bang/comb over teasedsize varies makeup: black eyeliner eyeshadow- black/glitter bronzer mascara blushdepends on you clothes: v neck band t's bright t's plain t's helloxkitty hella tight pantsskinny jeans random whatever-nessyou make your style shoes: vans ballet flats moccosins flip flop may or may not have peircings, it depends on you most of the people i know do drugs, and they are not sxe and most are vegitarian or vegan;;animal rights. language is your own thing. shows: whatever music you like dont go unless you know the band other wise you will be like the scene girls in the back on their sidekicks trying to gt attention with their overly poofed hair becase all the real scene kids are in the mosh pits.


cristina: haii cunt marquis:heya,skank cristina: are you goin to the show tonigh? marquis: errmm who does that?? cristina: uhh those lame cunts over there marquis: you mean those scene girls who read urban dictionary def.? cristina: yeah too bad they didnt read ours.. marquis: psshyeah poor uber lamesauce out of date scene kids.

Arti kata scene girl bahasa

The way we are. Haters who have nothing better to do than bitch on a goddamn online dictionary make us giggle :3 you wee cutiepiies


Scenegirls are the sexiest people alive so get a grip haters xx kthxbaiii we know you love us really so get over your super inflated ego and see we're our own people and have our own style. mwaaah peace rawwr

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