Arti kata "fangirls" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata fangirls bahasa

A rabid breed of human female who is obesessed with either a fictional character or an actor. Similar to the breed of fanboy. Fangirls congregate at anime conventions and livejournal. Have been known to glomp, grope, and tackle when encountering said obesessions.


Hugh Jackman: 'ello. Fangirl: SQUEEEEEE! *immediately attaches to Jackman's leg* Jackman: Security!

Arti kata fangirls bahasa

female of approximately 12-17 years old, (though this can vary) who are obsessed by some sort of celebrity/group/band. contrary to popular belief, fangirls are not always to be confused with stalkers. Can just be happy, excited (albeit somewhat pathetic) about the celebrity/group/band they are crushing on. However then there are the dangerous fangirls, the kind that hound said celebrity/group/band and annoy the fuck out of other people with their shrieks of 'OMFG!' Fangirls very often give a bad name for true, normal fans.


fangirl: like OMFGGG i wanna rape Gerard Way!! normal fan: ..fucking freak. fangirl: shutup!1!! im gonna have his babiiiess!1!!!1!!! normal fan: *shoots fangirl in the head* this is a very realistic example of what may happen do you ever cross paths with a horde of fangirls. Be prepared.

Arti kata fangirls bahasa

May be either a small organized group or a large unorganized group of young fanatical females. They suffer an absurd affinity for a randomly chosen object of obsession and base their life/daily schedual around it. Not necessarily a male object of interest although this is most common. Can possibly be a clothing line, makeup brand, latest skater look, and stupid-looking-annoyinf flip-flop sandals made out of cheap mesh and spraypaint. Many young females are obsessed with Juicy, Ambercrombie & Fitch, and Hollister. This is the only line of clothing they will wear. If they are forced to wear something from Dillard's or Taget they suddenly cone down with a squealy, whiney voice and bitch about how *fat* and *ugly* they look. IMMEDIATE REMEDY: tell them to be quiet and go throw up again.


In a fangir's room, several fangirls sit on the floor and stare at large poster of Orlando Bloom. They do not notice the drool running down their chin. Many fangirls make t-shirts with Orlando Bloom's face on the chest and wait outside a possible sight-place and scream until their throats bleed. A few may cry and/or faint.

Arti kata fangirls bahasa

1. A fan of something (female) who is obsessed with the said subject to a certain degree (normally unhealthy). 2. A general term for a female fan of something. A fangirl is a (female) fan of a character from a movie, anime, video game, etc. or a real life actor or singer. Usually they have an obsession with their "idol" and do various activities to show their love for the said idol. Such activities include ranting about them, making shrines or fanlistings, creating graphics (wallpapers, layouts, etc) that feature the "idol", writing fanfics and making fanart. Some also make plushies or collect posters and other merchandise of their beloved idol. Usually, members of this label are seen as 1) insane; 2) idiotic; or 3) scary. However, not all fangirls are like this. Quite a few of them are just an average fan of something, and just call themselves such. But, there are three types of commonly seen fangirls: 1) BELOW AVERAGE FANGIRL This fangirl is the least likely to cause chaos or mayhem, insult or annoy someone else who is not a fangirl (or boy, if they happen to be male). They admit that they have a slight obsession for something/one, and are mature about it. While they might use smilies (XD, XP, ^_^) and occasionally rant, they try not to go overboard about it. 2. AVERAGE FANGIRL This fangirl is the most commonly seen fangirl across the Internet, and are generally harmless. They are prone to making shrines, annoying people with their "fantasies" of meeting or marrying their idol, bad grammar, and just being immature about the object of their obsession/affection. Many of these also write fanfics, causing such places as to be cluttered with stories that could use a good editing and rewriting all together. Another common trait about them is their tendency to rant, be easily insulted, and excessively "glomp", squeal and use chat speak in places where it is not appropriate. 3. ABOVE AVERAGE FANGIRL This fangirl is above the previous fangirl, and has thus let her obsession go beyond healthy levels. They tend to rant a lot more than other fangirls, and are more easily to insult or anger if you tell them that their "idol" is just a two-dimensional character, or someone whom they will most likely never meet. Their fantasies go beyond the fantasies of the "average" fangirl, along with all of their other tendencies. These are the fangirls most dislike and tend to stay away from due to their ability to easily annoy others, and their high levels of immaturity.


Below Average Fangirl: "I like Jack Sparrow a lot - he is just such a cool character! Look at the wallpaper I made featuring a picture of him! What do you think? :D" Average Fangirl: "I

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