Arti kata "creepy guy" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata creepy guy bahasa

Co-worker who is extremely awkward, calls at home when you never gave him your number, and has no qualms about mentioning that he got the number from your payroll info. Shows up at your new job after you leave, and at the job of some of your other former-coworkers.


The creepy office guy never leaves a message with anyone if I'm not there. But he's good for hockey tickets, so I suck it up when I need good seats.

Arti kata creepy guy bahasa

This was something brought to light by Dane Cook the funniest guy in the entire world. If you ever notice when you are at a job there is always a creepy guy there. And even if you quit and go to a different job the guy is still there. And whenever he comes drifting in like lets say you are in the break room you get that feeling that there something wrong here and you need to get out like behind a vending machine or on the roof to go breakdancing. but there is a solution that Mr. Cook has come up with, you should talk to that guy and be nice to him and give him Snickers (candy) because when that day finally comes where he snaps! and comes into work with a sawwed off shotgun just killing everyone CHUCK CHUCK PFFF! CHUCK CHUCK PFFF! then he gets to your office and whispers "thanks for the candy" you'll be happy you listened to Dane Cook.


"Marcus, the creepy guy @ work, just came in and shot everyone except Dane.

Arti kata creepy guy bahasa

That kid that lives in your floor at college that talks to himself, jacks off in the bathroom, brushes his teeth by squirting the toothpaste on the bathroom counter and then dipping his toothbrush in it, washes his hands ever 5 - 15 minutes, thinks everyone's his friend, and/or bugs the shit out of you about random movies that you don't care about. The best way to avoid this individual is to just pretend like you're really busy. However if this encounter is unavoidable, there are ways to get out of the following awkward conversation. The best way is to just say "hey" when he greets you, and then leave wherever you are (it doesn't matter if you're about to do your homework, get something to eat, wash your hands, get in the shower, or take a dump) and swiftly return to your room or leave the building altogether. If this individual follows you for whatever reason (typically this will not happen, but there have been rare cases of said creepiness) then the best thing to do in this case is NOT to go back to your room, but to get yourself into a crowded area, or even a room with a decent amount of people. The result you would be hoping for is him bugging someone else or to just lose him altogether. This will solve about 99% of cases involving you being followed, but if this still doesn't work, then you only have one option left. Keep in mind that is imperative that you lose the Creepy White Guy before he starts coming onto you (it matters not if you're male or female, CWG's are typically omnisexual). If this happens, you can expect being pursued (however the CWG accomplishes this will vary) for the rest of the year. That last option is to say "HEY! IS THAT *insert arbitrary director here*!?" The CWG is a gullible creature, and will more than likely turn around if you are in a place where there's a lot of people. This moment is crucial, because you need to slip away undetected. Luckily for you, this shouldn't be too hard, because once the CWG thinks a director or even an actor/actress is somewhere within the vicinity, he will relentlessly pursue said person, creeping out all in his path. This should buy you enough time to get the fuck out of there. Upon leaving you must either a) return to your dorm room, lock the door, and stay there for the rest of the day, or b) don't return to your dorm building at all for the rest of the day. I advise the latter if you can, as the former still carries some risk if the CWG knows where your room is.


Creepy White Guy - (obsolete to how others feel about him)"What's up dude" Person A - (feeling really creeped out) "Oooookay, (begins to leave the room) RYYYYAAAAAAAN!!!" CWG - "Oh dude, have you seen *insert overhyped movie*, it's so *insert postive adjective*" Person B - (about to wash hands) "Oooookay, (halts all activity and begins to leave)...CHRIIIIISSSS!!!"

Arti kata creepy guy bahasa

The formula one must use when determining at what age it is socially acceptable for a male to date/marry/etc a female. Generally stated, the guy's age divided by two, plus seven.


Cale is 26. Cale's age divided by 2 is 13, so adding 7 to that gives you 20. Thus, by the rules stated in the Creepy Guy Formula, the absolute youngest girl Cale can date is a 20 year-old.

Arti kata creepy guy bahasa

The future winner of the 2020 American election.


Dave: Who will win the election? Bob: The creepy old guy. Dave: Which one?

Arti kata creepy guy bahasa

a person who loves spying on people, usually in the gym. this person also loves eating pickles because pickles "sounds funny" and is salty just like when that one creepy guy in the corner eating a pickle plays video game like overwatch, he always blames the healer for not healing him and always screams when he dies


why is that one creepy guy in the corner eating a pickle spying on me

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