Arti kata "a nerd" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata a nerd bahasa

One whose IQ exceeds his weight.


Arti kata a nerd bahasa

Never Ending Radical Dude.


That Nerd is my kind of person!

Arti kata a nerd bahasa

noun: The most dangerous people in the entire world. Nerds have invented machine guns, assault rifles, armor piercing ammunition, high explosives, napalm, tanks, anti-personnel mines, torpedoes, cannons, surface-to-air missiles, fighter aircraft, bombers, submarines, destroyers, battleships, aircraft carriers, chemical and biological weapons, nuclear bombs, and ICBMs


Every weapon of mass destruction ever concieved of or built was concieved of or built by nerds.

Arti kata a nerd bahasa

An individual who: 1. Enjoys learning 2. Does not adhere to social norms A nerd is *not*: 1. A geek. The circles overlap, but they are not the same. 2. Someone who wears fake "nerdy" glasses 3. Someone who wears suspenders, fake glasses, and bowties on "nerd" day. 4. Someone who thinks of themself as a nerd, yet cannot hold an intelligent debate. 5. If you are reading this article to determine whether you are a nerd or not, you are not. Nerds do not need to look up the definition of "nerd", it is a label with no consequence whatsoever, and nerds have better things to do than play along with societal stereotypes. That being said, if you merely want to see what people think of when they think of the word "nerd", because human thought processes, societal constructs, and philosophy are so interesting, consider yourself a nerd. Synonyms include booksmart


Nerd is only a label. It doesn't matter whether you are one or are not one. Nobody cares either way, and you should not, either.

Arti kata a nerd bahasa

Someone who enjoys learning and obtaining new information in general for it's own sake, often without discrimination to different areas of knowledge. The key to recognizing a nerd is if they are completely indifferent to the application of what they learn; they are not inherently inclined to use or not to use the information. Someone who is a nerd could also be a geek, who is passionate about highly specific interests, or a dork, who is a social outcast, but they do not have to be.


Person 1: Do you intend to do anything with your advanced degree in Russian Literature? Person 2: I could, but honestly it's just interesting to study it. I could go my entire life without using the information I gain and still feel fulfilled. Person 1: Wow, what a nerd.

Arti kata a nerd bahasa

A studious and smart person who gets made fun of by haters. Nerds are not necessarily the 1960's stereo type with bottle cap glasses, suspenders, button shirts with pens in a shirt pocket, ect. Some nerds are good looking, some are smart, and some are both. Nerds are academicly advanced. However, most nerds are still socially challenged. Nerds are loners. :) Not Even Remotely Dumb


Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Galileo Galilei, Little rock 9, Alfred Binet, Carl Linnaeus, Steve Urkil the nerd.

Arti kata a nerd bahasa

1. Unnecessarily large excitement over technology/science/anything about which one is a nerd. The mental equivalent of hardon, hard-on 2. A hard-on caused by a new piece of technology


'That new network router has given me a total nerd-on' 'I'm getting such a nerd-on reading about that 14th century architectural movement' Geek 1: Oh man, this new cooling system has just given me a ten percent boost on 3Dmark. Geek 2: Stop, You're giving me a nerd-on

Arti kata a nerd bahasa

To get excited by a gadget, or cool technical detail.


Brian got a nerd on looking at Joannes expensive new stereo system

Arti kata a nerd bahasa

An outdated term describing all the individuals who pursue all da intellectual interests of life. They are the captains of industry and chiefs of entertainment. They usually have heavy focus on non-mainstream outdated interests, & many r solely obsessed with 1 particular interest.. They created all da arts. From science, mathematics, music, cooking, machines, cars, boats, history, literature, theatre, computers, phones, weapons, video games. They are responsible 4 all the entertainment that goes on in our modern day lives but we fail 2 give them credit. However, because of the amount of time spent on self devotion to creative hobbies, they lack severely in socials skills. Dey forget the important tasks of life- such as cleaning, washing, maintaining, housekeeping but leave their mommies 2 do their work for them. Dey go through school being picked on, bullied, tortured. However, often times what they do in school often carries over 2 adult life. Then one day dey become horny & their hormones take over - so when dey try to pursue da opposite sex, all dey have to talk about is their nerdy obsession of 1 interest. Instead of being well rounded, this is exactly why dey have a hard time getting laid. Because dey spend 2 much time with their hobbies in their adult life, dey forget about relationships & having sex. They turn 40 & shit hits da fan, look back at their life wishing dey had all da sex, & then blame da jocks who picked on them in school 4 having more sex than them.


Guy: Let me take you somewhere Girl: Sure, where would you liūke to go? Guy: Wanna come to my concert? I have a jazz band if you wanna hear. You like jazz? Girl: Ewwww....... no loser. Why do you like jazz anyway? Its so outdated. Kids nowadays listen to EDM and hip hop. Guy: But dont you wanna have some fun??? Girl: Ewwww NOOO. Id have more fun with my friends going to an EDM festival than listen to some of your nerdy jazz music that no one likes anymore. Guy: Do you wanna have sex????? Girl: Ewwwwwww. Go away!!! Leave me alone NERD!!!!!!!!!!

Arti kata a nerd bahasa

your nerd lol


ur a nerd lol

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