Add Gradient Fill blue Data Bars to the range a14 a19

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Data bars allows you to insert a data bar into each cell in the selection, the size is based on the cell value. The biggest data bar corresponds to the largest value in selection.

How to build

  1. Select cells.
  2. Go to tab "Home" on the ribbon.
  3. Press with left mouse button on the "Conditional Formatting" button.
  4. Press with left mouse button on "Data Bars".
  5. Choose between "Gradient Fill" or "Solid Fill", pick a data bar color to create data bars.

    (Press with left mouse button on to expand image)

How to customize data bars

If you want to change data bars settings for an existing cell range follow these steps:

  1. Select the cell range.
  2. Go to tab "Home" on the ribbon.
  3. Press with left mouse button on "Conditional formatting" button.
  4. Press with left mouse button on "Manage Rules..."
  5. Press with left mouse button on "Edit Rules..."

To create new data bars and also edit settings before creation then follow these steps:

  1. Select cells.
  2. Go to tab "Home" on the ribbon.
  3. Press with left mouse button on the "Conditional Formatting" button.
  4. Press with left mouse button on "Data Bars".
  5. Press with left mouse button on "More Rules..."

The data bar settings dialog box appears.

This dialog box lets you format the data bars and how the minimum and maximum values are calculated. You can also hide the values so only the data bars are visible.

I prefer having the values next to the data bars, simply copy the values and paste to the next column then apply the data bars with values hidden.

Cf built in category

How to create color scales [Conditional Formatting]
Color scales in conditional formatting applies a color to cells in a cell range based on their values, this lets you […]

How to insert icons representing cell values [Conditional formatting]
Conditional formatting lets you insert icons based on cell values, the idea is to make the data easier to read, […]

Conditional formatting category

Compare tables: Highlight records not in both tables
The image above demonstrates a conditional formatting formula that highlights records that only exist in one table. There are two […]

Compare two columns and highlight differences
This article demonstrates a conditional formatting formula that will highlight the differences between two columns. The image above shows two […]

Compare two columns and highlight values in common
A conditional formatting formula highlights values in column B that also exist in column D. =COUNTIF($D$3:$D$7,B3) The same thing happens […]

Compare two lists of data: Highlight common records
In this blog post I will demonstrate a conditional formatting formula that will highlight common records in two lists. The […]

Count Conditionally Formatted cells
This article explains how to count cells highlighted with Conditional Formatting (CF). The image above shows data in cell range […]

Dynamic formatting
Question: I have a list that I keep adding rows to. How do i create a border that expands as […]

Find numbers in close proximity to a given number
This article demonstrates how to apply Conditional Formatting formula to a cell range, it finds cells that are in close […]

Highlight a date occuring [Conditional formatting]
Excel has a built-in feature that allows you to highlight dates if a given condition is met. Section 1 below […]

Highlight above average values
The image above shows values above average using conditional formatting applied to cell range B2:G13. Cell range B2:G13 contains 72 […]

Highlight cells based on coordinates
The picture above shows Conditional Formatting highlighting cells in cell range F3:Y22 based on row and column values in column B […]

Highlight cells based on ranges
This article demonstrates a Conditional Formatting formula that lets you highlight cells based on numerical ranges specified in an Excel […]

Highlight cells containing string [Conditional formatting]
Excel allows you to quickly highlight cells containing a given text string. How to apply Conditional Formatting Select cell range. […]

Highlight cells equal to
Excel lets you easily highlight values based on a condition you specify, with a built-in formatting or a custom formatting. […]

Highlight closest number
This post demonstrates how to highlight records with the closest value to a criterion, you can also choose to highlight […]

Highlight current date
Cell range B3:B14 has conditional formatting applied, the formula checks if the date is today. Conditional formatting formula: =TODAY()=B3 A […]

Highlight date ranges overlapping selected record [VBA]
This article demonstrates event code combined with Conditional Formatting that highlights overlapping date ranges based on the selected date range. […]

Highlight dates in a date range
Question: How do I highlight dates that meet criteria using conditional formatting? Table of contents Highlight values in a column […]

Highlight duplicate columns
This article describes how to highlight duplicate records arranged into a column each, if you are looking for records entered […]

Highlight duplicate records
This article shows you how to easily identify duplicate rows or records in a list. What's on this webpage Conditional […]

Highlight duplicate values in a cell range
The following conditional formula highlights only the second instance or more of a value in a cell range. Conditional formatting […]

Highlight duplicates in a filtered Excel Table
The image above demonstrates a conditional formatting formula applied to an Excel Table containing random data. The Excel Table has […]

Highlight duplicates in two columns
Question: I need to delete duplicates in two different columns together. How do I highlight the second or more duplicates […]

Highlight duplicates with same date, week or month
The image above demonstrates a conditional formatting formula that highlights duplicate items based on date. The first instance is not highlighted, […]

Highlight empty cells
Table of Contents Highlight empty cells Explaining CF formula How to apply conditional formatting Formulas returning nothing Cells with hidden […]

Highlight every other row
Here is how to highlight every other row using conditional formatting. Conditional formatting formula: =ISEVEN(ROW())*OR($B3:$D3<>"") Alternative CF formula: =EVEN(ROW())=ROW() This […]

Highlight lookup values
In this article, I will demonstrate how to search a table using conditional formatting. The criteria highlight matching column and […]

Highlight missing values between to columns
The picture above shows two lists. How do I highlight values in List 1 that are not in List 2? […]

Highlight more than once taken course in any given day
Question: My scenario is tracking employees who complete online training. I capture their name, id, class taken, and date. Any […]

Highlight odd/even months
Color odd months Conditional formatting formula: =MOD(MONTH($B6),2) Explaining CF formula in cell B6 Step 1 - Calculate number of month The […]

Highlight opposite numbers
Pamela asks: I would like to ask you how to identify PAIR of same numbers, but with a different sign. […]

Highlight overlapping date ranges using conditional formatting
The image above demonstrates a conditional formatting formula that colors a record if there is at least one record that […]

Highlight records – multiple criteria [OR logic]
The image above shows you how to highlight rows with multiple criteria using OR logic. The criteria are found in […]

Highlight records [AND logic]
The picture above shows you conditional formatting formula that highlights matching records based on criteria in row 3 and 4. […]

Highlight records based on overlapping date ranges and a condition
adam asks: Hi, I have a situation where I want to count if this value is duplicate and if it […]

Highlight records containing text strings (AND Logic)
The picture above shows you how to highlight rows containing text strings using conditional formatting. Example, continents criterion (cell B3) […]

Highlight smallest duplicate number
Question: How do I highlight the smallest duplicate value in a column using conditional formatting? Answer: Conditional formatting formula in […]

Highlight text values
The conditional formatting formula applied to cell range F3:F13 highlights all cells containing text. Here is how I did it: […]

Highlight top 10 % values
The image above shows top 10% values using conditional formatting applied to cell range B2:G13. Cell range B2:G13 contains 72 […]

Highlight top 10 values
The image above shows top 10 values using conditional formatting applied to cell range B2:G13. How to format Select cell […]

Highlight unique distinct records
The image above demonstrates a Conditional Formatting formula that highlights unique distinct records. This means that the first instance of […]

Highlight unique values and unique distinct values in a cell range
The following formula highlights cells that contain unique distinct values, in other words, all duplicate values except the first instance […]

Highlight unique values in a filtered Excel table
This article demonstrates a conditional formatting formula that allows you to highlight unique values based on a set of filtered […]

Highlight unique/duplicates [Conditional formatting]
Excel has a few built-in conditional formatting features, one of them highlights values that have at least one duplicate. The […]

How to change cell formatting using a Drop Down list
This article demonstrates how to apply different cell formatting to a cell range based on a Drop Down list, column […]

How to create color scales [Conditional Formatting]
Color scales in conditional formatting applies a color to cells in a cell range based on their values, this lets you […]

How to highlight dates based on day of week
The following conditional formatting formula highlights dates based on day of the week. =TEXT(B3,"DDDD")=$D$3 The TEXT function converts a value […]

How to highlight differences in price lists
Today I am going to show you how to quickly compare two tables using Conditional Formatting (CF). I am going […]

How to highlight duplicate values
Table of Contents How to highlight duplicate values Highlight the smallest duplicate number 1. How to highlight duplicate values The […]

How to highlight MAX and MIN value based on month
The image above shows rows highlighted based on value in column C being the largest or smallest in that particular […]

How to highlight unique distinct values
The image above shows conditional formatting highlighting unique distinct values, duplicates are not highlighted. Conditional Formatting Formula: =COUNTIF($B$3:B3, B3)=1 The […]

How to highlight weekends [Conditional Formatting]
The image above shows conditional formatting applied to cell range C8:C20, it highlights cells containing dates that fall on Saturdays […]

How to insert icons representing cell values [Conditional formatting]
Conditional formatting lets you insert icons based on cell values, the idea is to make the data easier to read, […]

Working with Conditional Formatting formulas
In this post I am going to try to explain formula basics in conditional formatting. It is really good if […]

More than 1300 Excel formulas

Conditional Formatting categories

Highlight Cells RulesTop/Bottom RulesConditional Formatting featuresBasic Conditional Formatting formulasConditional Formatting Partial matchHighlight unique distinct values/recordsHighlight duplicatesComparing listsHighlight largest/smallest numberHighlight datesConditional Formatting examples

Excel categories

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Conditonal Formatting

Format cells or cell values based a condition or criteria, there a multiple built-in Conditional Formatting tools you can use or use a custom-made conditional formatting formula.

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VBA stands for Visual Basic for Applications and is a computer programming language developed by Microsoft, it allows you to automate time-consuming tasks and create custom functions.


A program or subroutine built in VBA that anyone can create. Use the macro-recorder to quickly create your own VBA macros.

How do you add gradient fill blue data bars to a range?

Select the range of cells, the table, or the whole sheet that you want to apply conditional formatting to. On the Home tab, under Format, click Conditional Formatting. Point to Data Bars, and then click a gradient fill or a solid fill.

What is gradient effect in Excel?

A gradient fill is a shape fill that gradually changes from one color to another across the surface of the shape.

How do I change the color of my data bars in Excel based on value?

Select the bar chart or column chart, then click Kutools > Charts > Color Chart by Value. Then in the popped-out dialog, set the value range and the relative color as you need.

How do I add green data bars in Excel?

Excel Data Bars.
Click on the Conditional Formatting icon in the ribbon, from Home menu..
Select Data Bars from the drop-down menu..
Select the "Green Data Bars" color option from the Gradient Fill menu..

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