10 komik alan moore terbaik 2022

Alan Moore (Northampton, 18 november 1953) is een Britse stripauteur en schrijver.

Zijn grootste bekendheid verwierf hij met Batman: The Killing Joke, From Hell (1991-1993), Marvelman (in Amerika uitgebracht als Miracleman, 1985-1988), Saga of the Swamp Thing, V for Vendetta en Watchmen (1986-1987). Hiervan zijn er verschillende verfilmd, hoewel Moore zichzelf distantieert van het eindresultaat.[1]

Hij had zijn eigen imprint bij uitgeverij DC Comics, genaamd ABC, wat staat voor America's Best Comics. Onder dat label bracht hij onder meer de door hemzelf geschreven titels The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (1999), Tomorrow Stories, Promethea, Top 10 en Tom Strong uit.

Moore is een overtuigd vegetariër en hangt het anarchisme en het occultisme aan. Hij valt op door zijn enorme baard, en is zo een dankbare prooi voor karikaturisten. Nadat Frank Miller, een andere bekende stripauteur van o.a. Sin City, commentaar gaf op de Occupybeweging en anarchisme, ging Moore in de clinch door Miller een openbare brief te schrijven.[2]

Selectieve bibliografie[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]


  • V for Vendetta (1982–1985)
  • Watchmen (1986–1987)
  • Batman: The Killing Joke (1988)
  • A Small Killing (1991)
  • From Hell (1991–1999)
  • Lost Girls (1991–1992, 2006)
  • Promethea (1999–2005)
  • The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (1999–heden)


  • Voice of the Fire (1996)
  • The Mirror of Love (2003)
  • Jerusalem (2016)
  • Alan Moore's Writing for Comics (2003)
  • 25,000 Years of Erotic Freedom (2009)

  • Alan Moore en Brian Bolland, Batman: De Killing Joke, vertaling Willem van Helden. Naarden: Baldakijn Boeken, 1989. Paperback, 48 p. ISBN 90-305-0658-X.
  • Alan Moore en Oscar Zarate, Een kleine moord, vertaling Hedy Stegge. Amsterdam: Sherpa, 1991. Gebonden/paperback, 96 p. ISBN 90-72995-35-X (geb.). ISBN 90-72995-34-1 (pb).
  • Alan Moore en Dave Gibbons, Watchmen, herziene vertaling Rob van Eijck. Amsterdam: De Vliegende Hollander, 2009. Paperback, 390 p. ISBN 978-90-495-0039-9 (in 1989 fragmentarisch vertaald in zes losse delen bij Baldakijn Boeken)
  • Alan Moore en David Lloyd, V voor Vendetta, vertaling Toon Dohmen. Amsterdam: De Vliegende Hollander, 2010. Paperback, 288 p. ISBN 978-90-495-0052-8.
  • Alan Moore en Eddy Campbell, From Hell / Vanuit de hel: een melodrama in zestien delen, vertaling Toon Dohmen (3 delen). Amsterdam: De Vliegende Hollander, 2010-11. ISBN 978-90-495-0092-4 (d. 1). ISBN 978-90-495-0093-1 (dl. 2).

Prijzen[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Moore won voor zijn schrijfwerk aan comicverhalen verschillende prijzen, waaronder:

  • Will Eisner-award voor beste scenarist in 1988, 1989, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001 en 2004
  • Will Eisner-award voor beste eindige serie 1988 (voor Watchmen)
  • Will Eisner-award beste grafisch album 1988 (voor Watchmen) en 1989 (voor Batman: The Killing Joke)
  • Will Eisner-award voor beste serie 1993 (voor From Hell)
  • Will Eisner-award voor beste grafisch album 'nieuw' 1994 (voor A Small Killing)
  • Will Eisner-award voor beste grafisch album in herdruk 2000 (voor From Hell)
  • Will Eisner-award voor beste anthologie 2000 (voor Tomorrow Stories)
  • Will Eisner-award voor beste serie 2000 (voor Tom Strong #4-7)
  • Will Eisner-award voor beste nieuwe serie 2000 (voor Top 10)
  • Will Eisner-award voor beste los verhaal 2000 (voor Tom Strong #1)
  • Will Eisner-award voor beste los verhaal 2001 (voor Promethea #10)
  • Will Eisner-award voor beste doorlopende serie 2001 (voor Top 10)
  • Will Eisner-award voor beste eindige serie 2003 (voor The League of Extraordinairy Gentlemen volume 2)

Popcultuur[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

Alan Moore verscheen in 2007 in een aflevering van de Simpsons, genaamd Husbands and Knives. In die aflevering zaten ook acteur Jack Black en collega comicschrijvers Daniel Clowes (van onder meer Ghost World) en Art Spiegelman (van Maus).

Verfilmde comicverhalen[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

De volgende films zijn gemaakt naar door Alan Moore geschreven comicverhalen:

  • From Hell (2001)
  • The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003)
  • V for Vendetta (2005)
  • Watchmen (2009)

Literatuur[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

  • Bensam, Richard, Minutes to Midnight: Twelve Essays on Watchmen. Sequart Research & Literacy Organization (2010). Gearchiveerd op 9 november 2021.
  • Effron, Samuel, Invocation and Formal Presentation of the Superhero Comic in Moore and Gibbons' Watchmen. Taking Off the Mask – Watchmen Deconstructed (1996). Gearchiveerd op 8 juli 2011. Geraadpleegd op 29 juni 2005.
  • Groth, Gary (1990–1991). Big Words. The Comics Journal: 138–140 (Fantagraphics Books).
  • Molcher, Michael (2006). Comic Authors: Alan Moore – Man on the Outside. Judge Dredd Megazine (246).
  • Moore, Alan, From Hell: the Compleat Scripts Book One. Borderlands Press/SpiderBaby Graphics (March 1995). ISBN 978-1880325070.
  • Moore, Alan, From Hell. Eddie Campbell Comics (1999), “Appendix I: Annotations to the Chapters”. ISBN 978-0861661565.
  • Moulthrop, Stuart; Kaplan, Nancy, et al., Watching the Detectives. An Internet Companion for Readers of Watchmen (1997–2000). Gearchiveerd op 23 juni 2005. Geraadpleegd op 29 juni 2005.
  • Sabin, Roger, Adult Comics: An Introduction. Routledge (26 maart 1993). ISBN 978-0415044196.
  • Millidge, Gary Spencer, Smoky Man, Alan Moore: Portrait of an Extraordinary Gentleman. Abiogenesis Press (29 december 2003). ISBN 978-0946790067.
  • Whitson, Roger (Winter 2007). Panelling Parallax: The Fearful Symmetry of William Blake and Alan Moore. ImageTexT 3 (2). Gearchiveerd van origineel op 18 november 2018.
  • Young, Robert (2004). Zero Sum Masterpiece: The Division of Big Numbers. The Comics Interpreter 2 (3). (Het definitieve achtergrondverhaal van Moores onvoltooide magnum opus).

Externe links[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

  • (en) Alan Moore portal
  • (en) Alan Moore fansite
  • (en) Dodgem Logic website
  • (en) Alan Moore Magic site
  • (en) "To Hell with Alan Moore", een overzicht van films gebaseerd op werk van Alan Moore
  • (en)
     Alan Moore in de Internet Movie Database

Interviews[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]

  • (en) Index van interviews
  • (en) Blather.net Interview over magie en Aleister Crowley
  • (en) Transcriptie van interview op BBC Radio 4
  • (en) Interview uit The Onion, oktober 2001
  • (en) Interview in The Independent
  • (en) Authors on Anarchism (2007)
  • (en) Panel Borders: Looking for Lost Girls (2008)
  • (de) Interview over Lost Girls

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties

  1. Alan Moore: 'Films don't reflect my books', BBC News, 10 april 2012. Gearchiveerd op 5 maart 2021.
  2. Alan Moore Responds to Frank Millers occupyrant, [Badhaven], 3 december 2011

  • Dit artikel of een eerdere versie ervan is een (gedeeltelijke) vertaling van het artikel Alan Moore op de Engelstalige Wikipedia, dat onder de licentie Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen valt. Zie de bewerkingsgeschiedenis aldaar.

Bibliografische informatie

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Top 10 (Volume 1) adalah seri terbatas dua belas masalah yang diterbitkan antara tahun 1999 dan 2001 oleh America's Best Comics. Serial ini ditulis oleh Alan Moore, dan diilustrasikan oleh Gene Ha dan Zander Cannon. Ini berfokus pada kehidupan petugas polisi di kota Neopolis, sebuah kota yang sepenuhnya dihuni oleh para pahlawan sains dan penjahat. Departemen Kepolisian adalah Precinct 10, karenanya nama panggilan penuh kasih sayang yang diberikan kepada tim, "Top 10." Karakter utama dari seri ini termasuk petugas SMAX, ToyBox, Dust Devil, Hyperdog, Jack Phantom, Shock berkepala Peter, King Peacock, Girl One, Irma Geddon dan Kapten Jetman. was a twelve-issue limited series published between 1999 and 2001 by America's Best Comics. The series was written by Alan Moore, and illustrated by Gene Ha and Zander Cannon. It focuses around the lives of police officers in the city of Neopolis, a city populated entirely by science heroes and villains. The police department is Precinct 10, hence the affectionate nickname given to the team, "Top 10."
Main characters of the series included officers Smax, Toybox, Dust Devil, Hyperdog, Jack Phantom, Shock-Headed Peter, King Peacock, Girl One, Irma Geddon and Captain Jetman.


  • Top 10 #1
  • Top 10 #2
  • Top 10 #3
  • Top 10 #4
  • Top 10 #5
  • Top 10 #6
  • Top 10 #7
  • Top 10 #8
  • Top 10 #9
  • Top 10 #10
  • Top 10 #11
  • Top 10 #12
  • Komik dari Top 10 Vol 1
  • Koleksi dari Top 10 Vol 1
  • Galeri Sampul: Top 10
  • Gambar dari Top 10 Vol 1
  • 10 Bacaan Top yang Direkomendasikan
    • Top 10 (Volume 1)
    • Top 10 Musim Dua (Volume 1)
    • Top 10: Beyond the Farthest Precinct (Volume 1)
    • SMAX (Volume 1)
  • Komik terbaik Amerika yang direkomendasikan membaca
    • Liga Tuan -tuan Luar Biasa (Volume 1)
    • Liga Tuan -tuan Luar Biasa (Volume 2)
    • Promethea (Volume 1)
    • SMAX (Volume 1)
    • Komik terbaik Amerika yang direkomendasikan membaca
    • Liga Tuan -tuan Luar Biasa (Volume 1)
    • Liga Tuan -tuan Luar Biasa (Volume 2)
    • Promethea (Volume 1)
    • Terra obscura (Volume 1)
    • Top 10 (Volume 1)
    • Top 10 Musim Dua (Volume 1)
    • Top 10: Beyond the Farthest Precinct (Volume 1)

SMAX (Volume 1)

Komik terbaik Amerika yang direkomendasikan membaca

Liga Tuan -tuan Luar Biasa (Volume 1)

Liga Tuan -tuan Luar Biasa (Volume 2)

Promethea (Volume 1)

Liga Tuan -tuan Luar Biasa (Volume 1)

Anyone with a love for the peculiarities of comics will enjoy Top Ten. Not only does it contain allegories for almost every major superhero, but handles the idea Kurt Busiek plays with in Astro City with a sillier and yet at the same time more engaging tone. The mysteries are also tightly-plotted and a joy to follow along with, all the way to the story's horrifying revelation about heroes.Perhaps the most fun to be had in this series are the constant in-jokes. While some people may stretch one idea over a four-issue miniseries, Alan Moore drops ideas into the background of page 4, panel 5, and quickly moves on.Ex 1: A traffic accident draws 'rubberneckers': in this case, Plastic Man, Mr. Fantastic, Shape, and other stretchable heroes in comics.Ex 2: A Neopolis hospital ER has attending physicians such as Dr. Fate, Dr. Strange, and Dr. Who.Ex 3: In Neopolis, even the mice are super. In fact, their superheroes have names like the Saturnian Scraphunter, who contend with cosmic cats like Galactipuss.The scripts for this series must be beyond typical Moore enormity, as picking apart the panels for all of the in-jokes and clues can take up many an enjoyable hour. Also, the final chapter is a sadly overlooked, very human tale about two beings in a 'car crash' waiting to die. Well worth the price of admission.

Moore from one of the best writers in comics.

Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 21 years ago

(Excuse the pun.) Alan Moore, author of the excellent "Watchmen", "Miracleman", "Swamp Thing", and (arguably the best graphic novel I ever read), "V for Vendetta"; scores high marks with "Top Ten", part of his "American Best Comics Line" published by Wildstorm Productions, a division of DC Comics.In terms of plot structure, "Top Ten" has a lot in commmon with television writer/producer Steve Bocho's "ensemble" police dramas, like "Hill Street Blues" and "NYPD Blue", except that it's set in a city populated by superpowered beings, where everyone, from the Mayor on down to the lowliest street bum, has some kind of superpower, special ability, or exceptional skill. A premise that leads to dozens of fun and interesting visual ideas, gags, and subplots, that enrich the storylines while being presented in a rather offhand and humorous fashion; but what really impresses me about this series is the interplay between the characters, the cynical humor of the "cop banter" and the way Moore uses situations and incidents to reveal each character's personality, pecadillos, strengths and weaknesses. Each character is distinct and multi-layered, gradually revealed through the course of the narrative. Given what usually passes for character in most comic books, Moore's writing really is remarkable, and like the same author's "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen", signals a welcome change of pace from the dense, dark psychological drama one usually associates with Alan Moore. (But then, one could say the same about most of the title's the prolific Moore writes under the DC/WS/ABC imprint.)In a recent interview, Moore referred (rightly) how DC Comics Vertigo Line of Comics was built on "a mood" that infected his writing back in eighties and nineties, a set of ideas and general tone that along with Frank Miller's (Sin City, Batman: Dark Knight Returns) storytelling style and Howard Chaykin's satirical bent, has had a great impact on (read: been widely copied in) American Comics. May this newer turn, toward more light hearted by equally interesting and dramatic work, have an equal and lasting impact.Gene Ha and Zander Cannon's art is a revelation: the best work I've seen by either artist. By choosing to avoid the visual hyperbole common to the superhero genre, and playing it "straight", their work actually serves to highlight the exceptional, irrational and wonderful while humanizing the superhuman. Their contribution to the success of this enterprise shouldn't underestimated, nor go unmentioned.I can't believe I didn't pick this title up when it first came out in comic book form: what was I thinking?

An entertaining, fun adult comic

Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 21 years ago

It's funny, when I saw Top Ten in the store, I really wasn't too interested but for two facts: it was recommended by the store I was in, and it was written by Alan Moore. Those being two notable exceptions, I took a chance and bought it. And I guess, given my five star review, you can guess that I didn't regret it. (The only thing I do regret is getting the particular copy I got; I just noticed that the binding is coming loose in the back. But I would guess, unless there are further complaints, that this is just this particular copy, as the book doesn't seem to be cheaply made at all.) Top Ten takes place in an alternate universe city called Neopolis, which is best described as a futuristic version of Fritz Lang's Metropolis. This city, built shortly after World War II, is charged with housing the world's superheroes keeping the rest of the population safe. By 1999, the year the events here take place, Neopolis is quite overcrowded, as you might expect. The story follows Robyn "Toybox" Slinger, who is a rookie at the 10th precinct police station, casually referred to as Top Ten. (Her "power," incidentally, is her box of robotic toys she carries around, which can search and destroy upon command)What impressed me most about this comic is the character interaction. Each of the characters, and there are quite a few, are well-designed and genuinely interesting. It's very nice that while they all have definite personalities, no one can really be pigeon-holed in a one-word adjective. A lot of characters in other books (and not just comic books) can be described accurately as "the grouchy one" or "the stupid one." Not so here. (The only exception is Smax, Slinger's partner, who is the grouchy one. But it's easy to forgive this, because there are many other qualities to him) One particular standout is the boss, Sergeant Caesar, who is a dog in a robotic suit, sort of a quadripedal version of Earthworm Jim. The credit for this book really is equally divided between it's artists, Gene Ha and Zander Cannon, and it's writer, Alan Moore. Moore, who at least I had only known to write downbeat stories like V for Vendetta, Watchmen and Swamp Thing, here shows that he can write upbeat, funny stories as well. Of those books, I would say this is sort of comparable to Watchmen. It has a lot of similar observations about superheroes, although using a far less dark storyline to make them. And Ha and Cannon's artwork is simply incredible, showing amazing amount of detail in every panel.Basically, if you have any interest in comics, you really should read Top Ten. It's probably the most well-drawn, funny and fun comics for adults I've yet read.

Hill Street Blues dan NYPD Blue Meet Superpowers

Diterbitkan oleh ThriftBooks.com Pengguna, 22 tahun yang lalu

Pikirkan Hill Street Blues dan NYPD Blue digabungkan, kecuali di dunia di mana kekuatan super adalah norma. Tulisannya sebagus yang ditemukan di acara pemenang Emmy. Fakta bahwa semua orang memiliki kemampuan yang sangat kuat mungkin menyesatkan kepada seseorang yang belum membaca sepuluh besar. Karakternya sama seperti fakta ini, karena itu adalah urutan hal yang normal. Tidak ada slugfest di sini. Serial ini benar-benar lucu-salah satu petugas wanita menghabiskan seluruh waktunya telanjang, karena dia "pakaian" dirinya dengan menggunakan kemampuannya untuk memigmen kulitnya warna apa pun dan di tempat yang dia inginkan. Ini membuat ketelanjangannya tidak dapat dikenali oleh siapa pun kecuali letnannya, anjing dengan kecerdasan manusia yang hanya melihat dalam warna hitam dan putih seperti yang tidak akan dilakukan anjing. Reaksinya ketika dia menyadari ini lucu karena dia telah bekerja dengannya selama bertahun -tahun. Dia keluar dari itu dengan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa dia hanya tertarik pada anjing lain (Wink!). Seni ini sangat detail sehingga Anda bisa menghabiskan banyak waktu di setiap halaman untuk menyerap semua kejutan tersembunyi. Ini umumnya dipandang sebagai salah satu dari jika bukan buku terbaik di bidang komik. Sungguh, jika Anda bukan pembaca komik, Anda akan menikmati ini.

Apakah Alan Moore penulis komik terbaik?

Alan Moore dianggap sebagai salah satu penulis terbaik yang pernah membuat buku komik. Menjadi terkenal selama invasi Inggris tahun 1980 -an, ia dengan cepat membedakan dirinya di DC Comics. Setelah itu, ia tampaknya pergi ke pengasingan, mengerjakan cerita dengan publisitas yang lebih sedikit untuk penerbit independen.. Coming to prominence during the British Invasion of the 1980s, he quickly distinguished himself at DC Comics. Afterward, he seemed to go into seclusion, working on stories with less publicity for independent publishers.

Apakah Alan Moore pernah menulis untuk Marvel?

Sama sekali tidak ada menyebutkan Alan Moore, pria yang menulis materi yang dicetak ulang dalam masalah tersebut, dengan namanya digantikan oleh "penulis asli" yang lebih umum. Dalam wawancara yang baru diterbitkan, Moore menjelaskan mengapa Anda tidak akan melihat Marvel menyebutkan namanya. In a newly published interview, Moore explained why you won't see Marvel mention his name.

Komik DC apa yang ditulis Alan Moore?

Alan Moore (lahir 18 November 1953) adalah seorang penulis Inggris yang dikenal terutama untuk karyanya dalam buku -buku komik termasuk Watchmen, V untuk Vendetta, balada Halo Jones, Swamp Thing, Batman: The Killing Joke dan From Hell.Watchmen, V for Vendetta, The Ballad of Halo Jones, Swamp Thing, Batman: The Killing Joke and From Hell.

Apakah Alan Moore menyukai pahlawan super?

Kebencian pencipta "Watchmen" Alan Moore terhadap film -film superhero sudah terkenal, karena ia pernah menyebut mereka "hlight" ke bioskop dan "juga untuk budaya," tetapi ia menyeret mereka lebih banyak lagi selama wawancara baru -baru ini dengan The Guardian.hatred for superhero movies is well known, as he once called them a “blight” to cinema and “also to culture to a degree,” but he dragged them even more during a recent interview with The Guardian.

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